Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

I was told these days would come, and I thought I could face them But I am nothing without you.

Kara’s POV
I woke up to a weight shift in the bed. I pulled the blanket over my shoulders and thought for a second in my foggy haze. Mike? Could I have been dreaming all this time? I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder. It wasn’t mike, it was tony. I was extremely confused, but didn’t say anything.
“I was high, and she seduced me. It wasn’t my fault, Kara. I didn’t provoke it.” I swung my legs over the bedside into a sitting position. I still didn’t say anything; he was here for a reason. To explain, apologize, to make me understand what really happened.
“I went over there looking for Jaime or Mike. Neither of them answered their phone so I thought that they might have been at your apartment. She invited me in and everything seemed so normal, I didn’t think anything of it. She said sit down; Mike was gonna be there shortly to bring you home. While I was waiting she straddled me and kissed me. When I’m high, I have no control over sexual impulses. Which fucking sucks, so it happened anyways. If I was sober, I would have never fucked her. I hope you aren’t mad at me, Kara. She seduced me. I had no control.”
“I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you. I’m madder at her than you. You didn’t have a significant other. She does.”
“I know. I just came here to apologize to you.”
“Well, thanks.”
“Where’s mike and Vic?” I narrowed my eyes at him wondering if he knew about mikes drug problem, and Vic’s cutting.
“In Malibu.”
“What the fuck is in Malibu?”
“The cow is in the milk shed.”
“What the fuck are you saying Kara?” he laughed.
“I thought if I spoke in code, you’d know what I’m saying.”
“Well it’s not working. When are they going to be back?”
“10 days.”
“rehab.” Tony’s eyebrows rose
“Rehab” he repeated, in a tone of disbelief. It wasn’t necessarily in a questioning tone, but not really a statement either.
“I’m guessing you know nothing of it so maybe I should just keep my mouth shut.” I said getting up and brushing my teeth. Tony followed.
“Neither of them are alcoholics. Why are they in rehab? Why didn’t they tell anyone?”
“They told momma and papa Fuentes.” I responded with a toothbrush in my mouth
“Okay, I mean like, me or Jaime.”
“It was sudden. I didn’t find out until earlier today.” I wiped my mouth and went back into the bedroom and changed my shirt. I wasn’t insecure about changing in front of tony, or any of the band members since they all pretty much saw me in my undies before the night I met them all. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror at my somewhat changed body. I never really paid attention on how much I’ve changed over the past year. But I didn’t mind.
“How’s the baby?” tony asked softly from the bed. He had his elbows on his knees and his fingers interlocked.
“Good. I’m 9 weeks along now.” I smiled and put my hands on my belly before grabbing my shirt and putting it on.
“That’s great. Mike is so happy about the baby, he can’t keep his mouth shut about It.” he laughed and rubbed his neck.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m jealous.”
“Of what?”
“Mike has a beautiful girlfriend, a great family and he’s gonna be a dad. I’m single. I mean, I have a good family too but I don’t know. I guess my clock is ticking.”
“I’m sorry. You can help me while mike and Vic are doing stuff though.” I said sitting on the bed.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I know that you hang out with them a lot. Wanna hang out with me for a bit during the next 10 days? I’m gonna get pretty lonely since I’ll be here by myself most of the day. I’m not going back to the apartment unless I really need to.”
“Sure, why not. I like spending time with you anyways.” He smiled
“Great. I need to run a couple errands for the baby and Mrs. Fuentes.”
“Oh, so I’m just your wingman to help with shopping. I see.” He crossed his arms and made a sassy face.
“Noooo, I’m just not supposed to lift anything. We can window shop. There’s this storm trooper in the window of this shop that I saw. Wanna go check it out?”
“You had me at storm trooper. Let’s go!” I laughed and we headed out the door after telling Mrs. Fuentes that we were leaving.
“So what do you need here?” tony asked as we stepped into Walgreen’s.
“I need prenatal vitamins. And coco butter.”
“Coco butter? Is that like… butter with coco in it? Cause if it is I think you should look for it at the market instead of a pharmacy…” I laughed
“No, it’s like a moisturizer. It’s really thick and people use it for scars and stretch marks.”
