Status: Complete

Could You Love Me Just A Little Bit More


'We can stop in here if you want, and go for a long walk back to the venue?' Kellin offered, pulling me in the direction of a shop.

I gladly followed and we bought a few bottles of water and I stocked up on tablets to rid me of my hangover, being made worse with the heat. I swallowed two and we continued to walk up the street, silencing taking over.

It was awkward, very awkward. We would occasionally glance at each other, share a nervous laugh and carry on walking, until I realised that if journalism was my calling, I had to push my nerves aside and start talking.

'So, which album is this tour promoting?' I piped up, seeming to take Kellin off guard by speaking first.

I heard a small sigh escape his lips and his shoulders drop to show he was no longer tense and he began to talk.

'Its just our first. We've done small tours here and there, been support a few times but this is our first big, headline tour.' He beamed.

'What's the album called?' I asked, pulling a notepad and pen from my bag.

'With Ears To See and Eyes To Hear. Did Ella not tell you anything at all?' Kellin asked, sounding more curious than offended.

'Not a thing. She wants me to find out everything on my own. I suppose she didn't want the internet to play a big part in this because that's not real journalism, you aren't getting things right from the source, therefore, it could be incorrect.' I explained.

'She has a point. Talking to us you know its going to be right.' Kellin stated.

'Well, most of it. I think Justin is more than likely going to pull more than his Peter prank, especially if he finds out I high fived Annabell.' Kellin stopped in place, his eyes growing wide and he pointed his finger in my direction.

I turned to see if he was pointing at someone behind me then down at myself in case something was on me.

'Oh, I'm telling Justin it was you!' He sounded like a small child tattling on a sibling.

'No! Please don't! It wasn't even me, you have no proof, you're a liar.' I stated matter of factly, crossing my arms and stomping my foot. I didn't know how bad Justin's revenge was, especially on the new kids, I wasn't looking forward to it.

'You just told me. Justin will believe me. I'm gonna tell.' He jumped around with glee, clapping his hands.

'I'll deny it, and hope for the best.' I replied, walking away from a very happy Kellin.

'So, any more questions?' He asked changing the subject but the grin not leaving his face.

'Can you explain to me what the album name means?' I decided to roll with asking questions and not even bother to beg with Kellin not to tattle. I was going to prepare myself for what Justin had to bring.

Kellin once again slung his arm over my shoulder and began explaining about the album name, where the band name came from, all the while I scribbled furiously into my note pad as not to forget anything.


'Kellin, dude, where the hell have you been?' Jesse asked, jumping down from the stage they'd be playing on later that night. Clearly sound check was under way and he was missing it.

'Just went for a walk with Darcy to try and get rid of her hangover.' He smirked as he said it. Jesse looked in my direction.

'DID IT WORK? ARE YOU OK?!' He yelled, doing his best and succeeding to hurt my already pounding head.

'You, Jesse, you are what we Brits like to call a twat.‘ I insulted, clutching my head.

'But I'm not a vagina young Darcy.' He stated, smugly grinning. I was miffed he knew one of the meanings to what I was calling him, though a vagina is not what I intended, I just wanted to offend him.

'Does dick work, then?' I shot back, being just as smug.

'My dick works just fine.' I was clearly losing this comeback battle.

I stuck my fingers up at him, not wanting to say anything else he could shoot down, even if it didn't make total sense in what he was saying.

He laughed and pulled me into his side and scragged up my hair.

'Don't worry, you'll soon learn I am the master at all.' He quipped.

'That's not I've heard. Ella tells me you lot are yet to prove you're the better sex. Do you lack in some areas?' My wit was never the greatest, but I tried.

'I'll high five that one!' Kellin laughed holding his hand up for me. I happily slapped it, looking at Jesse who was stood, his mouth slightly ajar.

'Oh wow, its on!' He told me.

'Jesse. I almost forgot!' Kellin then yelled. He whispered in Jesse's ear and Jesse's eyes grew wide.

He snapped his fingers at me, 'Oh no you di-int' he said, an accent to his tone.

'Let's go!' Kellin pulled at his arm and they both ran towards the stage area where Justin, Gabe and Jack were currently stood, fiddling with guitars and microphones.

They all huddled together and I stood a few feet away from the stage. Just then, Justin's head shot up from their crouched position.

'Darcy! It was you!' He yelled to me and jumped down from the stage. He ran towards me, throwing his hands in the air. 'High five first will we?' He called. I glanced towards the stage to see the rest of them doubled over laughing.

'Dicks!' I yelled and turned on my heel, making my way to the exit, sprinting as fast as I could.

I heard Justin yelling things I couldn't make out the further away I got. I ran towards our bus outside and pulled open the door and scrambled up the stairs.

'Whoa doll, are you OK?' Annabell asked, sitting up right from her slouched position, her open packet of Oreo's rolled off her lap.

'J-Justin-' I panted. 'Knows I hive fived.' I tried to catch my breath and took a seat facing her, I'd never felt so unfit. She chuckled and picked up her fallen Oreo's.

'I wouldn't worry too much, Darcy. Justin's revenge isn't all bad, he's pretty creative so its funny.' She explained.

'But what will he do to me?' I asked panicked. I didn't want to look over my shoulder all of the time.

'He plays on your weakest point. Like mine being my phobia of rats, I freeze up when I see them, so Justin thought it would be hilarious to hide one in a box of shirts. Safe to say we didn't speak for a week until he grovelled and apology.'

'So what do you think he'll do to me?' I questioned, racking my brain of things he may do.

'Well he doesn't know much about you, other than you're very shy, so he might play with that.' I felt sick at the thought of what he might do and how much he could use my shyness to his advantage.
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Hope you liked.
Thanks again to everyone reading and all the rest =]