Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

These highway lights show me that im alive, they blur as we move on to the place where we belong

Kara’s POV
I woke up and looked around at my surroundings. I saw mike sitting in the chair sleeping, I didn’t really remember much of yesterday, all I remember is that he never came to see me. Mike woke up after a couple minutes, stretched and moved the chair closer to me.
“Hey sweetie” he said kissing my forehead. I smiled
“Why weren’t you here yesterday?”
“They kicked us out. You were having some problems and they said we shouldn’t be there. But I’m here now.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too sweetie.”
“How is everyone?”
“They’re good. How are you and my little baby?”
“We’re good. I think. I’m still really tired.” I saw Vic hit mike.
“ouch.” He said looking at Vic
“Stop.” I didn’t know what was wrong, but mike sat on his hands.
“Are you okay mike?”
“Hmm, yeah I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? You look really pale…”

Vic’s POV
That stupid son of a bitch. He either got a hold of more drugs, or is somehow still on his high. He was scratching at himself, and he just fucking fell asleep. Talk about cloudy brain.
“Is he okay…?”
“Yeah. He’s fine. He had a rough day and night yesterday.”
“Yeah. You two can take a nap. I need to go do a few things. Make a few calls.”
“Can we play monopoly later?” she said as I was walking towards the door. I turned around and smiled.
“Of course we can. Anything you want.” I smiled and left.
“Hi. Are you accepting new patients? No? Okay, thank you for your time.” I said to the person on the other line, hanging up the phone in frustration. It was probably my 10th call in the past hour.
“This is frustrating. If someone wants help, they either can’t or they refuse to.”
“Vic? Who are you talking to?”
“Oh… is everything alright?” my mom said coming into the kitchen. I was sitting at the table with the phonebook in front of me. I closed it and turned around to look at her.
“Yeah. Just looking up doctors.”
“Oh. For what? Are you feeling okay?”
“yeah, not for me. For mike and Kara. High risk pregnancy. She needs a good obstetrician.”
“Well that’s nice of you.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“How is she?”
“She’s good. How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant with me?” She furrowed her brows and tilted her head at me. Her facial expression relaxed before she started to reply.
“It wasn’t the best feeling. I was ecstatic, but something didn’t feel right.”
“You were planned, don’t you worry.” She tapped my nose and I smiled
“I love you.”
“I love you too, victor. Where’s mike?”
“At the hospital. He was being weird and fell asleep, so I left him and Kara to sleep.”
“Hmm. Okay. Are you going back there?”
“Probably later, not right now. I think I’m gonna go write a bit.”
“Okay. Well, I have to run to the store. You’re more than welcome to come if you would like.”
“Eh, I’ll just stay here. Can you pick us up some flaming hot Cheetos?” she laughed
“Sure. Anything else?”
“Nope, that’s it. I can always run to the store later if mike wants something or if I want something.”
“Okay. I’ll be back soon then sweetie.” She said kissing my head. I went upstairs and carelessly fell on my bed. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling humming some random song that came to mind, when the phone rang.
“Hello?” I answered
“Hey, it’s mike”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, they are releasing her tomorrow morning.”
“Nice. So everything is good?”
“Yeah. Even though they want me to watch her for the next week. I’m not sure why though.”
“They probably saw her wrist. I don’t think she’d like, try to kill herself in the hospital. That would be the epitome of stupid.”
“Are you high again? Or were you using for a while and you’re having a withdrawal?”
“Withdrawal. I just don’t feel like myself.”
“Well maybe you should lay off the drugs.”
“I’m trying. You don’t know how fucking hard I’m trying, Vic! I want to! SO FUCKING BAD!”
“Calm down mike. You get so angry when you binge.”
“Wanna point out any more flaws?”
“Nope, I’m good. Go get yourself a coffee or something.”
“Whatever. I’ll be home in like an hour.”
“Sure, see you then.” I laid back down on the bed and groaned in frustration.

Mike’s POV
I gave Kara a kiss and a hug before going to leave for the day. I gathered my keys and cigarettes and headed to my car, when I saw Vic leaning against my driver door.
“Yes?” I questioned lighting a cigarette.
“Get in the passenger seat of my car.”
“Why? I drove here.”
“I don’t care. Get in my car.”
“Okay then…” I hesitantly got into his car after locking mine.
“Where are we-“ I started to ask as I noticed we were heading the opposite way of home
“Hush. Just be easy, okay?”
“Okay bro. didn’t mean to make you mad.” I looked over at his hangs on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he gripped tightly. We pulled into a building’s parking lot a few minutes later. I looked at the sign and scoffed.
“The watershed addiction treatment program. You’re fucking admitting me to rehab.”
“Michael. You are my brother. My best friend. I cannot let you do this to yourself. You have a fiancé and a child on the way!”
“Give me one more chance. Please! Don’t put me in here. They will keep me in here for months!”
“It’s just for the rest of the week, Michael. 4 days. You can do it. 4 days inpatient and the rest will be outpatient therapy. That’s all.”
“Just give me one more chance. Please I’m begging you.”
“Mike, if I didn’t catch you shooting up that one day, we would not be parked outside of this place. But you relapsed. I thought you changed and kicked your habits.”
“What about your habits?”
“Mike, intravenous drugs can collapse your veins, ruin your heart and kill you a lot fast than a flimsy blade can. Plus, this is an alcohol and drug abuse treatment center. They do not have a treatment program for self-harm or eating disorders.”
“Then find rehab place that has both. I’m not going if you don’t get help too.”
“You are a stubborn bastard I don’t know why you can’t just go yourself!”
“You’re selfish, Vic. You want to help everyone else but yourself.”
“I care about everyone else a lot more than myself. If I died in 5 minutes I wouldn’t care.”
“Of course not, cause you’d be dead. You can’t care when you’re dead.” I laughed at my deadpan joke. Vic laughed too.
“fine.” Vic called a couple places and sat in the seat for a minute
“Closest one is 35 minutes away.”
“Fine with me.”
“We’re gonna have to tell mom and dad before we go.” I groaned
“You think I want to tell them any more than you do?”
“Right. Okay, let’s go home then and tell them.” We drove home and go everyone in the living room together.
“What is it?” mom asked worried
“Mike and I, we decided to seek help for some issues we’ve been having, and we will be gone for a week or so.”
“What kind of issues?” dad asked. I shook my head slightly.
“For him, I’m not doing drugs.” Mom looked out into space for a minute
“Then what’s wrong, Vic?”
“I’ve been releasing my emotions in a destructive way.” They both furrowed their brows and looked at me
“He has to tell you. I’m not saying it. It’s his problem.”
“I’ve been coping with my problems by injuring myself.”
“Like, cutting?” I looked at Vic and he had his fist to his mouth, tears threatening to fall.
“Why did we not notice that you two were hurting so much? Why didn’t you tell us?”
“We’re sorry mom. But we’re ready to get help. Malibu horizon has programs for both of us.”
“How long will you two be gone?”
“They said probably around a week.”
“Are you leaving today?”
“We can leave tomorrow if you’d rather us stay for the rest of the day”
“I’d like to go out to dinner to spend with my boys.”
“If that’s what you want, then sure. We’d like that” I said smiling at vic. It was painful to think that after I pick up Kara tomorrow, I’ll be in rehab for a week. But sometimes you have to do unpleasant things for the sake of you and your family and friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
title are lyrics from Scream (peace of mind) by the skeptic! go check them out (:

hope you guys like it! sorry for the delay ): major writers block.