“You don’t have stretch marks.”
“Preventative measures.” I smiled and picked up something off of the shelf and read the back of it. We carried on walking through the aisles. There was no rush, so we just talked and walked around. Tony grabbed a box of condoms and threw them in the cart. I gave him a questioning look and he smiled
“Just in case. You never really know.” He explained.
“Judgment free zone. It’s better to use them. Mike and I never did and welp, just look at me now.” I joked
“But that baby is gonna have the best parents in San Diego.”
“Awe, thanks.” We went up the cashier and put everything on the counter so she can ring them out.
“Prenatal? Are you expecting?”
“Yes, I’m 9 weeks.” I said smiling
“Awe! Congrats! You two look like you’ll be wonderful parents” tony blushed and looked down at the floor.
“Oh, he’s just my best friend. He’s not the father. Mike is out of town for business work. He’s just helping me with errands. I can’t lift things. Baby doctor said so.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t assume like that!”
“You’re fine, sweetheart. It happens. Don’t feel bad!”
“Have a nice day you two!” she said handing me my receipt
“You too!”
“That’s awkward…” tony said putting the bags in the back seat.
“What is?”
“She thought I was the father.”
“Oh, well it happens.”
“Yeah I know.”
We went to a couple more places then we decided to go to the shop where the storm trooper was
“WHOA!” tony said looking in the window like a little kid.
“Well, why don’t we go in and look at it instead of from out here?” I laughed and opened the door for him.
“Thank you, madam.”
“You are welcome, kind sir.” We laughed and went in. it was cute how mesmerized he was about something so cliché.
“This is so cool I want it for my room.”
“I don’t think it’s for sale, but he’s missing a hand.”
“And his E-11 blastech.”
“I know. You done gawking, padawan? We have to go to Wal-Mart and get groceries.”
“I suppose.”
“I thought we were going GROCERY shopping. Not bra shopping.”
“Hey. You know what, I’m gonna buy bras here cause I’m going to be going through them a lot. So hush. They are cheap; if you want you can take my list while I’m trying them on.”
“Better than standing her in the lingerie section… “Tony proceeded to grab the list and go to the grocery section of Wal-Mart. I picked out a few and found tony in the milk aisle.
“What kind of milk do you want? I don’t see it.”
“Sweetened almond coconut milk. By almond breeze.” I said placing my things in the cart. I stood there and looked at the selection and then spotted it.
“I just drink soy milk.”
“Well, I don’t like the taste of soy milk, so I drink this. It’s really good. Especially on cereal.”
“I’ll have to try it sometime.” He said smiling.
“You’re a great friend.”
“Likewise, my lady.” We finished shopping and went home to take care of the groceries.
“I’m home!” I yelled bringing in some light bags.
“Thank you so much for shopping for me, sweetie.”
“Thank my minion too!” I said referring to tony
“Thank you, tony.” She said giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“No problem momma.” He said sitting the bags on the counter.
“I’m assuming these are yours?” she said handing me the bag.
“Oops. Sorry.” I said laughing
“It’s okay. I know how it is. I did carry two children of my own.”
“Is labor hard?” I blurted out putting away the milk.
“Well, of course. You’re pushing a 5 pound baby out of there. It depends if you want a natural birth or if you want medication. When I had Vic, I birthed him naturally. Mike was a big baby and was stubborn. So I had to have a C-section.”
“Was it scary?”
“The C-section? Yeah, it was. You don’t feel much, Just pressure. But it’s not pleasant knowing you’re being cut open to get your child out.”
“Hmm. I think I want to have her naturally. Without medication.”
“All the power to you, dear. You still have a long ways to go to decide if you really want to, though.”
“I know. I wish I didn’t. I want my baby here. I just want to see her and kiss her.”
“Her?” tony said smirking
“Or him. I don’t know yet, of course.” I thought about mike helping me bring a baby into the world. Our baby. I shuddered in excitement.
“Is that all of it?” I asked tony
“yup.” My phone ringing interrupted our small talk.
