Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

These Issues, They Choke Me Like A Noose.

Mike’s POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked the time and wiped the puddle of drool off my cheek and answered the phone
“Wuddup?” I answered groggy
“Come to the hospital.” I didn’t check my caller id, and it took me a minute to realize it was Vic
“Why? She isn’t getting discharged till 11. It’s like fucking 6am.”
“Michael, she is YELLING for you. She needs you. I can’t give her what she needs. I can comfort her all I want, but she is literally screaming for you. They threatened to sedate her if she keeps it up.”
“I’ll be over there as soon as I can” I said hanging up and grabbing my hat and keys off the counter
“Where are you going?” Jaime said peeking his head out of the door
“Hospital, Vic said Kara needs me; I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“Call me, bro. let me know!” I closed the door and sped off to the hospital. I ran into the hospital and got into the elevator. She was on the 5th floor and it kept stopping at every floor.
“GOD DAMN IT, WHY IS IT STOPPING ON EVERY FLOOR?!” I threw my fists against the wall.
“It will be okay, dude. 2 more floors.” A guy in the elevator said. I looked at him and put my face into my hands. I was finally on the 5th floor and I ran to Kara’s room and a nurse stopped me
“Please walk.” She said
“Sorry, I need to get in there.”
“One visitor at a time.”
“I am her fiancé and that is my baby she is carrying. She’s been screaming my name and I swear if I don’t get in there-“I stopped mid-sentence when she opened the door.
“Thank you, lovely. I appreciate it.” I gave her a dazzling smile and walked in.
“Michael” she groaned
"What’s wrong?" I asked holding her hand
"Don’t leave me."
"What? I'm not leaving you never in a million years"
"Take me home."
"I can't until they clear you"
"I need to go home."
"Kara... What's wrong? are you in pain?"
"My tummy hurts a little."
"Like a vomit hurt? Or cramp hurt?"
"Okay that's good just morning sickness."
"Can I talk to you outside?" Vic said nudging me
"Is it okay?"
"Yeah" she said sighing
"I don't know what's wrong with her. Maybe night terrors or something but she was saying something about her brother?"
"She doesn't have a brother..."
"I'm not sure what's going on but something isn't right." Vic said.
"It might be the meds. Don't sweat it she'll be okay" I went back inside the room and gave her a kiss
"I love you" I waited for a reply but she didn't say anything
"My chest hurts..." she said. I looked a t Vic and a second later her monitors were going crazy. I felt the blood drain out of my face and I started to feel sick when the nurses came rushing in
"She’s crashing. Get the paddles!"
"No! Kara!" I screamed. A guy shoved Vic and I out of the room.
"There will be no more visitors for Kara for the rest of the day."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes she is stable and the baby is okay."
"alright." we went home and didn't say a word to each other on the way home. Vic didn't want me to drive because I was crying and didn't want me to have an accident. I went up to my room and sat on my bed staring at the wall listening to my iPod for hours, only getting up to use the bathroom. I finally decided to get up and go see an old friend of mine.

