Status: Hi everyone! Well, if somebody actually reads this I really hope you enjoy it. This is the first fan fiction I've ever writen, so please don't be to hard on me. Please, also let me know what you think about it, rate and message. As you do this I will keep posting. And yes, Ville Valo and the girl ar

In Joy And Sorrow

In Joy And Sorrow, Part 2

You finally got to the street where your friend’s pub was. There was some stagnant water by the road, close to the sidewalk, when unexpectedly a car coming from the dark at full speed threw it to your direction. Ville rapidly wrapped his arms around you, so you wouldn’t get wet than you already were. As soon as the car disappeared you looked at Ville, who still was hugging you from behind for your protection, and you both started laughing. Water drops was falling from his hair and coat. Some of them on to you, so he quickly, still sweetly, pushed you aside.
Karen: “My hero.” You said to him, smiling, and then giggled a little at him. “Sorry.” You said with a concerned smile.
Ville: “No problem, sweetheart. I was already wet anyways.” He replied smiling, and shaking the water off of his hair.
Karen: “Come; let’s get inside to see if they have any towels or something for you to get dry.”
You grabbed his arm and dragged him into the pub. He walked a little faster in front of you, and opened and holds the door for you.
Ville: “After you, sweetheart.” He said, while extending his arm, giving you sign for you to walk into the pub.
Karen: “Thanks.” You said while blushing.
The pub was a medieval style, very unique. It had hardwood floor, which, on every step you’d take, it creaked right under your feet. Sometimes, the noise would be so hard, you could almost feel you were about to fall into the ground under the place. Wooden tables and chairs covered the room, some with people sitting in them, drinking and talking and laughing. On empty tables ceramic vases with flowers in it, romantically decorated them, some wilted, yet other ones still fresh as the morning. Hanging from the concrete walls, genuine oil lamps slightly enlightened the locale; while candles also spread all over the site, this one’s would remain unlit for they could ignite a fire. Finally, the last source of light came from the ceiling, where a big chandelier spider styled gave a really old fashioned aspect to the whole stead. The waiters were dressed as monks, so you could really feel like if you just had traveled back in time to the XIII century.
As you kept walking to the bar, Ville started taking off his wet coat to hang it on the rack along with his hat. You got to the bar and leaned on it, asking the bartender -who was on his back cleaning a pot- if he had any towels there. As you asked him Ville came, and he sat down on a round stool.
Bartender: “The only one here is this one, which I’m using. But there are some clean towels in our bathroom, you can use as many as you want honey.”
You nodded with the head to Ville, meaning that he could go to the bathroom.
Ville: “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”
You watched him as he took off to the bathroom. Just before he disappeared into a hallway he turned his head to look at you, and he caught you as you did the same. A big smile was drawing on his face, and you quickly looked away blushing.
Karen: “Hey, hey!” You desperately whispered to the bartender. He turned around to look at you while putting the pot on his place.
Bartender: “What?” He asked worried.
Karen: “Did you saw who I was with?” You said, still whispering.
Bartender: “No, who is it?”
Karen: “It’s Vile Vallo!” You kept whispering excited.
He remained quiet for a few seconds, as he examined your expression. He leaned so he could take a better look at you.
Bartender: “Yeah, right!” He went back as he smiled incredulously.
Karen: “I’m not joking! He just went to the bathroom.”
Bartender: “Wait, was he the one you wanted the towel for?” He asked exalted.
Karen: “Yeah.” You replied embarrassed.
Bartender: “You know that the only person that can use that bathroom is you. And you don’t work here! Only the employees can use that bathroom. Not even my family uses that bathroom!” He said, now whispering.
Karen: “I know but… c’mon! He is Ville Valo!” You said making a puppy face. “Oh, shit! He is coming. Please, don’t say anything about me liking HIM, ok?” You asked concerned.
