The Singer Finished Singing and He's Walking Out

chapter 1

Gerard's pov
I watched him as he came out of the kitchen and walked across the room, I couldn't take my eyes off of him, not even for a moment. He was beautiful, short and slim with the most amazing hazel eyes that I'd ever seen.
I wanted to be able to look at him in those eyes and tell him everything that I felt, and more than anything in the world I wanted him to feel that way back.
But I knew that wouldn't happen, to him I was just Gerard, his friend, bandmate.
That's all I'd ever be, I tried to except that but it ate me up inside.
Sometime's I'd dream about us being together, we'd do all the things that couples do, kiss, cuddle, make love. Every time I woke up I felt a little bit of me die inside.
As he sat down on one of the chairs he looked over at me and smiled, oh my god seeing him do that made me happier than any amount of drugs had ever done.
I smiled back before looking away, I didn't want him to see the longing in my eyes.

Frank's pov
I felt him watching me as I moved across the room, I wished it was because he felt the same way as me but I figured it was probably just because I was getting in the way of the tv.
I sat down and looked over at him, he was beautiful. I loved to just look at him, most of the time he looked sad, I would've done anything to make him happy that's if he'd just let me know what was wrong.
I knew he didn't feel the same way as I did, I was just Frank, his friend, bandmate.
I remember when he was in a pretty bad way he told me that he loved me, his exact word were 'I love you Frank, I really do. You're more than just a friend to me'. I went over those words in my head pretty much every day, I figured he probably just saw me as another little brother.
As I looked over at him I noticed he was still looking at me, I gave him a quick smile before looking away. It hurt to look at him sometimes.