The Singer Finished Singing and He's Walking Out

chapter 5

Frank's pov
I rushed back into my room and lay down in my bed facing away from Rikki, My heart was beating so fast that I was scared that my chest would explode. Gerard had just told me that he loves me. HE LOVES ME!
Oh my god why did I run out? I should've stayed and told him how I feel, but if I did that then, well then something would happen and I couldn't let anything happen when I was with Rikki.
I lay there thinking about what I should do for what seemed like hours before falling into a restless sleep.
In the morning I woke up to the sight of Rikki holding a cup of hot coffee.
"Hey cutie," she said setting it down next to the bed before kissing me softly.
"Hey," I smiled.
She got back into the bed and put her arms around me.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, why?" I asked in reply.
"Well I woke up during the night and you were out of bed," she said stroking my hair.
"Oh, um I just needed a drink," I said avoiding eye contact with her.
"Oh ok, well I missed you while you were gone," she said smiling.
"Oh please, you probably fell straight back to sleep," I said laughing awkwardly.
"Well yeah, pretty much. But for like the minute I was awake I missed you," she giggled before kissing my neck.
We lay there for a while before getting up and going to the kitchen to make some breakfast. As the bread was toasting under the grill Rikki walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I'd done to Gerard the night before.
As she leaned in and kissed me I felt someone come into the room, as I pulled away and turned to see who it was I saw Gerard standing by the door looking as if he'd just been shot in the stomach or something.
"Morning," said Rikki cheerily.
Gerard didn't reply, instead he turned around and left the room, moments later the front door slammed shut.
"What's wrong with him?" She asked.
"I don't know," I lied. "Maybe I should try and catch up with him to see," I said.
"Yeah, yeah you should," she said smiling.

Gerard's pov
I ran as fast as I could away from the house, eventually finding myself back in the same park I'd been in the night before.
I sat down overwhelmed by all the feeling I was experiencing, anger, pain. I couldn't believe Frank, I told him how I felt and what did he do in return? run away from me and make out with his girlfriend in the kitchen, the kitchen of the house where I live too.
I can understand that he may not feel the same way as me, but to do that, I just thought he was better than that.
I struggled to breath as I felt my heart break into a million pieces, I rested my head on my knees supporting it with my arms and closed my eyes.
What was I going to do? How would I get through this?
"Hey mister," I looked up to see a little girl standing in front of me, she could've only been around six years old.
"Hey," I said attempting to smile.
"Why are you sad?" She asked tilting her head to the side.
"Grown up stuff," I replied as she sat down next to me.
"I'm a grown up," she said straightening her back and shoulders.
"You are, but you've got some time before you're as grown up as I am," I said smiling.
"You can have this," she said holding out a daisy.
"Thankyou," I said taking it from her hand.
"Amanda, come on stop bothering the man," said a woman, who I presumed was her mother, walking over and smiling at me politely before taking the girls hand. "I'm sorry about her," she said.
"Oh no, it's ok," I said before they walked away, the little girl looked back and waved, I waved back before looking around at the rest of the park.
Looking towards my left I saw him walking towards me, he looked so beautiful but instead of watching him as he made his way over here I turned away.
"I knew you'd be here," he said sitting down next to me.
"I guess I'll have to find some new place to go then," I said still looking away.
"Gerard, I'm sorry." He said.
"Sorry for what?" I asked turning my head slightly so that I could see him from the corner of my eye.
"Everything," he said looking down at his hands, folded together in his lap.
"Like?" I probed.
"Like, like running out on you last night, kissing Rikki this morning without thinking that you may see, hurting you and..." he trailed off.
"And what?" I asked looking at him.
"And not telling you how I feel," he said quietly.
"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice coming out quiet too.
"What I mean is, I feel them same way." He said looking up, his hazel eyes meeting mine waiting for something to come out of my mouth. But all that I could do was stare at him.

Frank's pov
I sat watching Gerard's face for a reaction but he just stared at me.
"Gerard," I said touching his hand. "Are you ok?" I asked.
"I don't want you to say that just because I did," he said eventually.
"I'm not, I really mean it. I love you," I said smiling.
He looked at me for a moment as if thinking through what to say next before grabbing hold of my hand and standing up.
"Follow me," he said smiling.
We walked for a while hand in hand until we arrived at a house, Gerard and Mikey's parents house.
"They're away," he said turning towards me and smiling, with a glint in his eye.
"I see," I said nodding my head.
Gerard reached into his pocket and took out his keys, holding them in his hand for a moment he looked at them before picking out the right key, walking up to the door he placed it inside the lock and opened the door.
He walked in and held the door open as I followed him in, I felt his eyes on me as I moved past him, it sent shivers down my spine.
He closed the door and came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"So what now?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, you love me, I love you. We're not just going to carry o as we were before are we?" He said.
"I guess not," I said looking down.
"What's wrong?" He asked placing a couple of fingers under my chin and lifting my head up.
"Well, what about Rikki? and the guys, what if they think it's gross?" I asked not really wanting an answer.
"You still want to be with her?" He asked looking hurt.
"I don't know," I replied quietly.
"Ok well, I guess for now we can just keep it to ourselves." He replied looking down.
"Don't be sad, I've always found the whole idea of sneaking around in secret a turn on," I said kissing his forhead.
"Oh really?" He asked lifting his head up.
"Rea..." I started to reply but was cut off by his lips on mine, kissing me frantically.