Married or Not, I Hate You

Naive Little ***

So,I was leaving in about three days now. Last week was strange, yet nice. Gerard had been acting nice towards me all the time, and I felt my feelings for him growing dangerously strong. It scared me, but maybe Gerard was starting to like me too?

Currently I was laying in bed, snuggling Toto and giggling like a little girl. Then I decided to call Ryan, and fumbled to look for my phone with my unharmed arm. I dialed his number and waited eagerly for him to reply.


"Ryan!" I exclaimed.

"Frank!?" Ryans voice sounded surprised, yet tired and slurred.

"I think Gerard likes me! Cause, he's been acting really nice towards me lately and he bought me a dog! I really think I'm falling for him, Ryan!" I smiled and giggled, sounding like a fucking girl.

"..What? But Frank, what did I tell you? He's devious, you can't trust him!" I frowned,getting annoyed by how Ryan wouldn't be happy for me.

"What the Hell,Ryan? You don't even know him, what's your fucking problem?" I hissed, then biting my tongue. This was developing into a fight. Through out our entire friendship, me and Ryan had almost never fought once.

"Jesus,Frank! You're such a naive little fuck! Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart!" A sting in my chest felt and I was about to say something, but before I could Ryan hung up on me. Fuck, that was so odd. I put the phone down and sighed, going back to cuddling Toto. "Frank?" Said a voice from the other side of the door, making me jump a little. "Yeah?" I called out, recognizing the voice as Gerards. The blackhaired and pale head peeked out from the door. "Can I ask you something?" He mumbled and entered the room completly.

I hadn't noticed till then how skinny Gerard had gotten. Fuck, he was so goddamn thin! He even had a fucking thigh gap. My mind wandered back to his question and I nodded, smiling weakly. "Would you dye my hair?" He mumbled, holding up a red hair dye box.

And I stopped breathing.

I imagined Gerard with red hair, then as my kinky mind took over I imagined Gerard with red hair...And a tight leather uniform and a whip in his hand. And his grin. Wide, cold grin. His pink, curvy lips stretched out in a grin.

And my cheeks flushed red.

"Frank?" I snapped out of it and looked at Gerard then the box, then nodded. "Yes,yeah I can! Um, don't we need to bleach it first?" Gerard nodded and smirked, waking out of the room.

-Time lapse-

"Can I come in noooooow?" I whined, waiting outside the bathroom door in the claustrophobic hall. Then the door opened and I peeked inside, spotting Gerard. His hair shined with crimson red, the color almost hurt my eyes. "Holy fu---" I stuttered before getting dragged inside and slammed against the door as it closed behind me.

I looked straight into Gerards hazel eyes, with my own greenish, wide eyes. Gerard put his finger to my lips, hushing me. I felt confused, until I heard someone walking past the bathroom. Then I heard their words. "We have to find Mr.Iero, he needs to answer the questions about Jamia Nestor." Then my eyes widened more. I felt a pinch in my chest from those memories that I constantly kept pushing away.

My eyes started watering and I felt myself ready to start crying, but before the thought got properly registrated, some lips crashed to mine. Gerards lips.

My eyes fluttered shut and I kissed back, bringing my arms up and around Gerards neck. The smell of shampoo and bleach sat in his hair and it sent shivers down my spine. His hands grasped my hips, making me forget everything that was running through my little mind. Jamia disappeared my mind, and all I could think about was Gerard. How much I was falling for him, and how much I hoped he was falling for me. The tears that was making their way through my eyes were disappearing as well and everything was calm again. I felt calm. I felt safe.

This kiss. It was different from our other kisses. It wasn't rough, and nobody was forcing it. Just pure passion. Gentle, was the word? Yeah, it was a gentle kiss.

By this kiss, I knew very well that these feelings for Gerard wasn't just a little crush. By this kiss I knew that Gerard could break my heart a million times and I would forgive him each time.
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So, from now on there's gonna be this twist in the story. How? That I'm not saying yet c:
But there will most likely be Frerard in each chapter now. And also, comment or inbox me if there's something you want to happen in the story and I'll do my best to make your wishes come true :3

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