The Singer Finished Singing and He's Walking Out

chapter 2

Gerard's pov
I lay in bed that night but I couldn't sleep, God I hated feeling this way about him. It's not as if he's even gay, he has a girlfriend that he loves.
I felt like some little girl with a crush on some boyband freak, I was crazy about him but he was unatainable.
Everything reminded me of him, the cd's on my desk that he was always borrowing, the nail polish next to them the same make that he wore.
At some point I drifted off to sleep, but someone jumping up and down on my bed woke me up. Looking over at the alarm closk on my bedside table I saw that it was just past 11am, before I was able to turn and see who had awoken me so rudely I felt them drop to their knees, straddling me on the bed.
"Wakey wakey sleepy head," shouted Mikey.
"Fuck off!" I said pushing him off of me.
"Good morning to you too," he said standing next to the bed.
Realising that he probably didn't plan on leaving the room some time soon I sat up leaning against my pillows.
"What do you want?" I said moving my hair out of my face.
"We're leaving for band practice in ten minutes," he said looking down at his wrist pretending that he was looking at a watch.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked pulling the covers aside and getting out of bed.
"Believe me I tried, and Frank, he came in here and poked you for like five minutes straight." He said walking away laughing.
Just the mention of his name and knowing that he'd been in my room made my heart beat twice as fast as usual.

Frank's pov
That afternoon at band practice was really weird. Gerard hardly talked to me, he just stared when I appeared to be looking away, and whenever I went near him he moved away.
After an hour or so we took a break and I went outside to have a cigarette, as I sat on the curb I began to try and work out what was wrong.
Maybe he knows how I feel, I thought. No he can't know, it can't be that obvious can it?
I wished so badly that there was someone that I could talk to about this, the rest of band all knew that Gerard was gay but they don't know that I'm bisexual, at least I think they don't.
I wasn't scared to tell them because I thought they'd be weird about it, they had absoloutely no problem with that kind of thing, it's just that I have a girlfriend and if I tell them they might accidently let it slip and I didn't want her to fid out from anyone but me.
Plus what exactly would I say to them? It's not as if I could just walk in there and be like 'Oh hey guys, just thought I'd let you know that I'm bi and in love with Gerard, what's next?'

After we finished for the day we went back to the house that I shared with Mikey and Gerard, I went straight to my room and lay down on my bed. Closing my eyes I began to picture Gerard telling me that he loved me for like the fifty-two thousandth time.
After a while I began to picture something else, unfortunately this hadden't happened for real.
I imagined him walking into my room fresh out of the shower, his long hair dripping wet. He walked over to where I was standing in just my boxers, I'd just got out of bed so I was a little sleepy and not completely aware of what was going on. Before I knew it he was wrapping his arms around me, kissing me hard on the lips, hands moving all over my body.
As I imagined this I slowly moved my own hand down my body before slipping it into my pants where I began to touch myself, I was just getting to the good part of my fantasy where Gerard threw me down onto the bed and began giving me a blow job when my bedroom door burst open.

Mikey stood there with an amused look on his face as he saw what I'd been doing.
"Isn't that what you have a girlfriend for?" he asked as I tried to compose myself.
"Don't you knock?" I asked pulling a pillow over my lap.
"I did knock, but you were obviously too busy to hear me," he said walking over to the bed and sitting down.
"You're actually going to sit there while I'm in this state," I said looking down.
"Like you've never had a boner when someone else is around," he said laughing.
"Mikey I kinda want to be alone right now," I said.
"I figured that, I thought it was because you were sad and all but obviously I was wrong," he said standing up.
"Sad! why would you think I'm sad?" I asked, I would've stood up too but I think he'd seen enough of little Frankie for today.
"I don't really know, you just haven't been yourself lately." He said walking over to the door, "If there is something wrong you don't have to keep it to yourself, you can talk to me about anything." He said walking out of the room and closing the door.
I sat there thinking, maybe I should tell him, but Gerard's his brother it would be too weird right?