Bartender: “Don’t worry, I won’t.” He winked at you. “Same as always?” He asked smiling.
Karen: “Yes, please.” You asked, a little nervous.
Ville finally arrived and sat down next to you.
Ville: “Thanks for letting me use the ‘employees’ bathroom.” He said looking at both of you.
Bartender: “You’re welcome. But it was a one-time thing. Only she can use it, the only reason I let you use it was because I thought she was the one that was going in.” He said in a nice tone.
Ville: “You got it.” He replied nicely.
Karen: “Hey, so he is a friend of mine… Well, my best friend actually, we’ve known each other since elementary school.” You said to Ville referring to the bartender.
Ville: “Oh, nice to meet you…” He said while stretching his hand to him.
Bartender: “Lawrence.” He replied while stretching hands with Ville.
Ville: “I’m Ville.”
Lawrence: “Ville… As in Ville Valo? From HIM?” He asked, even though perfectly knew who he was.
Ville: “The one and only.”
Lawrence: “Well nice to meet you in person then. Would you like anything to drink?”
Ville: “Umm… A Jack Daniel’s would do. Do you want anything sweetheart?”
Karen: “Oh, yeah, he already knows what I want. But thank you.” You smiled shyly.
Ville: “This is a nice place.” He said looking around.
Karen: “Yeah, it’s pretty awesome. My favorite place on earth actually.”
Ville: “Oh, really?” He said with a kinky smile. “Now I know where to find you every time I want to see you.”
You giggled as you started blushing, and quickly looked away. Lawrence came with both of your drinks, and as you kept looking away, you could feel Ville was still staring at you with a smile on his face.
Karen: “So… what brings you here, if may I ask?” You said nervously, still not being able to look directly at him.
Ville: “Well, I just came to visit Bam. I haven’t being here since Ryan… well, you know.” He replied looking down at his drink.
Karen: “Yeah, I heard. Sorry about that by the way.” You said, know actually looking at him.
Ville: “Thanks. He wasn’t really my friend, but it hit pretty hard Bam, you know? And it hurts to see him like that.” He gave a small drink to his beverage. “It kind of made him grow up in a way.”
Karen: “Yeah… well I know how it feels.” You said looking down at your feet, with sadness in your eyes.
Ville: “I’m sorry to hear that.” He looked at you. “If you don’t mind me asking, who was it?” He asked sweetly.
Karen: “Oh no, it’s ok.” You replied smiling back at him. “It was my grandfather. Almost 4 years ago.”
Ville: “I’m sorry.” He said, putting his hand on one of yours, trying to make you feel like he was there to support you.
Karen: You remained quiet for a few seconds, being unable to talk for you had a lump in your throat. “Yeah, I really miss him… a lot. He was like my father. A good father, not like the one which sperm I come from.”
Ville giggled a little at this, and then looked at you ashamed.
Ville: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at that.”
Karen: “It’s ok.” You laughed a little as well. You both remained quiet for a few minutes.
Karen: “So how long are you staying in here?” You abruptly changed the subject.
Ville: “I don’t really know. A month maybe. It could be more.”
Karen: “How come that much?” You asked curiously.
Ville: “I really need a good rest from the work. I feel like I need to hang out with different people for a change. The guys also need a good relaxation.”
Karen: “But you’re not splitting up, are you? I mean, you were supposed to release a new album this year.” You said really anxious. Then stopped for a second to analyze what you have just said, and realize that you sounded just like the fan-girl you were.
Karen: “I mean, that would just break your fans hearts… And my friend’s heart as well.” You rapidly stated. Ville looked at you with a smile on his face, like if he knew something.
Ville: “Oh, it’s ok, don’t you worry about our fans and your friend, that album will still happen, not just this year.” You smiled more relaxed now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeeii!! I have 1 suscriber!! Thank you so much for reading it! And for leave a comment! So, here it is, part 2, which I hope you enjoy :D
And to other people reading this, please, give me some feedback. Have a great night! ♥