Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

We'll never run away, so stand and fight another day.

Vic's POV

"I can't believe I'm being dragged into a treatment center... I don't need help." I mumbled as I packed clothes and a few necessary items.
"Yeah, I can't believe I'm being dragged either. But we're brothers. Sometimes you have to sacrifice shit. Like being able to see your pregnant girlfriend for a week."
"I'm sorry bro. I just don't want you to waste your life away."
"I know."
"All ready for tomorrow?"
"Eh. I suppose. Do you think they'll let me bring a practice pad and sticks?"
"Maybe. Doesn't hurt to take it with you. The worst they can do is set it aside." mike paused for a minute.
"I'm not happy going into this."
"I'm not either Mike. We should get some sleep. It's past midnight."
"Yeah, I guess so. I don't know how I'm gonna tell Kara. She doesn't even know I use hard drugs. Just weed."
"Oh well. I can do nothing but move forward. And hope this doesn't get out to the fans..."
"Ugh, me too. That would be terrible."
"Okay, well I'm gonna head off to bed. See you in the morning."
"You too. Goodnight."
"Goodnight" he said gently closing the door. Sleep didn't come easy, and I spent most of the night writing. I probably only got around 2 hours of sleep before mike was tapping me to wake up
“Sleepy head. Time to get up.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“Story of my mother fucking life. Now get up and shower.” I groaned and rolled off the bed and zombie walked to the bathroom with clean clothes in my hand. I almost fell asleep in the shower, but safely made it out and got ready. Mike was drumming on his practice pad when I walked back into my room.
“Okay, let’s go pick Kara up.”
“Yay!” mike said, putting his practice pad on the bed and grabbing his keys. We went to the hospital, and lo and behold, there was Kara getting dressed already to go. She put her shirt on as we walked away and as she was fixing it, she gave us a warm smile.
“Hey guys!” she said hugging us both. She continued getting her stuff together and putting her shoes on as we patiently waited. She had a tight fitting shirt on and couldn’t help but smile at the little baby bump she was getting
“Maybe I’m biased because I know you’re pregnant, but I see a little bump there.” I gave her a big grin, and she gladly returned it
“I thought I was noticing that too. The doctor said I gained 5 pounds in the past week and a half. Most people in that I know that have been in the hospital lost weight. But I don’t mind a couple pounds. I’m pretty sure I was considered underweight, even if I consider myself chunky.” Kara’s expression turned somber, but she quickly shrugged it off.
“I can’t believe you’re 9 weeks already.” Mike said spontaneously hugging her again. She laughed
“I know! 2 months down, 6 and three quarters to go!” she kissed him. They were so cute together. They’ll be perfect parents.
“You ready to go?” I said rubbing her back
“Good, cause momma Fuentes wants to see you.”
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“No! She’s totally over the whole pregnancy thing. She just misses you. You’re like the daughter she never had” mike said taking her hand. We went to the desk and filled out discharge papers and left.
“Can we go to my apartment first? I wanna get a few things before we go to your house.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” Mike said, driving in the direction of her apartment. She grabbed her keys as we approached the driveway and she stepped out.
“You want me to go in with you? Do you need help?”
“Nope, I’m okay. I’ll only be a second.” She smiled and went into the house.

Kara’s POV
I went into the house and went into my room to grab some clothes and a snack. I was filing through the mail when I heard noise coming from Sam’s room. I wasn’t sure what it was so I absent mindedly walked over to her door, still while reading mail, and carefully listened.
“Oh! Please don’t stop!” Sam moaned. I felt my face involuntarily go deadpan, but for some reason I still stood there reading the mail.
“Ah! Tony!” my jaw dropped harder than a cast iron skillet falling from an old lady’s buttery hands. I heard tony grunting in response, and even if I’ve been in the hospital for 2 weeks, I knew that Jaime and Sam were still together, despite their disputes between each other. I opened the door and stood there crossing my arms. Tony had Sam’s arms pinned above her head. She arched her back and threw back her head in pleasure, obvious that she was at her climax. Tony thrusted into her a couple more times and looked at me with his dark eyes.
“Kara, you are so rude. Get out of my room!”
“GET OUT.” I screamed.
“I pay half the rent. So no, YOU get out.”
“Cheaters are not allowed here. Get the fuck out. BOTH OF YOU.” Tony put on his jeans and stood in front of me, but didn’t ask me to move out of his way. He just stared into at me with his blood shot, dark brown eyes. He was high, but I could tell he hasn’t had sleep in a while.
“Excuse me.” He said in a sad, soft voice. I hugged him, but he didn’t hug back. I moved to the side and he walked out of the house after putting his shoes on. Sam came over to the door and slammed it in my face. I didn’t bother to approach her, so I went back out to the car.

