Too Young to Understand

Love. That word is so powerful in itself, but that word also takes over your mind and body. Love makes you do things you never thought you would do, and sometimes you can't do anything about it.

Zack Baker and Brian Haner have been together for a while, but ever since they decided it was time to prove their love to each other. Now sixteen year old, Zack Baker is pregnant and is ashamed of it deeply. He refuses to tell his family, friends, and boyfriend. His secret may cause Zack's relationship with Brian to end or his own family to hate him.

Disclaimer: This a slash, don't like it, don't read it! This story is for entertainment purposes only! I DO NOT own Avenged Sevenfold. I DO however own the plot to this story, so please DO NOT steal, as I have worked very hard to create it.

Warnings: Male pregnancy.