“Hello?” I answered.
“It’s mike” he said happily
“Mike! I miss you so much mike. I want you home.”
“I know sweetheart. I wanna be home too. But they are treating me well here. It’s better than I thought it was gonna be.”
“So how is it? Like, you said they are treating you well, but what exactly are you going to be doing for the next 10 days?”
“Therapy. And medical shit. I’ve been on an IV for the past hour. No fun. I’m having slight withdrawal symptoms. But nothing over the top. Not comparable to some withdrawals I’ve had.”
“Hmm. I’m sorry. Oh listen to this one” I said laughing
“so me and tony went shopping for your mom, and I had to go to Walgreen’s for prenatal vitamins and cocoa butter, and the cashier thought tony was the father of our baby. I couldn’t help but laugh. I mean, I love tony. But I don’t know, it was just funny and unexpected.” Mike laughed a little
“So you all good?”
“Ehm, not really. Tony was sitting on the bed when I woke up, and he apologized to me about the Sam incident. But I haven’t talked to Sam
And I definitely haven’t talked to Jaime.”
“Hmm. You probably should. Wait, did you tell tony about Vic and I?”
“Uh, yeah. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Is he still there? Put me on speaker” I gave tony a look to see if it was okay and he shook his head.
“Hey bro.” he said softly.
“Hey tony. How are you?”
“A bit better than you, it sounds. I can’t believe you two are in rehab.” Mike sighed.
“Yeah. Well, I kind of had no choice. And neither did vic. apparently bargaining runs in the family or something because we promised each other after we saw each other in the act that we both had to get help together.”
“So like… you actually saw him? Wait, saw him do what?”
“You didn’t tell him, Kara?”
“Uh, I don’t remember. I thought I did…”
“Vic has a self-harm problem. Drugs for me.”
“Oh… I thought it was like drugs or alcohol. I didn’t know he was hurting himself…”
“Yeah. No one really did. I mean hell. I live with him and I never noticed.”
“Yeah. I don’t even know anymore. Shit is changing so fast around here. It’s like I’m stuck in time and everyone is still going about their lives.”
“I know how it is, man. I feel the same way. I’m just glad I made this decision. My anger gets terrible when I use. I’m just glad I didn’t hurt anyone but myself.”
“Right, I understand. “
“How are you, Kara? You and the baby doing alright?”
“Mhmm. We’re both fine.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just miss you a lot. That’s all.”
“Well, I’ll be back shortly. Don’t you worry.” He said I closed my eye tight imagining him hugging me, which is all I really wanted right now.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. So no pains or anything?”
“No, stop being so paranoid.” I said laughing.
“I just don’t want it to actually happen this time.”
“It won’t. I’m trying to eat healthier and I’m taking vitamins. Not much more I can do besides take it easy.”
“I know. I’m just paranoid, like you said.” He said sighing. I knew he was depressed being in there, and so was I. I wanted him home so bad.
“I just want this to be all a dream. Well, this rehab thing. Not the baby. I love our baby. Even if we still have a long ways to go till she’s born.”
“She?” he said perking up a little
“I don’t know. I guess it’s an impulse to say she. I called the baby a girl when I was talking to tony earlier, too. Maybe subconsciously I want a girl.”
“She’d be daddy’s little girl.”
“Aweee. That’s so cute” tony said in a girly voice and rolling his eyes. Mike and I laughed.
“I need to go, you two. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Kara.”
“Okay, I love you” tony said blowing a kiss
“I love you too tony, you’re my number 1”
“boooo.” I said pouting, even though mike can’t see me.
“He’s my number one, you’re my favorite though. Okay?”
“Good night, Kara. Sweet dreams.”
“Good night, Michael. Tell Vic I said hi.”
“Will do. Talk to you tomorrow.”
“Bye.” I hung up the phone and sat there for a while. The longer I sat there in silence, the more upset I got and started to cry. Tony hugged me tightly.
“It’s okay. It will be alright. Shhhh” he said trying to comfort me, but it just made me cry harder. The next 9 days are going to be the hardest days of my year so far.
♠ ♠ ♠
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