Status: Hi everyone! Well, if somebody actually reads this I really hope you enjoy it. This is the first fan fiction I've ever writen, so please don't be to hard on me. Please, also let me know what you think about it, rate and message. As you do this I will keep posting. And yes, Ville Valo and the girl ar

In Joy And Sorrow

In Joy And Sorrow

The rain gently pattered down on the ground, the mud swelling and the blades of grass dropping, dipping into the brown river. It wasn’t late at night but the sky was an angry blue and letting out bolts of lightning. Clouds billowed across the sky in black swirls and the rain keep pelting down like daggers. Yellow windows glittered in the distance, warmth shining through. Not a thing stirred anywhere; the only things that could be seen were the trees of the park, and the benches. And curled up on one was your own shadowy figure.
You were sitting in there with your knees tucked into your chest, while your wet black hair hung around your face, rain drops forming at the tips and then falling into your lap. You shook as you sat there. Your black sweater wrapped around you, your hands bunched in fists up the sleeves and your toes clenched inside your shoes. You swallowed and wrapped your sweater tighter around you. You watched as your breath rose from your mouth and shimmered in the air in front of you before being blown away into the storm.
Karen: “Anywhere but home” You thought to yourself, “anywhere but home”.
The rain pounded down on your head and after a couple what it seemed hours in the rain, you reluctantly got up and walked along the path. But this wasn’t the path home, it took you further away, and that was really what you wanted. Standing under a tree, you looked around and saw a tall, dark figure walking towards you. You got tensed, knowing how dangerous it was to be out there on your own, and with no passers-by to call to.
Guy: “Do you mind if I share your spot under this tree?”
You stepped aside to let the man stand next to you. He took the place and silently began to stare up at the sky, rocking back and forth on his feet. You giggled, and then suddenly stopped, thinking you may have offended him. The man turned around and smiled.
Karen: “So, seen as though I let you share my tree, may I know your name?” You asked, not really looking at him.
Guy: “Well I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I’m Ville.” He replied taking his hat off and brushing his hair back, just before extending his hand on your direction.
Karen: “Oh, well, hey, I’m Karen.” You shake hands with him while slightly blushing. Ville smiled again and leant back on the tree, staring at you.
Ville: “I wonder, do you know who I am? Have you ever seen me before?” Ville asked, still smiling.
Karen: “Well, if I have it must have been in worse light than this. Should I know you?” You said, and smiled back at him.
Ville: “No, not really. In fact, I prefer it that way.” Ville turned back to the sky.
You continued to gaze at him, wondering if he was a long lost friend or something, but you’ve never seen this man before. You stared down at your feet wondering if you had done something wrong to not know.
Ville: “So Karen, what brings you out here on this weather?” Ville looked down at you again, turning on his side to face you. He had your full attention.
Karen: “Well, I don’t mind this weather really…” You trailed off.
Ville: “I’m thinking there’s more to that answer, but I wouldn’t want to dig at it if you don’t want to tell me.” Ville commented, but instead of turning away as if he’s lost interest, he carried on looking at you.
You noticed, slightly taken back, then grinned, looking back down at your feet.
Karen: “Anywhere but home.” You said quietly. Your hair was drying up, bringing back its blue streaks shine.
Ville: “Well it’s a lovely spot to pick, I must say.” He said while looking around with a wry smile. “Did you decorate it yourself?”
You laughed, then buried your face in your scarf and shivered. Night was coming and the air was getting colder.
Ville: “You look cold. Um… Would you like to go for a drink or something?” Ville asked lightly, trying not to sound forward.
You hesitated and then did some fast thinking. If you went to your friend’s pub then you’d be safe if he tried anything.
Karen: “Yeah, okay. Um, I know of a good place, if you’d like?” You replied.
Ville: “Sure. Lead the way.” Ville smiled and started walking beside you. After a few seconds he stopped, and you looked at him.
Ville: “I’m sorry, you don’t have to come for a drink, you just seemed nice to talk to. I don’t want you to think I’m one of those guys that… Well, you know.”
You blinked, seeing the smile melt from his face. He didn’t seem like a nasty sort of guy, and you felt that something was different about him.
Karen: “No, no, of course not! Come on!” You offered. You squinted up at him, and, although you could hardly see his face, you knew he was smiling again.
You walked along the deserted streets, where every now and then a car illuminated your faces. You glanced at Ville as one came past and stopped dead in your tracks.
Ville: “What’s the matter, darling?” He asked, with a concerned look on his face.
You stared back at him; the dark had swallowed him up again, but you had seen who he was.
Karen: “You are… You’re Ville Valo! I didn’t register at first because I couldn’t see you that well.”
You suddenly blushed and looked down at your feet.
Ville: “So you’ve heard about me?” He smiled.
Karen: “Yes, my friend adores you! She has pictures of you all over the walls, and she sat me down to listen to your music. You’re very good, by the way.” You said in a rush.
Ville: “I think I just found my number one fan then.” He laughed.
Karen: “Oh God. That must be wild, having so many girls knowing everything about you and worshipping you!” You started walking again.
You didn’t want to tell him that you secretly were a fan of his too. –All through your friend, of course.-
Ville: “Yep, it’s pretty weird but I don’t let it bother me. I just do what I love doing. Girls like that are the reasons for us becoming known, so I think I should be worshipping them instead.” Ville chuckled.
Karen: “Well, you have got to meet my friend then, she’ll think I just walked in with Christmas” You grinned as Ville laughed again.
You took this chance to properly look at him, and you noticed how good looking he was, even more in real life. Ville caught you looking and smiled sweetly. You rapidly turned away embarrassed, but as you walked you knew Ville was still looking at you out of the corner of his eye. Butterflies danced in your stomach as you walked by side by side with Ville Valo.
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I don't really know how this works, I'm new as you can see :P I'm guessing there's no science about it but then again, I'm learning.
This is the firs fan fiction I've ever writen, if by the end of this story people seems to liked it, I will probably write more; so please, let me know what you think about this first chapter, and please, don't be so rough.
Have A Nice Day :D