Married or Not, I Hate You


We sat for almost two hours and talked about flowers. Wow,he might be a prick,but he sure as hell knows alot about flowers. What amazed me the most was his burning passion for Craveta Religiosa. «In some countries they call it the Sacred Garlic Pear..Or Temple Plant.» The round fruit hanging down from the branch caught my attention. «It’s called a Ripe fruit.» Said Gerard,drawing my attention back to him. It looked kind of tasty,but it actually made some people nauseous. When I think about it,Gerard was acting pretty normal now..

Later on we had to go inside because Gerards parents came back with my parents. We were gonna sign under the marriage paper.

I looked over to the Gerard,who now seemed to be back to his anti-social personality. A sigh let out my lips when the paper was placed infront of me.The feeling of Gerards eyes was on me again and I looked over to him. He seemed anxious.

I glanced around in the room,trying to stretch out the time. The walls were dark blue and seemed to have some sort of weird pattern on it. It looked like birds. Not any I knew though. «Frank,it’s time to sign under the paper..» Dads raspy and low voice made me shiver sometimes,and this was one of those times. With a quiet nod I grabbed the pen and wrote down my signature. It stood ‘Frank Iero Jr.’ Since dads name is also Frank. The paper was then pushed eagerly over to Gerard by Donna,but Gerard didn’t seem to move at all even though he glanced at the paper.

«Gerard,come on and sign the paper..» I didn’t know who said it,cause I was too busy waiting for Gerard to snap and rip the paper in two or something. To my surprise,he almost did. «No,I’m not signing the fucking paper cause I’m not marrying a fucking faggot!»


«Ger-- » Gerard Stood up and interrupted Donald. «No! I won’t do it,so fuck you!» And then he stomped away angrily. Both his parents tried convincing him to come out of his room the entire day,so me and my parents ended up going home.


The bed seemed so comfortable,so I ended up drifting to sleep in it. That until something wet touched my cheek. I was used to it,so I didn’t jump or anything. Instead I lifted my hand and caressed the little dott while giggling. By the sound of it I knew it was Sweet Pia. «Hey sweetie!» I opened my eyes and started cuddling with her. Oh how I love my dogs.

The rest of the day went okay. No homophobes to deal with,no arrogant people,no nosy parents,no nothing. Just me,my computer and sweet dogs. Though,tomorrow was school. And that was gonna be hell.. God,why can’t everything just go as smooth as now?
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Okay,sorry for the late update. I've been a little busy and have only been able to write a little,also sorry for the short chapter ;-; Anyways,thanks for reading everyone and special thanks to Jael'sChemicalLove for the motivating comments ilysm C: