Status: In progress as long as you read it.

Let Me Forget.

S i x t e e n


I sat around Maddie’s house all day that day, not really wanting to go back to the bus and face up to those blokes.

Until this point, I hadn’t even noticed how nice her place was. I suppose being a therapist paid off well.

Her cat was showing me more affection than I had gotten in months, as well. I never realized Maddie was a cat person, but then again her parents never allowed her to have pets their house.

I started to wonder just how much Maddie had changed over the years. As long as she was gone, I suppose I never truly got over her. Maybe that was why I let her back in so easily.

For most of the day, I just wandered around her house. I watched her tv, ate whatever food I found, and just laid around petting her cat. I really like this cat, but I cant remember for the life of me if Maddie has said her name before.

I checked the clock a few times, wondering when she’d be home. Then I remembered Max saying something about going out to eat and reminisce with her when she got off. I groaned, knowing she wouldn’t be home until later.

Texting Max, I asked him where they were. He replied and told me they were already done eating and he was bringing her back to her flat. I sat on the couch and anxiously waited.

When I heard the door being unlocked, I felt like a little dog getting excited about it’s master coming home. With that, I resisted the urge to run to the door.

When Max and Maddie came in, I welcomed them back and gave Maddie a surprise hug. Then she went into her room to get changed into other clothes, leaving Max and I to ourselves.

“Mate, how do you feel about her?” Was the first thing out of Max’s mouth. I gave him a blank stare.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean do you still love her or not?” He said, getting irritated. I tried not to laugh. Seeing a short, angry bloke was always funny to me.

“I don’t really know. I never got over her, you know that” I told him. He groaned. “But that doesn’t answer my question, do you love her?” He said, getting quieter when he heard Maddie walk from her room to the bathroom.

“I haven’t spent hardly any time with her alone” I told him, then continued after seeing the look her gave me, “And I mean as the Maddie we know. Not the Maddie who was listening to my crazy thoughts.”

“Well, go on a date with her” He said simply. I gave him a look as if he just suggested I go and shag a damn elephant. “Don’t look at me like that,” He said, slapping my arm, “Take her out, get to know who she is now.”

“And how do you suggest I do that?” I scoffed.

“Dinner?” He suggested. Right before I went to object, I stopped. Dinner lets me see what she likes eating now, and talk to her easily. For once, Max might actually have a good idea.

Speak of the devil, then Maddie walked back in the room.

“So, what are you two doing for the night?” She asked.

“Well, I’m leaving now,” Max said quickly, then went forward and kissed her on the cheek, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

After he left, I turned back to her. She gave me and amused look.

“So, um, how would you like to go to dinner with me?” I asked hesitantly. She stared for a minute, then a smile broke out on her face.

“I’d be happy to accompany you, Joshua” She said formally.

I just smiled, hoping that whatever tonight had in store for me, it was going to be something good. I was also hoping that maybe, just maybe, this Maddie would still be just like my Maddie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, okay, okay. I know it's been a while and this is a sad excuse for a chapter. But I wanted to give you something. Next chapter will be the date, don't worry.

Anyway, first rule of business. I have a new story. I know, I know. "Rachel, why would you create another story when you already have like a thousand." I'M SORRY. I've had this one written for a while, well the first four chapters, and I thought you guys might want to see it. It is called Symphony of Melancholy. It is another Josh Franceschi story. And the entire thing is to be in Josh's point of view. If you want to look at the first four chapters and just see how I've written them or something, be my guestttt.

Second rule of business. I realized that there are a lot of inconsistencies in this story that none of you will completely understand unless I explain. So I am going to do this. If you're happy with how you understand the story, ignore this. If you're not, go ahead and clear up some things in your head.

First, Maddie was entered in college when she was in Weybridge. When she left, she just transferred over and began her Psychology degree. That's why it's been three years and she's already completed it.
Second, Maddie is really good at saving money (UNLIKE MYSELF). That's why she had enough to be able to afford a flight to the US and then college tuition. She had a lot of money saved for college in general. Plus, the UK pound goes over into US money as more than what it is so. You get it.
Third, I completely forget what I said about this and whether I'll be repeated what I already wrote in the story, but the band was on a tour and they were taking Josh to multiple psychologists and none of them could do anything. Maddie was the first, so they canceled the rest of the US tour and are staying for a few weeks until Josh is back on his feet (if only they knew that IT WASN'T GOING TO WORK THAT WAY BECAUSE I'M AN ASS MUAHAHA).
Fourth, when Maddie was dancing to Underdog and there was a memory of Max saying something about it even though Hold Me Down wasn't out yet when she was still there, for all purposes of this story, they already had Underdog written after their first album and would play it as a sort of single. That's how Maddie knew it.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. If any of you can think of more you don't understand and want to understand, please just comment and ask and next chapter, I'll put the explanation in the Author's note.

Sorry about this being painfully long. But maybe it makes up for a short chapter?

Until next time, my loves.