Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

Let Love Bleed Red - Kara's point of view.

4 weeks went by, they went by slow, but nothing really changed. Hanging out with the boys, therapy. Movies with mike when we did t want to go out. We had family dinners on Sundays. Mikes parent were so welcoming. Today was in fact Sunday, and also my birthday. Mike never asked me my birthday so he didn't know. Until we were rudely awakened
"This... is... your... birthday song it isn't very long!" Jaime and Sam sang coming into the room with birthday hats and a cupcake. I couldn't help but smile
"What the fuck are you doing...."
"It’s your birthday and you didn't tell me?" mike asked upset
"I don't like people celebrating my birthday."
"en la casa de Fuentes, cumpleanos es muy muy importante."
"oh mike, it's so sexy when you talk Spanish." Jaime said dreamily
"Back off avocado, he’s mine"
"All day err day. So why are birthdays important?"
"Because were Mexican. I don't know, expect sombreros"
"I'm Italian and welsh."
"Oh well."
"Mikkkkkeeee" I whined
"Karrrrraaaa" he whined back. He laughed and kissed me
"Happy birthday baby"
"Thanks guys. Can you give me the birthday present of sleeping in?"
"Sure thing, we have a birthday dinner to plan!"
"Don’t tell your parents mike..."
"TOO LATE, Sam told Vic a couple weeks ago, Vic told momma Fuentes and yeah, damaged done." Jaime said finishing with a simply smile. I grunted and buried my face into my pillow and went back to sleep.
"Seeeeeepyhead wake up" mike said waking me up
"Because it’s your birthday and there's someone very dear to your heart sitting on the couch" I sat there and thought for a minute and got up to see. I went in the living Room and saw cartoons turned on, followed by a 3 year old tuning his head to me
"Kara!” he yelled hopping off the couch and coming to me
"Bentley, I have seen you in so long"
"Happy birrfday!"
"Thank you buddy. Did mike bring you over?"
"Then who did?"
"I walked!"
"That’s bologna, it was mike wasn't it"
"Yes, but shhhh don't tell him I told ya"
"It’s okay, not a peep outta me"
"Can we go to chuck e cheese now mike?"
"Sure thing bud, but Kara needs to get ready. Why don't you go sit in the couch and watch TV?"
"Are you coming with me?"
"I'll be there in a minute I wanna talk to Kara"
"Okay" he said trotting along to the couch
"Thank you so much, I have seen him in months. How did you get him?"
"I called your mom and she got him and I just picked him up."
"I love you so much"
"I love you to baby. Go take a shower so we can go he seems pretty excited to go"
"It’s his favorite place" I said laughing and kissing him quickly to go into the shower, but instead he wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss
"I love you” he said pulling away, still centimeters apart
"I love you too, I'll be quick I promise"

"Got any 7's?" I heard mike ask as I came out of the bathroom
"Goooooo fish!" Bentley said
"I'm all ready booger and booger Jr"
"Who are you calling booger!?" he pouted and crossed his arms
"Youuu Mr. grumpy gills. You ready to go to chuck e cheese?"

We went to chuck e cheese and played in the ball put and we played the games. When we sat down to eat some pizza, a girl approached us
"Mike Fuentes?"
"That’s me, sup?"
"If it isn't too much to ask, can sign this for me?"
“sure no problem" he said taking her cd so he could sign it
"I didn't know you had a kid, you're great parents. My parents never took me to places like this."
"Oh, no. He's not my kid. This is Bentley, Kara's nephew."
"Oh I'm sorry. I really am."
"It’s okay, you don't have to apologize. Here's your cd." he said smiling.
"Well I'll let you guys get back to where you were, it was nice meeting all of you."
"You too!"
"Who dat" Bentley said taking a bite of his pizza
"Just a fan."
"She didn't look like one, she looked like a girl." we both laughed
"I'm in a band, we're pretty popular. She likes us so she wanted an autograph."
"Ohhhhh, look! It's chucky! Do you have your camera Kara?" he asked pulling on my shirt
"I do, come on mike" I said pulling him along. We asked a random person to take a picture of us.
"Thank you!" Bentley yelled as the person walked away.
"You almost ready to go, bud?"
"Why do we have to leave?"
"Well, it's Kara's birthday and as her boyfriend, I need to get something special."
"Ooooooo, I see. Are you gonna get her a ring? Ask her to marry her?!?"
"You’re so literate for 3 years old. And I will never tell, mostly because I really don't know."
"Oh, get her something pretty, she likes pretty things"
"I'll keep that in mind bud. Let's go."
"okay." he said taking mikes hand. My heart turned into mush.

