Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

It's not a problem until you make it one.

Kara’s POV
I woke up at four the next morning, not being able to sleep. I probably slept a total of 3 hours. I took my time showering and getting ready.
“Bonita?” Mr. Fuentes said knocking on the door
“Why are you up so early, dear? We’re not picking Mike and Vic up until nine. It’s 5.”
“I couldn’t sleep. So I thought I’d get a head start on things for today. I have a lot to do.” I opened the door after I was done getting dressed.
“Try to get another hour or two of sleep?”
“I’ll try, but I don’t know if I can.”
“Okay. We’ll let me know if you need anything. Just knock on our bedroom door, alright?”
“Mhmm. Thank you.” I laid in bed for probably an hour before getting back up. I needed to do something, I couldn’t sit still. So I went to the 24-hour store, where they had left over boxes from stocking the shelves and loaded as many as I could and headed over to the apartment. I still had my key so I let myself in. I stood looking at my room for a bit, deciding on where to start. But I had no clue.
“Need help?” Jaime said yawning.
“Don’t scare me like that.” I said putting my hand on my chest. He laughed.
“Seriously. Do you need help?”
“I would love help, but I mean if you want to go spend time with Sam, then you can.”
“She’s in the shower. I’ll help you. You can’t lift anyways.” He went out, got a few boxes, and helped me go through my dresser.
“How about this? Keep or go?”
“Uhm.. Keep.”
“Hmm, box is full. Time for another. I’ll be back.” He said labeling the box with a sharpie and stacking it on another box that was full. He went back outside to get another box. I put my hands on my hips and sighed.
“Only one more drawer to go. But then I have my closet. Boo.” I pouted pinched my nose.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, headache.”
“I’m sorry. Back to where we were. Keep?”
“no. donate.” I said digging through my closet.
“I hate packing shit.”
“I’m sorry. How’s tony?”
“I don’t want to talk about him.”
“What happened?”
“What makes you think something happened?”
“You seem mad at him.”
“I am.”
“Then what happened?”
“Drop it.”
“Karisma, I will not drop it.”
“He kissed me. He laid me on the bed and kissed me.”
“Why the fuck did he do that?”
“His current excuses have been ‘I don’t know I was high’”
“Well then he better get his fucking act together. You don’t do that shit.”
“I’m surprised you and Sam are fine.”
“We aren’t.”
“Then why are you here?”
“She convinced me to stay last night. If everything was okay, I’d be in the shower with her right now.”
“Hmm, a little too much information.”
“Whatever. I’m going to talk to him.”
“I’m going to though.”
“Don’t bring anything up at the Fuentes’ either, okay?”
“Can’t guarantee it.”
“You frustrate me. I guess that is enough packing for now. I’ll do more later.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“It’s 7:30 so I probably should get home. We’re picking mike and Vic up at 9.”
“They have to go back tomorrow, but that’s okay I guess.”
“Why would they make them come back for 2 more days? That doesn’t make sense.”
“I’m not sure. You’re coming by later, right? Mr fuentes said that you and tony usually come over after dinner.”
“yup, tradition. We usually watch the football game or play charades or something like that.”
“Okay! Well enjoy your thanksgiving and I’ll see you later.” I said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.
“Drive safe, karebear!”
“I will! Love you avocado!” I smiled wide and he laughed
“Love you too, bear!”
When I got to the house, Mrs. Fuentes and Mr. Fuentes were all ready to go.
“We were trying to call you. Are you ready?”
“Yup. Who’s driving?”
“I’ll drive.” Mr. Fuentes said grabbing the keys. We all got into the van and I was tapping my thighs with my hands
“Are you okay, darling?” Mrs. Fuentes asked
“Yeah. Just excited.” I smiled
“Me too. Make sure you have your seatbelt on your hips and not your belly.” She said reminding me. I looked down and checked.
“We’re good!”