Vic's point of view

"I'm going to see a friend. I'll be back soon." mike said opening my door a bit. I was sitting at my desk writing lyrics.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm good; I just need to hang out with someone. Kill time."
"We can hang out if you want. I’m not having a good writing day anyways"
"Maybe when I come back. Jenga?"
"You got it" I smiled and he smiled back before leaving. I went into our video game room and played FIFA until mike came back.
“Hey mike” I said as he passed the room
“Hey bro” he said continuing to his room. I paused the game and followed him.
“So how was your hang sesh with your friend?”
“Uh, it was okay.”
“Why are you acting weird?”
“I’m not; I’m just a little tired that’s all.”
“Still up for Jenga?”
“Sure” he smiled and we went to the living room down stairs and pulled Jenga out of the game cabinet. We played for probably a half an hour.
“Ahhhhh, it’s gonna fall!” I said laughing
“Chill, I got this.” Mike said breathing and pulling out a block slowly. He waited a second after it was out and it collapsed.
“JENGA!” I said throwing my hands into the air.
“You always win” he said laughing and picking up the pieces.
“Wanna play again?”
“Eh, I’d rather not. We’ve been playing for a while, and I have some stuff to do.”
“Okay bro. if you need anything let me know, alright?”
“Yeah, same with you too.” I smiled and watched him walk away. I put away the game and got a drink from the fridge and went upstairs. I stood in my doorway for a minute and turned around to mikes door that was partially cracked. I tapped it a bit to open the door a little bit to see what he was doing. Mike was sitting Indian style on his bed facing the door, with a syringe in his hand and a tourniquet on his left arm. He pushed the syringe into his arm and pulled it back, allowing a bit of blood to release into it. He then loosened the tourniquet and injected the substance into his vein. He let his head rest on his headboard and pulled out the syringe, carelessly throwing it on the bed. He didn’t care about the blood running down his arm, he just cared about the new rush he rediscovered. I decided this isn’t the time to approach him, since he gets pretty violent sometimes, so I went back into my room and stuck my ear buds in and cranked my iPod up. I grabbed my right wrist with my left hand and rested my wrists against my eyes as I listened to chalk outline by three days grace. I pulled my left wrist away from its resting spot and traced faint scars.
“We’re all fucked up.” I said laughing slightly and sighing. Fighting battles was a daily thing, but today it was different. The urge felt stronger, almost like a panic. I felt myself involuntarily moving to the bathroom. I put my hands on the counter and took a couple deep breaths. I reached for the cabinet door and took out the flimsy piece of metal. I put it to my wrist and mike walked into the bathroom and startled me, causing me to dig deep into my arm and drop the razor. Mike stood there and looked at me.
“What the fuck?” he said in a dull tone after a minute.
“Get the fuck out of here!” I said grabbing a towel and wrapping my arm. He left and I uncovered my arm to see how bad it was.
“fuck.” I said as I looked at the 1 inch long gash in my fore arm. I sighed and bandaged it up then went back into my room. Mike was sitting on my bed flipping through a magazine.
“What are you doing?” I said calmly
“Reading a magazine. What are you doing, emo boy?”
“Better than a drug addict.” Mike put down the magazine and scooted to the end of the bed.
“I didn’t want to.”
“Bullshit, of course you did. You haven’t talked to your dealer in almost 2 years.”
“Why were you cutting yourself?”
“Mike, I saw you shooting up. It’s difficult to see your baby brother ruining himself.”
“Well, what about you? You don’t think I feel the same? I watched you gash your arm open with a blade.”
“I’ve been cutting myself for years! Did you just notice?” mike just looked at me.
“How long you’ve been cutting is irrelevant.”
“Also known as, druggie brother never saw his brothers scarred up wrists. I couldn’t care less if you did or not. No one knows except for maybe 2 people. Well, 3 now. I can’t believe you fucking relapsed. You have a child on the way and your fiancé is in the hospital. Seriously? You’re gonna do meth or heroin or whatever you were shooting up when you have EVERYTHING going for you?”
“I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was upset.”
“That’s why I had the blade in my hand. I was upset too. Not to mention cutting is just as bad of an addiction as your drugs.”
“I doubt it. Drugs are pretty addicting.”
“I’d say try it, but I don’t want you to go through what I did.”
“Back at you.”
“I wonder if mom and dad were as fucked up as we are when they were our age.”
