Status: Complete

Could You Love Me Just A Little Bit More

Forty Four

'Darcy?' I heard Ella call. She'd no doubt heard me yelling in anger minutes earlier. I ran out of my room and towards the door of our hotel room, Ella darted out of her room, followed by Annabell.

'Darcy, what's happened?' Ella asked, stopping next to the sofa.

'Nothing, everything's OK. I'm going to meet Kellin.' I lied. 'I'll see you later.' I rushed trying to hide my face from her. Right now, nothing could make me feel better, not even Kellin.

I sprinted down the stairs and out of the hotel in about two seconds flat, I didn't want to bump into anyone that could have been hanging around so a run was easier. Tears were streaming down my face and I was struggling to breathe with the running I was doing but I couldn't stop, I needed to keep going as far as I could to be on my own.

I thought about heading to the park we'd passed but that was no doubt going to get packed with children so I thought better of it, I headed down to the beach we'd been on the previous day instead, even if there were a lot of people, I could hide myself amongst them.

Kellin's POV

I'd been waiting for Darcy for about twenty minutes in the lobby, pacing back and forth, worrying I'd been stood up. Yes it wasn't really a date, but hanging out with her was all I wanted. I felt like I'd well and truly messed up somehow.

'Hey, Kellin. I thought you were meeting Darcy.' I heard Ella say as she walked towards me, Annabell at her side. They were practically glued to the hip on tour, I think Annabell liked how much Ella cared for her.

'Well I'm supposed to be. She went up to her room a while ago and said she needed to talk to Lola. I've been waiting here twenty she not up there?' I asked, feeling like an idiot for waiting.

'No, she left almost forty minutes ago, she said she was going to meet you.' Ella questioned me, I could already tell she was worrying.

'I'd pretty much just left her after breakfast then, are you sure she's not there?' I was also worried, racking my brain to think of how she was acting, trying to remember if I'd said something wrong.

'I'm positive, Kellin.' Ella then said and ran to the front desk. 'Did a girl come through here a while ago? Brown hair, not very tall, erm, Kellin, what was she wearing?' Ella called over to me.

I walked over to the front desk too, trying to ignore Annabell panicking in the background. 'She had a pair of dark blue shorts on and a white t-shirt. Her hair was plaited. That's all I remember.' I felt so useless, I was worrying far too much to remember small details.

'Well I cant be sure it was her, but I did see some young girl race out of here, you've described what she was wearing so I doubt its a coincidence. Is everything OK?' The woman behind the desk asked us. Ella just thanked her and waved her off, no one else needed to get involved, we just needed to find her.

'Kellin, call her, try to find her. I'll let the guys know what's happened and we'll all go out and look. She wouldn't have went far, she doesn't know where she is.' I knew Ella didn't believe what she'd just said. Darcy had ran off a few times, she obviously wasn't concerned about where she was.

Darcy's POV

The beach was quiet when I arrived, just the odd few out on a morning jog or walking their dogs. Rob had called countless times but I'd ignored him, there was nothing I wanted more than to shout at him and argue until I was blue in the face, but that would achieve nothing, he'd already cheated, I had to face that.

Instead I sat on the rocks at the end of the beach, out of the way of any kind of interaction with anyone else and cried. I cried so hard I made myself sick, my eyes were stinging and I felt physically drained, but I still didn't feel any better. I felt like such an idiot for telling everyone I needed Rob and telling them I couldn't bare to leave him, but all this time he'd forgotten me and how much of ourselves we'd given to each other.

My phone started to ring again and I looked at it where I'd half buried it in the sand. I could vaguely see Kellin's name flashing up at me and I suddenly felt worse than I already did. I was supposed to meet him, I'd told Ella I was, they were all probably worried sick and looking for me and I'd done another cowardly run

My phone continued to flash so I picked it out of the sand and dusted it down, I slid my finger across the screen and waited for the ear bashing I was no doubt going to get.
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Last of tonight. Bed time for ten past nine I know. It's super dark outside though which is great, it makes me want to stay in bed, watch films and sleep!
Anywho, enough of my bedtime ritual, hope you all liked =]