*** Distance, Be Here

Chapter 2

It's two in the morning but I can't sleep because of the Red Bull and Red Sour Punch Straws I ate for dinner. Mom got stuck taking on a shift in the ER because that lady that always pinches my cheeks got sick. I don't know why that lady pinches my cheeks...would she like it if I pinched her cheeks? No. Ugh.

So now I'm blaring The Wanted as I scroll through Tumblr, past all the lyrics pasted on pictures and people with their eyes scratched out and quotes across the bridges of their noses. Then there's a gif of two boys kissing. It's simple and innocent and that's what I want. Living in a small town, even with people spread out like they are, news travels. I'm gay and the townspeople don't like it. Especially the kids in school. It's not really a physical hate. There's barely any pushing or hitting or anything like that, but the verbal abuse is there when teachers aren't. But they can't hurt me because I'm confident in who I am.

And after seeing those boys kiss, I get the idea to text Jesse. I met Jesse when my best friend Skylar dragged me to the park a few days ago claiming that he was perfect for me. He's from a few towns over.

'Hi there! :D' Ugh, that probably sounded really stupid.

'Um... hi? Who is this? xx' I frown and reply quickly. Did he already forget me?

'Landon. C: Isn’t this Jesse?' Maybe I got some numbers wrong.

'No. it's Dakota. You must have the wrong number. xx' When I check back, looking carefully from my phone to the paper on my desk, I frown. Each number is right. Huh. Now I feel stupid.

'Oh, I’m sorry!. They must have given me the wrong number.:/' Maybe he didn't like me like he let on...he was just being nice. Oh well...he was too clean cut anyways. He didn't get my energy...and that's a must.

'‘It’s no problem mate. I do have a question for my troubles though. Do you like dogs or cats better? xx.’ Well that's random. I think back to when I was about 10, Charlie the little orange kitten curled up on my lap as I sit on the front porch. Mom made me get rid of him when he got bigger, though, saying that she didn't want to have to deal with it. I haven't had a pet since. Not even a fish...a fish! And they don't even do anything but swim around in a bowl.

‘Hah. I love dogs! But, I have to say I adore cats more. SO cats. Could I know why I had to answer that question? (:.' I have a habit of adding way too many faces when I text. There's always a smile or a frown or something. That's why Skylar would rather call me. He doesn't have to see my random faces, typed or in real life next to him.

‘Thank you. Me and my friend were having an argument on whether cats or dogs were better. I said cats. xx' Well....that explains...everything. Do normal people ask strangers these kinds of questions?

'‘Oh okay! C: Bye then, I guess.’ I don't want to seem weird or creepy. I don't know if he's a pedo or anything. All I know is his name. He could be anyone. A total creeper... so why did I want to keep texting him? He probably has better things to do...like sleep...wherever he's from. Just another thing I don't know about this stranger that I've shared a 2 minute conversation with.

‘Bye. xx’ My frown deepens and I set my phone back on my desk, closing down my laptop and snuggling down into my blankets and closing my eyes, waiting for my body to settle down.


My eyes flutter open and I glance at my alarm clock with bleary, sleep laden eyes. 10:14 AM. If I don't get up, mom will start screaming at me until I walk downstairs. But before I leave my room, I grab my phone and slide in the pass code.

New Message: 8:15 AM ‘Hello. xx’ Oh my God....what? My heart jumps a little and I let out an awkward giggle before feeling bad and replying.

'I'm SO sorry. I was asleep. XP' I hit send and walk to the kitchen, dropping down into the stool by the kitchen island. It's too early to be up.
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New story! I'm excited to work on this with my lovely co-writer, and I hope you enjoy it as well (:
Sorry it's so short. Updates will get longer and better on Landon's part, I promise!

--Tay <3