“Let’s go ask.”
“WHAT? No, I don’t want them to know about my cutting.”
“Stop being a woose. I won’t tell them. They don’t need to know. Trust me.”
“You’re fucking high mike. You don’t know what you’re doing!”
“Hush. Let’s go.”
“This is a terrible idea.” I said whispering as we walked to the office. We knocked and we went in after mom told us we could come in. dad was sitting in a chair, and they look like they were casually chatting.
“Hi mom.” Mike said smiling
“What do you want?” She said in a monotone voice. I laughed
“I got a question for you two.”
“Did you guys have rough teenage years? Like, drinking? Or drugs? Maybe cutting or something like that?”
“Maybe a little bit of drink and occasionally drugs. But nothing over the top. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering. Question kind of popped into my head”
“You were always a curious one, Michael.” I smiled as she pinched his cheeks.
“Well, we’ll see you at dinner time then.” He said, kissed her, and walked out. I followed behind him.
“Throw the drugs away.”
“I have 3 more doses!”
“Seriously? Do I have to?”
“Fine. You throw away your razors.”
“That isn’t part of the deal.”
“Now it is.” We stared at eachother for a couple minutes then went into our rooms and got our stuff.
“You give me yours, I’ll give you mine.”
“Deal.” I put my blades in his hands and he put his drugs in my hand. We went to the bathroom and flushed both of them down the toilet.
“I can’t believe I just did that.” He said standing there.
“Me either. Gah.”
“I’m gonna go sleep.”
“Hmm, that sounds good. See you at dinner.”
“Yurp.” We parted our ways until dinner.
“So what did you two do all day?” our mom asked at the dinner table.
“Video games, nap. That’s pretty much it. We got kicked out of the hospital so we can’t see Kara until tomorrow.”
“Well I’m sorry about that dear.”
“Mom?” mike said after chewing a bite of his dinner.
“Yes sweetie?”
“Can I talk to you later? Like, alone?”
“Yeah sure, is there something wrong?”
“No, I just want to talk to you about personal stuff. That’s all.” He said smiling. I glared at him questioningly. Paranoid level? 100%.
“Stop being paranoid.” Mike said stabbing a carrot and putting it into his mouth while staring at me.
“Just remember two words.”
“What are these two words I should remember, Vic?”
“Black. Mail.” Mike rolled his eyes and continued eating his dinner.
“May I be excused?”
“You didn’t eat much, Vic…” mom said worried
“I’m sorry, it was delicious, I was snacking when I was playing FIFA earlier. I hope you aren’t mad.”
“It’s okay sweetie. Do you want me to put it in the fridge for later?”
“Yes please.” I said and went to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled up my sleeve on my right arm and ran my finger over the new cut and winced. I felt someone watching me and I looked to my doorway and found mike standing there leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
“Don’t pick.”
“I will if I want.”
“I’ll tell mom when I talk to her after she’s doing dishes”
“I’ll tell mom I saw you shooting up drugs. AGAIN.”
“And you’ll be dead because I’ll be in rehab for months. And we’ll probably have to cancel the tour.”
“Yeah? What about ME? Cutting is usually paired with emotional turmoil. You don’t think I’ll be put in the mental center?”
“How long have you been cutting Vic? Why haven’t I noticed?” he said sitting on the bed. I stuffed my arm in between my legs to cover my scars.
“Bracelets? It doesn’t matter how long.”
“Vic, please give me straight answers. I’m your brother. We’re best friends, remember?”
“You didn’t come to me and tell me that you wanted to relapse.”
“Neither did you!”
“You’re such a headache.”
“So do you Mike. You have a child on the way. What happens if you overdose? Then you’re child won’t have a father. And I won’t have a brother. And mom and dad will only have one son.”
“I’ll get help if you get help.”
“I don’t need help.” I said pulling my knees to my chest and starting to cry.
“I DON’T NEED HELP!” I repeated again crying harder. Mike hugged me tightly.
“Do you want to get help without telling mom and dad? Or do you want to tell them?”
“Do you think we can like, just do therapy? I won’t have to go to the psych center?”
“I won’t let you go there. I promise. Just therapy. I’ll start therapy too.”
“Thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you mike.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re the best big brother ever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i like how this chapter came out. i know that Kara isn't in this chapter much, but i felt like changing it up.

I do not condone any actions that these characters do. Nor do i think that Vic self injures, and i do not think that mike does hard drugs.

don't do drugs, kids. they aren't attractive.