Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

Liar, Liar. If we're keeping score, then we're all our choir boys at best.

Kara’s POV
Even though Mike and I said good night to each other, it was only 7. Tony went home, and Mrs. Fuentes called me down for dinner.

“So, how is Mike doing?”
“He’s doing well, he said. They are taking good care of him there.” I took a bite of my food as I finished responding.
“That’s good. Did you talk to Vic?”
“No, I didn't. They’ll probably call you tomorrow.”
“I hope so. I miss my babies.”
“I miss them too. There is nothing to do without them.”
“Why don’t you go visit your parents?”
“Hmm. That’s a good idea. I can’t remember if we’re on good terms.”
“You can’t remember?” Mr. Fuentes asked
“Not really…”
“Could it be because of what happened in the hospital?” he asked his wife. I never noticed I couldn't remember small things like that.
“Oh. Maybe.” Vivian realized what Mike told her when I was in the hospital.
“Maybe you should call your doctor and tell them that.”
“I’ll do that in the morning. I do remember us getting into an argument over the baby when I first found out I was pregnant.”
“Well I hope everything works out alright.”
“Me too. Oh, is it okay if I stay here? There’s a small fiasco in between Sam and I.”
“Of course, dear. You don’t have to ask. What happened between you and Sam?”
“She got mad at me for something she did. I don’t really want to get into it.”
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk about anything that you don’t want to.”
“Thanks. Can I ask you two a question?”
“Sure” they said at the same time. We all laughed.
“Can I call you mom and dad instead of Mrs. and Mr. Fuentes?” Vivian’s eyes lit up
“Hunny! Of course you can!” she got up and hugged me.
“You really feel like my parents. I’m so thankful for you two.”
“Awe, we’re thankful for you too!”
“Okay you two, thanksgiving isn't for another week.”
“Mike is gonna be gone for thanksgiving?” I said frowning.
“We’ll see if we can get Vic and Mike out for the day. Don’t worry.” She rubbed my back and I smiled a bit to try to stop the tears.
“Thank you. I really miss them.”
“We do too, sweetie. So much. I still can’t understand how we didn’t notice how much they were struggling. But I guess that’s normal since it seems like they are constantly touring. Maybe the pressure is just too much on them.”
“I don’t think so. Not of the band or anything. I think it’s just being run down. Not enough sleep. Your mind can go in dark places when you are sleep deprived. And with everything that happened with me in the hospital and almost losing the baby, Mike was just freaking.”
“I suppose I’ll never understand. But all that matters is that they both get help and are safe.” I smiled and took a sip of my sweet tea.
“Well, I’m stuffed. Thank you for dinner, Mom.” Her eyes lit up
“You’re welcome, Kara. Anytime. Do you want to help me bake tomorrow? There is a bake sale at the community church and I volunteered to make a few things.”
“Sure! I love baking.”
“Good, cause there are a lot of cookies to bake!”
“Do I get some?” Mr. Fuentes asked we laughed
“Sure, I’ll make an extra dozen for us.”
“May I be excused?”
“Sure. Let us know if you need anything.”
“okay.” I got up and went to mikes room when I noticed I missed a couple calls. The two numbers popped up as Jaime and Tony.
“It’s 7:30. What could they want? Especially Jaime.” I decided to call Jaime back first, only because it sparked my interest more.
“Hey Kara. What’s up?”
“I was gonna ask the same thing.”
“Oh, well I was just wondering why mike’s not picking up his phone.”
“He’s in rehab…”
“Yeah… he’s been in there for a day and a half now. They left Wednesday afternoon.”
“It’s Friday?”
“Uh… yeah. Are you okay Jaime?”
“I guess I just lost track of time.” He said sighing.
“I can talk though. Since Mike won’t be able to talk for another 9 days.”
“Oh, there’s nothing wrong. I was just wondering if he wanted to come over and play video games.” He said laughing. Typical Jaime.
“Oh, so everything is fine?”
“Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?”
“You and Sam are fine?”
“Again, why wouldn't it be?” he was getting more suspicious.
“Oh, I don’t know. She was mad at me. I didn't know if you two go in a fight and she was taking it out on me or what.”
“Nope. We are fine. She was ranting about you. Something about Tony?”
“What about Tony?”
“I’m not sure. I didn't catch it all.”
