Status: Complete

Could You Love Me Just A Little Bit More

Twenty Four

Annabell didn't ask much more about Rob. She could understand how I was feeling and she was going to let me work it out on my own which is what I wanted. Instead she let me read my article to her and she gave her input where she thought necessary.

After driving a little more, Annabell decided to try and sleep before we arrived at the next venue. There was nothing else to do really but I was far from tired so I sat up front with Jimmy.

I liked sitting with Jimmy, he never mentioned anything about my personal life and he didn't try and find a moment to bring it up. He didn't ask questions that weren't his business and only asked me questions about my journalism and how I was finding it on tour.

It was nice to just talk about something other than my failing relationship with Rob and my non-existent relationship with Kellin. I think Jimmy had more than likely heard enough to know not to ask about it.

As we were driving along the road I heard my phone ringing from the back room where I'd left it after Rob had hung up on me.

'I'll be back in a moment.' I said to Jimmy and stood to go get my phone. He gave a little nod and kept his eyes on the road. I followed the sound all the way to the back room and saw Kellin's name flashing up on my screen. My stomach fluttered a little. I didn't know if he was calling just to talk, or if Ella had said something and he was calling to be angry.

'Hey.' I finally answered and sat down on the sofa. 'What's up?' I asked, trying to sound relaxed.

'Not much really, I was just wondering how you are. I heard what you said to Gabe just before we left and you shouldn't think that about yourself. If you were a coward, you wouldn't have come out here to meet all of us and do a job, you'd have stayed home and carried on with your life the way it was. And as for being pathetic, I cant think of one thing you have done to make you seem that way.' Kellin was too nice for his own good.

I really was being a coward, right now I was being a coward by keeping my relationship a secret and when I was sixteen I was a coward for leaving home and not trying to fix anything. I always ran away from things I felt were too big for me to handle. If I don't know how to make a situation right, I'd ignore it and run.

'Sometimes I just cant help it though. Ever since I was sixteen, I've ran away from things. Coming here is the only big step I've taken. I almost chickened out of coming but I didn't want to pass it up. I'm a natural born coward, Kellin.' I told him, only causing him to sigh at me.

'Well I think you're a natural born loser face.' I could hear the smile in his voice as he tried to lighten the mood.

'Don't be jealous, Kellin. I know you wish you were born with my face, but sadly you're stuck with yours, that's something you have to live with.' I grinned into my phone, again my mind was being taken off Rob and everything else and I was able to goof around with Kellin, like friends do.

'Oh, it's on, Darcy. As soon as I get off this bus, you're ass is mine!' I couldn't stop my laughter as he said it. 'You've never witnessed my wrestling moves, you're going down.' He continued to say, total seriousness to his tone.

'I look forward to beating you up then.' I beamed and with that I ended the call. I wanted the conversation to end on a playful note, nothing more serious than it could have ended. I wasn't going to let myself hurt Kellin.


'We're here. Time to stretch those legs girls.' I heard Jimmy call from his front seat. After I'd cancelled the call with Kellin I sat and played Solitaire on my computer for the last hour of our journey. I lost more games than I won but that was inevitable, I always got a crappy set of cards to go with, it was nothing to do with how much I sucked at playing.

'Oh Darcy. Come out here!' I heard Kellin shout from outside. I quickly turned off my laptop and shoved it into my bunk. Annabell sat up and stretched, yawning a little as she did so.

'Who the holy hell is shouting? Don't they realise I was sleeping?' She grumbled and stood from her bunk. 'Though it is nice to finally be able to walk around.' She continued and went for the door of the bus. As she outstretched her hand to push it open, Kellin had already grabbed it and stuck his head in the doorway.

'Come on, girl. Time to wrestle.' He grinned looking over at me. I chuckled at his serious face and made my way to the door. Before I even had a chance to make my way down the stairs he'd flung me over his shoulder and carried me outside.

He finally let me down when we were stood on the grassy area around the parking bays and motioned with his hands for me to run at him. 'Don't be shy, I wont hurt you.' He grinned and brushed his hair out of his face. With that I ran at him aiming to tackle him to the ground and failing miserably. Instead he picked me up again and ran with me towards Jesse. I then felt myself being passed over and Jesse pretty much launched us both at the ground.

'Pile on!' Jesse then yelled causing Kellin, Justin and Jack to run in our direction and lay onto of us. I could feel my breathing getting restricted and the amount I was laughing wasn't helping.

'Who's the stronger sex now?' I heard Jesse ask.

'Being stronger in body weight means nothing.' I managed to choke out from underneath them.

'Aw come on guys, that's unfair.' I heard Ella say. 'She was never going to win against you three, she's too small.' She started to pick each one of them up off me. 'She has a stronger stomach than Jesse so I think that's an accomplishment in itself.' She the shoved Jesse off me and helped me up from the floor.

I poked my tongue out at him and ran off and hid behind Ella. 'Next time, Darcy, she wont be here to help.' Jesse then said and pointed at his eyes then at me. I shook my head at him and chuckled, Kellin laughing along too. They were the biggest bunch of kids I'd ever experienced and being around them and having a laugh was nice. I was just wary something was going to go South.
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Second update of tonight =]
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Hope you lot liked.