We dropped off Bentley and my mom’s house so my sister could pick him up.
"You’d be such a great father."
"I would be? Who says I'll never have kids?"
"Oh, I didn't mean it like that."
"It’s okay I'm just busting your balls. I'm dropping you of at Starbucks, okay? I have a few things to do for you before we go over to my parents’ house and Sam said she'd meet us over there."
"Okay I suppose"
"You suppose?"
"Yeah, I just want to be with you."
"It’s only for a bit, maybe an hour. Hour and a half tops okay?" he did putting the car in park as we pulled into the parking lot."
"I love you"
"I love you too, princess. I'll see you in a bit." I kissed him goodbye and went inside. I saw Sam sitting a table and went over there
"There’s the birthday girl!" she said hugging me.
"Here, it's not much hit I know you'd like it."
"A Vera hipster in limes up? You know me so well, that my favorite pattern on the season!"
We talked a little bit more and mike came back to pick me up.
"Ready babe?"
"I'll be there a little bit later." Sam said as I got up
"Yeah I'm ready. See you later Sam! Thanks for the bag I love it" I hugged her and left with Nike. While in the car I looked at Nike and he was grinning like an idiot
"What’s so funny?"
"Nothing I just hope you love what I got you.”
“Mike, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“You’ll love it. Call me cocky, but I really think you will enjoy it.”
“I’m sure I will.” We got to the house and went in.
“Momma, we’re home!” mike said entering the house.
“FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!” Mrs. Fuentes said coming up to me and hugging me.
“SHE SPEAKS SPANISH. Oh, that just made me so happy!”
“I took 3 years in high school.”
“Happy birthday!” Vic said giving me a bear hug
“Thank you Vic! You guys really didn’t have to make a big deal out of my birthday, I never really celebrate it.”
“And that gives us all the more reason! Presents before or after dinner?”
“Uh, before I guess. I don’t want to get my presents dirty.”
“Okay, Bonita. Let us get your presents.” She said running upstairs. We sat on the couch and waited for them to come down.
“Okay! We have to sing first!”
“Are you sure? You don’t-“
“Thanks guys.”
“OPEN MINE FIRST!” Vic said shoving a box into my lap. I looked at it funny, shook it a little and felt how heavy it was. I unwrapped it and unboxed it. Unsurprisingly there was a box inside the box.
“How cute. Birthday nesting boxes.” I said continuing to unbox them. After 5 boxes, I finally got to the last one. I opened it up and pulled out a shot glass.
“You do realize I’m 20, and not 21 rights?”
“Hey. I thought a shot glass with a kangaroo from Australia was cool, okay? I thought you’d like it.” I laughed and hugged him
“I like it, thank you.”
Mrs. Fuentes got me a tart warmer with glass flowers on it and she also got me a gift card to a local boutique.
“Time for my presents, well. One of them anyways. I don’t have the other ones yet.” He said rubbing his neck.
“It’s okay; you didn’t even have to get me anything.” He pulled out a blue box from a bag sitting next to him. He scooted closer to me.
“Words can’t tell you how much I love you, Karisma. You are my world; I can’t imagine how my life would be right now if we never met at that concert 4 months ago. I want you to have this.” He said handing me the box.
“It’s a promise ring. I promise you that one day that ring will be replaced with an engagement ring, and eventually with wedding ring. It’s too early to get engaged now, we still have a lot of growing to do together to get to that point. But I do want to marry you.” I opened the box and there was a sapphire and diamond band. I heard a sniffle and I looked over at Mrs. Fuentes who was crying.
“Michael.” I said speechless. He took the ring out of the box, put it on my left ring finger and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.
“Is that all of Kara’s gifts?” Mrs. Fuentes piped up as she blotted tears away.
“Yeah I guess so. Is it dinner time? I’m hungry” Vic said. I laughed
“You’re always hungry!”
“What’s your point” Vic said deadpan, making me laugh harder.
“Okay kids, settle down. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Victor, come help me.”
“I am helping you!” Mr. Fuentes said calling out from the kitchen
“I meant your son!” she shouted back. Vic grunted and went into the kitchen with his mother.
“Thank you for the ring, it’s beautiful.” He just smiled and stroked my thigh.
“Dinner’s ready you guys!” we went into the dining room and sat down. We ate and talked, and then retreated to the living room where we played a cranium until the doorbell rang. I got up and answered the door
“Hey birthday girl!” Jaime said hugging me
“You ready?”
“Ready for what?”
“To go?”
“….go where?”
“Damn you, Jaime! Did you not tell her?!”
“Are you going to tell me where I’m going?”
“Clubbing! We haaaaave to go! It’s your birthday; we’ve been going every birthday since we turned 18”
“Don’t get drunk.” Mike said from the couch, he was looking at his phone texting
“Why not? I can’t drink on my birthday?”
“No, I just don’t want you to drink.” He looked at me and raised an eyebrow
“Well, give me a reason why.”
“I can’t tell you. But I love you, and that should be enough.”
“I love you too.”
“So? Go get ready!” I looked over at mike.
“I’d rather stay here and play cranium. I’m sorry sam.”
“It’s okay, I understand. I guess we’re gonna go back to Jaime’s then.”
“Okay, I’ll see you at the apartment tomorrow I guess.”
“Okay, text me” Sam said before leaving. I closed the door and went back to playing cranium. We played for an hour longer until Mrs. Fuentes spoke up
“Well, its midnight. We probably should get to bed; it’s been a long day. You are welcome to stay up if you would like, just make sure you shut off the lights and lock the door, okay honey?” we nodded