“Oh. I’m not sure. I mean, Tony helped me go shopping today. But she couldn't have been talking about that. Why would she be mad at me for that?”
“Good question. Beats me.”
“Have you talked to Tony?”
“Yeah. He seemed upset.”
“Hmm, I should go over and talk to him.”
“Maybe. He wouldn't tell me what’s up. But I mean he’s reserved like that. So it was nothing new to me.”
“Right. I’ll go talk to him and see what’s up. I won’t be at the apartment really, but if you want to come over to the Fuentes’ house, I’ll be home all day.”
“Cool, I’ll stop by. I haven’t seen momma and papa Fuentes in a while anyways. So might as well see all of you.”
“I’ll see you then.”
“Okay, good night karebear.” I smiled
“Good night, avocado.” We both laughed and hung up I headed to Tony’s to see what was up.
“Hey Kara.” He said opening the door.
“Hey. What’s up?”
“Not much. Why are you here?”
“Jaime asked me to come over and see if you were okay.”
“I’m fine. I’m just tired.”
“Noooo, don’t try to pull that with me.”
“I want to tell Jaime so bad but he has no fucking clue.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I just feel like she’s gonna do it again with someone else.”
“Probably. Would not put it past me. Can I come in?”
“Oh yeah. Sure.” He opened the door and walked into his apartment.
“So are you going to tell him?”
“Eventually. It gonna eat me inside if I don’t.”
“Wanna watch a movie or something?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Star wars? Or star wars?”
“How about something else? Maybe we can find something on TV.”
“Fine then. I see how it is.” We settled on Shutter Island, but I must have fallen asleep. I do not remember much of it, and I woke up lying down. I was extremely tired so I shifted a little bit and fell back asleep.
I woke up again, confused on what happened or even where I was. I went to pull the blanket up over me. Clearly, I wasn’t the only one in the bed. I looked down and Tony’s arms were wrapped around me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him peacefully sleeping. But I poke him until he woke up anyways.
“Hmm?” he said waking up.
“Oh fuck.” He said unwrapping himself from me. He blushed furiously.
“It’s okay, tony. It’s alright.”
“How? We were spooning.”
“I like spooning, thank you very much.”
“I’m not your boyfriend. I’m your best friend.”
“Accidents happen. And I slept well. Shouldn’t that be the only thing that matters?”
“I slept fairly well, too.” He rolled over on his back and looked up at the ceiling. We were quiet for a while when I got a weird feeling.
“That’s odd.” I said aloud.
“What is?”
“I have a weird swishy feeling in my belly. Like butterflies.”
“I’m not sure. Can you feel it?” I said putting his hand on my lower abdomen. He blushed again, being so close to the waist of my shorts.
“I-I can’t feel anything. It might be the baby moving. And I just can’t feel it?”
“Maybe. They said that I probably won’t feel her kick until the 14th week.”
“She’s probably just waking up and stirring around saying ‘feed me, mommy!’” I laughed and he took his hand off of my stomach.
“What time is it?”
“It is… 6am.” He said looking at his clock on his headboard.
“Sleep time. Good night.” He laughed.
“Can I wrap my arms around you again?”
“If you wish, I don’t mind.”
“Yayyyy” he said like a little kid. We had a close relationship. Literally and figuratively. I didn’t mind being so physically close to him. I know he wasn’t doing it for physical satisfaction, so friendly cuddling won’t hurt anyone.

“Kara. Your phone is ringing. Kara?” tony said shaking me awake.
“Answer it for me.”
“If you wish…”
“Hey mike, sup.” Tony said. I snatched to phone from his hand.
“Hey baby.” I said as cute as I could for being awake for 2 minutes.
“Hey Kara. Why did tony answer your phone?”
“I was sleeping and I told him to. But he didn’t tell me it was you.”
“Oh. So he’s over at my parents’ house?”
“I’m over at his. He was upset and I came over to watch a movie with him and I fell asleep on the couch.”
“Oh. How’s the baby?”
“Good. She was fluttering around today. Not kicking. I couldn’t feel her from the outside. Maybe in a couple weeks we’ll be able to.”
“Yay!” he said happily
“How’s everything there?”
“Good. I just felt like I should call and see how everything is. Just got a feeling, you know?”
“Yeah. Oh, call your mom. And tell Vic that too. She wants to talk to you two.”
“Alright we’ll call her later.”
“What time is it?”
“Almost one.”
“Ah fuck I was supposed to be baking with your mom. Why didn’t you wake me up tony?!” I asked angrily hitting him
“OUCH!” he said clutching his arm and frowning.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Mike laughed
“That’s what they all say.”
“Well I guess I’m gonna go bake with your mother.”
“Alright, I have to go anyways. I have therapy soon.”
“I love you sweetie.”
“I love you too. With all my heart.”
“I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“bye.” We hung up and tony was looking at me weird.
“Do you need me to drive you?”
“No I drove here.”
“What’s wrong? You’re acting weird.”
“Nothing, I’m fine. I was just asking if you needed a ride.”
“Okay then. If you need me, you can just stop by. Okay?”
“Do you have water?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get you one.” I dug my pills out of my bag and Tony returned with a bottle of water.
“Those are fucking horse pills.”
“I know, but whatever. I’m willing to do anything for a healthy baby.” I smiled and swallowed my pills. Tony shook his head.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“You say that a lot.”
“I know. I just don’t like publicizing what is going on in my mind.”
“Humor me.”
“You heard me. Tell me why you said nothing. I know it wasn’t anything. And you know that, too.” I crossed my arms and shifted my weight on to my opposite leg.
“I can’t.”
“Yes you can tony. We tell each other everything. You can’t be embarrassed, because I saw you fucking my best friend. And that should be top of the embarrassing list.” He blushed.
“Sexual things.” He mumbled.
“Come again?”
“That’s what she said.”
“Very funny. Seriously, repeat yourself.”
“It doesn’t matter Kara. It doesn’t matter.”
“Tony, if you can’t trust me then that’s serious. We’re best friends… why wouldn’t you trust me?” I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall. The next thing I knew, soft lips were eagerly at mine, and I was lying back on the bed. I pulled away I shut my eyes tight.
“This is not happening.”
“I’m sorry. Fuck.”
“It’s okay.”
“NO IT IS NOT!” he said sitting back on his haunches. He threw his hat on the floor and ran his hands through his hair.
“Tony. What is going on? I feel like I don’t even know you...”
“I love you, Kara. I’ve liked you since I met you. I can’t bear to see you with mike. He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Don’t you say that, Tony. You aren’t getting in my head.”
“Just let me show you that I’m a better choice than mike. If I’m not, then go back to him.”
“No. I can’t do that. He won’t take me back after he finds out I experimented with you.”
“Please? Let me just show you now.” He kissed me again and I felt myself easing into the kiss.
“Tony. Let me go!” and just Like that tony got off me and picked up his hat. I hugged my knees to my chest.
“Kara. I’m sorry. I didn’t-“
“This is my apartment.”
“FINE. Then I’ll leave.” I put my vitamins that were on the table into my bag and slipped it over my shoulder. I put my shoes on and walked out the door to my car. I grabbed the steering wheel tightly and rested my forehead on it.

“Hi Kara, I was wondering where you were.” Vivian said from the kitchen.
“Sorry. I was at Tony’s. I fell asleep and he never woke me up.”
“That’s okay, I just got started. Did you get a good rest?”
“Yeah, I slept a lot. Mike called me not to long ago.”
“He called here too. He said that he misses you.”
“I miss him too. I feel like if they were home that things wouldn’t be so weird.”
“Tony has been weird. And I’ve been feeling weird.”
“Are you okay? Do you need to go to the birth clinic?”
“No I think I’m okay. Just fluttery feelings.”
“Probably the baby moving around. Just as long as you don’t have pain or discomfort then you should be alright.”
“Right. So what are we making?”
“Chocolate chip cookies first. Then pumpkin breads!”
“I love pumpkin. The more the merrier!”
“That’s great, because we’re making 3 dozen pumpkin cupcakes and 5 pumpkin breads.” My eyes got wide and she laughed
“It’s okay, it won’t take that long. I have my recipes down to the point where I don’t even need to look at them.”
“That’s good, I’m just a minion.”
“It’s nice having a baking minion.” We exchanged smiles.
“So, what’s first?” I asked when the phone rang.
“Well, answering the phone I suppose. Do you mind getting it?”
“Yeah. It’s Sam. We need to talk.” Lovely. Just what I would like to hear. Might as well give me my own reality show because my life is filled with so much drama.
