Status: Complete

Could You Love Me Just A Little Bit More

Seventy Five

Kellin had asked me to pick out a ring that I liked, I'd objected to him buying me one because we'd only been dating six months but he insisted that he wasn't going to. He just wanted to know what I liked for distant future reference. I'd reluctantly picked one, fearing he was lying to me, but the only way to get him to move on was pick.

We got a taxi back to the flat and made our way to my bedroom. Lola and Eric still weren't in so we had all the time in the world.

'This would be so much more uncomfortable without a bed, wouldn't it?' Kellin asked, through kisses and undressing.

'I was going to buy one, I was just sorting everything else out first.' I told him, my breath catching in my throat as he nipped my neck.

'You can owe me.' He said and I could feel him smile into my lips as he kissed me. It was a lot less awkward this time around. Granted we had has sex a few more times at his place, but it always seemed to be tense, like he was worried about something.

This time, he was totally in control. He actually seemed like he knew what he was doing, no fumbling with bra straps or finding the right places. Every now and then he would stop to look at my face and gently rub his thumb over the dirty coloured bruise, telling me how beautiful I still looked. I didn't believe him of course, but I chose to say nothing on the matter. He was leaving in a few days, I didn't want to spend even a minute arguing.


'Honey, I'm home!' I heard Lola call from the front door. Kellin was sat in the living room watching a group of poor actors use the Magic Bullet on the shopping channel I'd insisted we watch while I got some drinks from the kitchen.

'Hey Lola, where's Eric?' Kellin asked her.

She took a seat beside him as I entered the living room. 'Ugh, you're not making him watch this too?' Lola asked me, disgusted with the choice in viewing. 'You know she watches this every single time its on? Hand me the remote.' Lola demanded playfully. I threw it over to her and she began channel hopping.

'Anyway, don't deflect, where is Eric?' I then asked, copying Kellin's question.

'He went home. I told him I really liked him and I wanted something more, and he sort of, I dunno, freaked out and told me he had to leave. Maybe I was too forward.' She shrugged, still channel hopping.

'Have you kissed yet?' Kellin asked her.

'Personal Peter aren't you.' She laughed. 'But no, not yet.' She replied.

'Has he ever kissed anyone?' Kellin then asked her, getting more personal with her.

Lola shrugged, 'Maybe, I never asked. Its not really a question I ask a date.' She told him and I chuckled at her reply.

'Maybe he hasn't and he's just super shy. Let him come to you. It may take a while but he'll respect it more.' Kellin offered then diverted his gaze back to the screen. Lola sat in thought and started to nod to herself, taking in Kellin's advice. 'Also, I need you to do a favour for me tomorrow, is that OK?' He asked her.

'Ooh, of course.' She grinned, snapping her head in his direction. I looked at him sceptically. Surely he wasn't going to get Lola to buy the ring he promised not to get me.
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