“What just happened?” mike ask with a hand on me knee.
“Tony was fucking Sam! Okay?! I watched them. I can’t even right now. I feel like puking. I hate cheaters.”
“Well shit.” Vic said in the back seat.
“You… watched them?”
“Well, I heard them. And when she moaned Tony’s name I opened the door. They knew I was standing there but they proceeded to let themselves climax anyways.” Vic’s face scrunched up.
“I don’t want to let myself picture that, but for some reason my mind is trying to.” Mike said rubbing his temples.
“I don’t know if I should tell Jaime or not. I hate keeping secrets. And I hate when secrets are kept from me.”
“Well, then buckle up.”
“What?” I asked.
“You’ll see.” I dropped it and buckled my seat belt. Within 15 minutes I was at the Fuentes’ house. I didn’t even remember what nonsense Mike was saying. Mrs. Fuentes greeted me at the door.
“Kara! You’re home. It’s great to see you again!” she said hugging me and kissing my cheek.
“It’s great to see you again, too! I missed it here.”
“Sit, Kara.” Mike said softly.
“Okay…” I obeyed and sat on the couch. Vic sat in the chair across from me and mike sat on the couch beside me and placed his hand in mine.
“I want to let you know, that I love you very much.”
“… Is that it?” mike laughed.
“No. that’s not all. I know you’ve been under a lot of stress lately, and so have I. I haven’t been dealing with this stress very well. And I haven’t been honest with you in the past either. I did not lie to you; the subject just never came up.”
“So… what are you saying?”
“Vic has been coping in habit-forming ways also. So we are leaving today to go to Malibu.” He said softly
“Call me stupid, but I don’t understand. What’s in Malibu? Habit forming? Coping?”
“There is a treatment center in Malibu that helps drug and alcohol abuse, along with self-harm and anxiety patients.” I looked at him questioningly, but didn’t say anything. I think I understood, but didn’t want to accept the truth.
“I had a relapse about a week ago. Vic saw me shooting up oxycontin. In return I walked in on him cutting. We came to an agreement that we’d go to rehab together.”
“This can’t be happening... you said you would never leave me…” I said starting to cry
“Kara, I’m not leaving you. I’ll be back in 10 days. That’s all. Just 10 days.” I sighed and hugged him.
“When are you leaving?”
“In an hour or so.”
“Can we cuddle in your room?”
“Sure. Knock on my door when it’s time to go?” Vic smiled shyly
“Will do. Now, you two. No sex, remember that.”
“Sadly, I will remember that for the next month.” Mike laughed, took my hand and led me upstairs to his room.
I laid on his bed and turned on his TV, but he came over and clicked it off. He hovered over me and gave me the softest, most innocent kiss ever. He put his warm, soft hand gently on my stomach underneath my shirt. No lust was felt at all, just love.
"I'm sorry I have to leave right after you got home."
"It's alright. I understand."
"I'm so glad you do. I want to beat the addiction before it comes back again. For you and the baby. And for myself." I smiled and him and kissed him again.
"I wish we could make love before I leave." He whispered softly kissing my neck. I felt a heat growing in my lower stomach. You know, when a guy turns you on, but you don't feel lust, you feel love? I'm not sure, maybe it's just me.
"I want to so bad. I can't even get myself off. It's torcher."
"So I can't even please you?" His voice was still soft and gentle, but there was a huskiness in it, which made my hormones go crazy.
"I assume not. Orgasms make the uterus contract. Bu it's really hard to hold back." I said as he kissed my neck some more.
"Can I just tease you? Remind you how it feels so you won't forget?" He whispered in my ear, slipping his hand into my panties. I gasped in acceptance and he smirked
"Don't worry. I won't let you." He slowly stroked my clit with his middle finger while kissing me, making fast movements as time went on. I started bucking my hips and he stopped. I groaned and frowned
“I’m sorry. I wish I could make you go over the edge, but you know what the doctor said.”
“Can I return the favor?” I asked reaching for his belt
“Please?” he undid his belt for me and we switched positions. Before getting back on the bed, he shed his clothing from the waist down. He leaned against the headboard in a normal sitting position. Positioning myself on all fours, I wrapped my small hands around his member, slowly stroking it up and down. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back slightly in content. I placed my hand at the very base so my hand was flush with his pelvis and licked from the base all the way to the tip. Once I was at the tip, I put my lips around and slowly put my head down, taking as much of him in as I possibly could. I came back up and smiled at him when I noticed he was looking at me. He tucked my hair back behind my ear and smiled back softly. Just as he was climaxing, Vic knocked on the door.
“Mike? Are you awake?”
“Fuck yeah I’m awake.” He side riding out his euphoric orgasm.
“Okay… well we should probably leave in the next 10 minutes or so…” mike grunted in response.
“Okay, that’s cool. Just let me know when you’re ready.”
“Thank you. That felt amazing.” He said wiping the corner of my mouth with his thumb, I looked down and blushed.
“Don’t be embarrassed. But again, thank you. That felt amazing. I haven’t gotten off since the last time we did anything, which had to be 3 weeks ago. Or more.”
“I’m sorry. I love you.”
“Don’t be sorry. And I love you too. I don’t want to go. I wanna stay here with you.”
“Me too. I don't want you to go. I just wanna cuddle all day.”
“I promise you that’s what we’ll do the first day I’m back. Collect a list of movies you want, and we’ll rent them on Netflix or red box and cuddle all day.”
“yay.” I said enthusiastically as I could while being tired.
“Okay. Ill face time you every chance I can, alright? I don’t know what their rules are or whatever. But ill contact you as much as I can. I love you so much.” He said hugging me and kissing me. I refused to let him go.
“Kara” he said dead pan.
“I don’t want you to go.”
“I know sweetheart. But I’m going through withdrawals and I need to get better before little pumpkin gets here.” He said kissing my stomach. I smiled and put my hand on my belly and he did the same.
“I love you. You’re beautiful and this is just a little pebble in the road. It will be fine. We will all be fine. And I love you little peanut.” He kissed my stomach and kissed me one last time before he left. He grabbed his bags and went to his car with vic.
“ill see you in 10 days! Love you!” he said right before they pulled out of the driveway. We exchanged ‘I love you’ one last time, and they were off to Malibu for 10 days.
“it’s okay, baby. We’ll be okay on our own for 10 days. What can possibly go wrong without daddy here?” I said rubbing my belly in going inside. I curled up in mike’s bed and took a nap before dinner.