Status: In progress as long as you read it.

Let Me Forget.

F i f t e e n

That night, I begged Josh to stay with me. I ended up laughing a bit at the irony.

After all that, he agreed, and I ended up curled into my bed with him next to me. It was a wonderful feeling.

After going so long without him, it was a relief to have him by me again. Even if he wasn’t actually mine.

I couldn’t help but just want to tell him how I felt, just scream it to the world so everyone knew how I felt. I wanted to, but I knew I couldn’t. I knew he didn’t want me back, he was probably afraid I’d just leave again. And I didn’t really blame him.

I knew I wouldn’t leave. I knew that. But I was still afraid of myself and what I could possibly do, how I could still hurt him.

I shook every thought out of my head as I heard his breathing even out, telling me he was asleep. Slowly, as to try and not wake him, I scooted over and laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around his middle.

He may not like finding me like that, he might push me off, but I needed his comfort. I needed him.

Right as I got comfortable, he shifted and I froze. To my surprise, he turned and wrapped both arms around me and help me tightly to him. I held my breath, wondering if he was awake or not.

“Mmm...Maddie” He mumbled in his sleep, his breathing staying calm. I sighed lightly.

I settled down into his embrace and let myself fall asleep. It was an easy task.

A knock sounded from the door and, in my nervous state, I tripped going down the stairs to answer it.

It was him.

I righted myself and straightened everything before yanking the door open, finding him standing there in all his smiling glory.

“Am I at the wrong house? You’re way too pretty to be my Maddie” He had told me. I laughed and pushed his shoulder lightly.

I called out my departure before heading out to his car with him. Like a gentleman, he opened my door for me before getting into his own.

He ended up taking me to a fancy restaurant, way more fancy that I imagined he could even pay for. Later he said that Max had helped him get the money together, wanting his best friends’ first date to be memorable.

After, he took me to a park and we laid on the grass, watching the stars. He knew how much I just liked looking at the sky. His hand had grazed mine and, with confidence, I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers.

I woke up, again, to the screaming of my alarm. It was too warm, and I just groaned miserably before untangling myself and turning it off. I then curled back into my spot.

“Maddie?” I heard a voice say.

“Five more minutes, Josh..” I mumbled, and then I froze. I was still in his arms and he was awake.

I looked up at him, just to see him giving me a crooked grin. Immediately, I shot out of his arms. Too bad I terribly miscalculated where the edge of the bed was and I ended up on the floor.

Pathetically, I just laid there before looking back up to the bed. Josh sat there, perched over the edge, watching me.

“You didn’t have to do that, y’know” He told me, smiling.

I just rolled over onto my stomach, not wanting to look at him. The floor was cold, and I disliked it compared to the warmth Josh gave me.

Finally, I got myself up and got my work clothes together before heading to the bathroom. I did have work, after all.

When I was finally done, I walked into my living room to find Josh snuggling with my cat. That traitor.

“Why are you harassing Ali?” I asked him, leaning on the back of the couch. He looked up at me, Ali purring happily in his arms.

“When did you get a cat?” He asked me, “Ali, that’s her name?”

I nodded, “I got her after I got out of college. I was lonely, I needed someone to spend time with, and I just happened to become a cat lady.”

He shook his head at me before getting off the couch. I watched him run a hand through his messy hair, just making it even more messy. Then I noticed something.

“Why haven’t you put a shirt on?” I asked, trying to fight myself wanting to stare. I really hadn’t even noticed that, not even last night. He just shrugged off my question.

“I don’t feel like it” He told me. I just chuckled and shook my head before going to fix Ali’s breakfast.

“Do you have any food?” I heard him ask, before the sound of my cabinet doors opening and closing filled my ears.

“I have pancake mix” I told him, turning to watch him. His eyes lit up.

Before he could even ask, I supplied “Do you want me to make some?”

He just nodded like a little kid before hurrying to sit down in one of the chairs pulled up to the bar.

I should have known, he was always way too excited when I offered to make him food. And he could just eat forever.

He was like a black hole.

I got out the pancake mix and mixed it up, letting the pan heat up. After pouring out little perfectly sized pancakes and flipping them a few times, I served them onto a plate.

“I have to go to work now, so you can stay here or go back to your bus” I told him while slipping on my heels, “Whatever you want to do.”

He just mumbled a sign of recognition before getting back to devouring his pancakes.

After I collected my purse and was ready to leave I walked over and gave him a one-sided hug. And then, for what reason I didn’t understand, I kissed him on the cheek.

He froze, and after I realized what I did, I did too. Before he could say something, I squeaked a “Bye” and rushed out the door.

My face was burning all the way to my office.

After all my appointments were up, I heard a familiar voice coming from my assistant’s desk. Once again, she was arguing with him.

“She already knows I’m here, just let me through” I heard him say, his accent ringing clearly.

“I don’t know that! You don’t have an appointment, and last time you just barged in there” I could hear Marie saying, desperate to get rid of him.

I walked to the door way and rolled my eyes at the scene. Marie was throwing her arms around everywhere, and Max looked ready to just throw the girl out of the way.

“Marie” I snapped. I saw her visibly flinch before moving out of the way. Max smiled triumphantly and walked up to me.

“Ready, Madds?” He said, and I saw Marie’s jaw drop open from the corner of my eye. I guess she’s never seen someone be so casual with me.

I nodded before locking my office behind me. Max held out his arm jokingly, and I took it, letting him lead me away.

We used to always do this when he’d take me out to eat lunch.

“Finish up your work and you can go home, Marie” I told her dismissively before leaving with Max.

He informed me that he came by cab, which I expected, and we both got into my car.

Life was slowly going back to normal for me, and I was beyond happy about it.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go, loves. ~

Their relationship will slowly make progress, don't worry.

I got seven comments last chapter, so thank you to:

And once again, people should go and check out my new story. I'm tired of putting a link though, but it's on the last chapter cx