“No problem mom.” Mike said hugging his mom and giving her a kiss
“Night mom”
“Good night, Michael. Happy birthday, Kara.” She said hugging me
“Thank you, Mrs. Fuentes. Thank you for the gifts.”
“You’re welcome sweetie. Good night.” I took the clicker and flipped through the channels
“Do you wanna go upstairs?” he said lacing his fingers with mine. My heart skipped a beat for some reason
“Sure, there’s nothing really good on TV anyways.” I went upstairs and mike followed behind me. I opened the bedroom door and stopped in my tracks. The room was spotless, bed made and candles lit around the bed. Mike wrapped his arms around my waist.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to… im clean now. So we don’t have to worry about that.” He kissed my neck. I broke away from him and sat down on the nicely made bed. I noticed there was a rose lying on the pillow on my side of the bed. I picked it up and smelled it. I patted the mattress beside me and mike came over and sat down. We looked into each others eyes for a minute until he leaned in to kiss me. We kissed for a few minutes and he gently laid me on the bed without breaking the kiss. He stopped though to say something
“Kara, please stop me if you feel uncomfortable or don’t want to go all the way, alright?”
“I love you Michael”
“I love you too, Karisma. From the bottom of my heart. “He took everything slow, from kissing, to removing clothing. After kissing for a while, I slid my hands up his shirt, giving him a signal that it was okay to continue. I felt goose bumps develop on his soft skin of his torso and proceeded to take off his shirt for him. He kissed and sucked on my neck before doing the same to me.
“You’re beautiful, Kara.” He said kissing my stomach and hooking his fingers into my belt loops. I whimpered and bucked my hips
“Are you okay, sweetie?” I smiled at him asking
“Yeah, just…”
“Yeah…” I said giggling. He kissed me on the lips and unzipped my jeans.
“Me too” he said with his lips at the waist of my jeans, pulling them off. I suddenly felt insecure because of the scars on my legs, and realized that he’s never really seen them to full extent since it was dark in the room before, and I never really let him go down on me before, I’ve always been the one pleasing him. Tossing the article of clothing to the side, he looked up at me with his beautiful eyes, and then developed a confused look
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m just a little insecure.” I said biting my lip.
“You’re beautiful; you have nothing to be insecure about.”
“I hate my legs.” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Mike looked down and frowned.
“Hey, don’t cry. Your scars are beautiful. Don’t be ashamed, they show your story and how you’ve overcame everything in your past.”
“I love you so much.”
“I know, I love you too.” He said kissing me and continuing where he left off. He kissed down my torso and ran his hands against my thighs. He put his hands in between my thighs motioning me to open them wider. He kissed the insides of my thighs before taking off my panties.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No, keep going. Stop asking me every two seconds, I’m fine. I want to do this.”
“Okay, sweetheart.” He moved his hand down and his fingers ran over my clit making me shiver a bit in pleasure. He started kissing me again and slipped a finger into me.
“Michael” I moaned into the kissed and he entered another finger after a couple minutes. He moved down to my neck and smiled
“You’re so wet.” He said. He kissed me on my lips, and stood up to take the rest of his clothing off. I stood there and watched propped up on my elbows. He laid back on me, making his erection lay against my leg.
“Are you really gonna tease me like that?” he smirked and ground his hips into
“Like what?” he said biting his lip. I arched my back slightly and moaned
“Someone’s excited” he sang as he kissed me again
“Please?” I asked after a couple minutes
“Please what?” he knew what I wanted; he just chose to tease me more.
“I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” he said seriously this time.
“As sure as I will ever be. I am.” He reached for the night stand drawer and pulled out some lube and a condom. I took the condom and placed it on top of the stand. He looked at me weird.
“Why did you just put that back?”
“We’re both clean, and I’m on the pill. We should be okay.” I explained and smiled softly
“Are you sure you want to take that risk?”
“I take my pill every day. I haven’t skipped a day ever.”
“Okay then, sweetheart.” He squeezed a drop onto his finger then rubbed me a bit, then put some in his palm and slicked up his shaft.
“if it hurts please tell me.” He said placing his tip at the opening. I nodded, he kissed me and proceeded to push into me slowly. It didn’t hurt much at all, and i moaned in pleasure. I received a grunt back from him.
“does it feel alright?”
“mhmm, it feels good.” Mike moved in and out slowly until I was a little bit more relaxed and he picked up the pace.
“michael.” I moaned, placing my hands on his chest and letting my head go back in pleasure. After a little longer, we climaxed together and collapsed on the bed.
“did it feel good?”
“yes, it felt amazing. Im so glad I waited.” I said kissing him and spooning with him.
“I love you so much, kara.”
“I love you too. Thank you for a wonderful birthday present.”
“anything for my love.” We kissed one more time and fell into a deep slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for anything that didn't make sense, or random bits that got moved or whatever. i just realized a couple things were iffy. i've been typing on my ipod lately, and those touch screens don't provide much accuracy sadly, and when i put it into word to beta read it, sometimes it doesn't catch everything :C booo. anyways, hope you enjoyed! next chapter will be up soon (: