Married or Not, I Hate You

The painful truth

The rest of the date was pretty awkward and I ended up just going home. I was currently lying in my bed,trying to sleep,but I kept thinking and asking myself why the hell I moaned out Ge—his name while I came. Why did I even think about him during sex with a tall,sexy boy? Things were not making sense here. In the end I fell asleep cause I was so tired and it 3am. Good thing I didn’t have school tomorrow..


''I wake up to a scream,a piercing and painful scream.My ears start ringing.The air is filled with smoke and I can barely breath as I feel pressure to my chest. The suffocation is killing me. I try to raise up,but I’m unable to move. I’m paralyzed. The only thing I can move is my eyes,so I open them. I see a shadow over me. A black shadow. My eyes are barely open so I try to widen them. The shadow becomes clearer and I see who it is.Black hair and pale skin. I try to scream,but my voice is giving in. I look at the walls,they become smaller. The room has no windows or doors and the walls are moving closer and closer to me. I continue trying to scream or move,but I can only move my eyes. A hand strokes over my cheek,I look up to the persons face. I know who it is,but I can’t see his face. I feel suffocated. I feel crushed. My body is heavy and I can’t breath.The hand moves to my neck and starts caressing down my chest. I try to resist,but I cannot move. A heavier pressure moves upon me and I see the shadow right above me.''


I woke up and screamed. Everything was dark and I couldn’t see anything,all I saw was a shadow over me. I screamed louder,struggling out of the grip of the hand. It was so hot there. I couldn’t recognize where I was either. My breath was ragging and hitching in my throat,and my skin was coated in sweat. «Frank!» The voice seemed familiar,and calmed me down. As I felt calmer,I stopped struggling. Some hand touched my cheek and I felt a slight wave of panic. But the touch was different from the shadows touch. As I swept into a more consious state I saw Jamias worried face over me.

«Frank,are you okay? Do I need to call a doctor?» I heard what she said,but I didn’t progress it. Her darkbrown hair was a little messy and she looked tired. The clock was probably five or something. As I continued going into a consious state,I heard other voices and I got drawn into reality. I sat up and saw mum and dad in the doorway,looking tired. Jamia was sitting on the edge of my bed,stroking my cheek. I was still breathing heavily while clutching to the bedsheets.

«Frankie honey,what’s wrong?» Something warm and wet rolled down my cheeks,which I guessed was tears. Mum walked over and sat on my bed,trying to caress my face. That’s when I snapped and flinched away from her. «Go away from me! You don’t even fucking care! All you care about is work and money!» My body was uncontrollably shaking and and the tears kept pouring down. «Frank,what are you saying? Of course not.We care alot about you.» Mums voice was calm.

«Oh no!? Then how come,when I broke my leg and arm in 5th grade none of you showed up,but Jamia and her mum did!? O-Or when Jasmine,my dog died all you did was telling me to stop crying like a kid when I was only five years old! Then Jamia cheered me up instead of! If you care so much about me,then why the hell are you making me marry a guy that hates me just because you wanna become partners with the Ways!?»

The tears were pouring down like rain.

Mum went silent.

I kept sobbing and curling up against Jamia who held me closely,trying to calm me down. «G-Get out..» My voice was soare and trembling. Mum did as I said,looking pale and her and dad walked out of my room. Jamia laid down in the bed with me and held around me while I sobbed into her neck crook.

I seriously had no idea what I'd do without Jamia
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo here's the new chapter :'D
Thanks for all the comments ;-; Like seriously,it makes me so motivated to write on this omg :'3
I have something planned for you guys tho,I hope you're curious to what it is eue