“I don’t really care to talk right now, I’m busy.”
“What the fuck could you be so busy with Kara?”
“I’m baking with mike’s mom. She needs help. And I don’t think someone with your attitude deserves to apologize. You’re being very rude.”
“Just like you were walking in on tony and I.”
“Well you shouldn’t have been seducing him.”
“So you’re gonna take his word for it.”
“Well you didn’t explain your side of it. So yeah I am.”
“Ever thought HE seduced me?” I thought about earlier, but shook it off.
“No. I didn’t. Cause I know how you hook up with guys.”
“Whatever Kara.” She hung up and I went back into the kitchen.
“Who was that?”
“You don’t seem very happy she called.”
“She’s being so rude.”
“I’m here if you want to talk about it.”
“No, it’s minor. Thanks though.”
“Anytime.” We continued baking for a while, having our shares of laughs. We talked about Vic and Mike when they were little and I could not help but smile how cute they were.
“We’re gonna have to bring out baby pictures for Christmas time.”
“That would be great! I love baby pictures. Maybe I’ll go to my parents and bring some of mine home.”
“Oh. Ahaha, I didn’t even notice that. I guess this is my home.”
“Have you thought about a nursery for the baby?”
“Not much, maybe a couple things.”
“You are more than welcome to turn the spare room into a nursery.”
“Really? I mean, if it’s not too much to ask for.”
“Sure! Nothing is ‘too much’. I was going to ask first if you and Mike were talking about getting a place together, but that doesn’t sound typical.”
“Well, I thought about it. I haven’t talked to him about it. However, he’s not home very much. He’s home enough, but I feel like being in an apartment by myself for months at a time might be depressing. And I might need help if I go back to school.”
“I totally understand. Raising a baby is hard work. But lucky for you, I’ve raised two of them. And I think they turned out as handsome men. Of course, I had some help. But you do too. A little more than what I had. I only had victor helping me.”
“Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough. If was still living with my parents, I would never have this much support. And I’m truly grateful for all the help.”
“And I’m grateful for your help. I would never be able to bake all of this by myself!” we laughed together.
“I love baking. Of course, the oven in my apartment doesn’t work very well. That’s okay. I don’t think I’ll be over there much.”
“Well pretty soon you will be on a bus with the boys. Then what will I do without my foster daughter?”
“Awe, we’ll only be gone two months.”
“I know, I’ve gotten used to it, but sometimes time seems to pass by slower as years go by.”
“I know exactly what you mean.”
“Well, we’re all done mixing. All we have to do is put a couple more rounds of cookies in and a pumpkin loaf. I can handle it if you want or need to go do something. I used to get so tired after doing little things when I was pregnant. I’d walk to the bathroom and I would be so tired that I didn’t want to walk back to the living room, let alone my room!”
“I get extremely tired sometimes too. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I woke up at one. It was crazy.”
“Have you had any morning sickness?”
“A couple times. Not really in the morning, so I don’t know why they call it ‘morning sickness’ when it doesn’t always happen in the morning.”
“Me either, sweetheart.”
“Hmm, I’m tired all the sudden. I’m gonna go watch some TV and maybe take a nap.”
“Alright sweetie. Ill wake you if mike calls.”
“Thank you. And wake me if you need anything. I’m pregnant, not disabled or sick” I laughed and walked into the living room. I took the blanket off the back of the couch and covered up. There wasn’t much on so I settled on Tom and Jerry. I drifted to sleep and dreamt of my little family. Well, soon to be family, anyways. When I woke, I sat up and rubbed my belly.
“I wish it didn’t take so long for you to come out. I’m not looking forward to waiting another 6 and half months. But stay in there as long as you need, baby. I want you to be healthy.”
“Are you talking to yourself?” Jaime said walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of water.
“What are you doing here?”
“I had nothing better to do, so I thought that id come see you guys. See what you’re up to. But I see you and baby are bonding, sooo…”
“Oh, no. I just had a dream of mike, the baby, and I. I don’t know, sometimes I talk to him.”
“Him? Make up your mind; is it a girl or boy?”
“I want a girl. But now I rather have a boy. I don’t care. I just want a healthy baby.”
“I think it’s going to be a boy. CAN YOU GIVE HIM MY NAME AS HIS MIDDLE NAME!?!?”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to. That would be fun if you did.”
“I’m not sure. I haven’t even thought about baby names. I don’t really want to without Mike.”
“I understand. But hey, eight more days. Right?”
“Yeah. Eight more days.”

Things were still awkward between tony and I after a couple days. I had to go to the apartment and get some things, but Sam was working so I didn’t run into her. I was clearly feeling brave, because I decided to talk to Sam and tony to sort things out.

“Who is it?” tony said from inside of the house.
“It’s Kara.” He opened the door and looked at me with his tired, dark brown eyes.
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah. Go ahead.”
“So, about a couple days ago.”
“What about it?” I looked at him dumbfounded.
“Right. What about it? What happened?”
“Good question. You tell me.”
“You kissed me. You laid me on the bed.”
“I thought you were going to rape me! I was scared, tony!” I just stood there. After a minute he laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“You thought I was going to rape you.”
“That’s not funny. Rape is not funny. I’ve been raped before.”
“Well, then you should have known that I wouldn’t have.”
“You can’t tell if someone is going to rape you or not, tony.”
“Kara. I love you. I wouldn’t do that to someone I love.”
“Then why did you do it?”
“Because, I don’t know. I guess I thought it would change your mind. I don’t know, I was high.”
“Are you always high?”
“I’m not right now.”
“I’m with mike. That’s all to it. We are expecting a child. Maybe if we weren’t so serious, it would change things. And do not try to break us up or something, because ill hate you forever. Which is hard for me to do, but it will happen.”
“Okay. I understand. I’m sorry.”
“I have to go talk to Sam, but you can come over later if you want. By the way you’re a good kisser” I went to the apartment and Sam and Jaime was there.
“Hey Sam. Can I talk to you?”
“I suppose.” She was sitting on the couch with Jaime and she shifted to face me.
“You don’t want to talk privately? Without Jaime?”
“Why would I want that?”
“Fine. Well, since your boy toy didn’t use a condom, you might want to check in a couple weeks to see if you’re pregnant. And since you aren’t being civilized about this, I am moving out and staying at mikes. You’re responsible for your share and mine.”
“You can’t do that. You’re breaking your lease.”
“Well, that’s your fault and you’re gonna have to take the blow. I don’t help out cheating whores.”
“Cheating whores?” Jaime asked
“She’s talking out of her ass.”
“But really she’s talking about herself because I saw her fucking tony. First hand. Oh, and the best part? It was bareback.” Jaime’s faced turned red.
“She’s lying.”
“Jaime. Believe me, please. Tony will tell you himself if you call him. She seduced him.”
“I am leaving. I can deal with your bullshit drama right now. Call me when you’re done being at each other’s throats and are ready to tell me the truth. That goes for both of you.” He walked out of the apartment and Sam and I stood there staring at each other.
“You’re a fucking bitch.”
“And so are you for not telling him. You never fucking loved him. Jaime is my best friend. I’m not going to lie to him. I’ll have my stuff out by the end of the week. Mike comes home in 4 days. So when he comes back, I’ll be getting most of my stuff.”
“whatever.” I went into my room and looked at how my room looked. It’s only been a year, but I had my room decorated a certain way I wanted it.
“Time to grow up. No more band posters, no more teen stuff. I am going to be a mother. I have a lot of maturing to do in 7 months.” I didn’t have many possessions. It wouldn’t take much time to move it, but I wanted to go through things. No sense of keeping things if I’m not going to use it. I grabbed some clothes and picked out a nicer outfit for thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, among a couple other things. I haven’t seen mike in 6 days, and I was getting nervous.
“Ick. Stop giving me heartburn, baby. It hurts mommy.” I said putting the bag into the back of the car. I didn’t get much sleep that night. I was just so excited to see mike. I was just hoping that everything would go well at dinner tomorrow. Mike’s grandparents were coming over and I’ve never met them. I just want to be accepted. And hopefully they will be happy about a great grandchild.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys! hope you liked the chapter! i made it super long to make up for lack of updates (: remember, you have until november 20th for the giveaway! go to and look for the giveaway post! (5th down i think) make sure you are following that blog! if you reblog and you are not following it won't count!

i hope to get the next chapter up by the end of the weekend (: comment, subscribe and recommend! ♥♥♥