“good.” When we got there, Mrs. and Mr. Fuentes went in to get mike and Vic while I stood outside, leaning against the car. Vic came out with the others behind him. He ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
“I missed you so much Kara.” He said pulling away. I kissed him on his cheek and smiled
“I missed you too!” mike was walking towards me and I could have sworn my heart almost stopped. He had a little bit of stubble, just the way I liked it. He stopped in front of me, probably 6 inches from each other and held my hands for a minute
“Mi belleza…” he said with tears in his eyes. He put his forehead against mine and I closed my eyes
“I missed you so much.”
“I missed you like crazy. It felt like I’d never be able to see you again.” we exchanged a soft and small, passionate kiss and pulled away.
“You two ready?”
“Yeah, sorry.” Mike said taking my hand and opening the door for me.
“Did Mike tell you, Kara?”
“Did Mike tell me what?”
“We don’t have to go back. We had evaluations before we left and they said that we would be all set. I mean, we’ll still have therapy sessions and stuff, but we don’t have to go back to inpatient. We’ll have to go back in a week so they can see how we’re doing. But yeah. We’re home for good!” Vic said excitedly. I squeezed Mike’s hand.
“That’s great! Because I actually have a doctor’s appointment the day before you’re supposed to get out.”
“Yay! I don’t have to miss seeing my baby!” I laughed.
“And I’m glad I don’t have to go alone!”
“I’m sure Tony or Jaime would have gone with you.”
“Yeah, but I’d rather have you there.” I smiled and the rest of the drive was quiet.
“So, cooking duty time!” mike and Vic groaned. I stood there intently, waiting for Mrs. Fuentes to give us our duties.
“Dad has the turkey; I’ll do the green bean casserole. The stuffing and little things won’t take that long. So do you three want to bake?”
“You know how much I love baking!” I piped up excitedly.
“Can I make pumpkin pie?” Vic asked
“Sure, sweetie. Do you want to make empanadas with Mike, Kara?”
“You’ll love them. They are the best. Grandma’s recipe. Isn’t that right, dad?”
“Yes it is. Best in San Diego! But, maybe I’m a little biased.” He laughed, getting the turkey ready for the oven.
“Oh, Mike?”
“Yes, mom?”
“I made the almond cream before we picked you up. It’s in the Tupperware on the top shelf of the fridge.”
“So how do we make these empanadas, my love?” I said kissing him
“well, we get out the butter, almond cream, eggs, puff pastry, brown sugar, cinnamon and sugar. Oh and the apples.”
“Apples? Don’t people usually put savory items in empanadas?”
“Not all the time. People make fruit ones too.”
“So what can I do, captain?”
“Can you peel and slice the apples?”
“I sure can” so while Mike heated some ingredients in the pot, I peeled and sliced the apples like he asked me too.
“Now what?”
“Now… we have to flour the board for the pastry dough.” He said getting a handful of flour and purposely flinging it in my direction to get it on me.
“Hey! Watch it!” I said flinging flour back and laughing
“I’m going to get you!” he said running to try to catch me.
“BE CAREFUL!” Mrs. Fuentes yelled from upstairs.
“You devil, I’m going to-“ I heard I plop and looked back at Mike, which was now laying on his back on the hardwood floors of the living room
“Sweetie! Are you okay?” I asked laughing.
“No. My back hurts.”
“I’m sorry.” I showed my sympathy with a pout
“Kiss it.”
“I’ll kiss you”
“Noooo gotta kiss the boo boos.” He said like a little kid. He was now in a sitting position, so I sat behind him and pulled his shirt up so it was just hanging on his neck
“Where does it hurt?”
“All over.”
“Right here?” I said kissing the base of his neck
“How bout here?” I said going farther down.
“Mhmm.” I felt goose bumps develop on his skin as I slid my hands from his back to his front.
“Mike? You have something on the stove…” Vic said coming into the living room. I looked from over Mikes shoulder.
“FUCK!” He yelled getting up. I must have had a dead pan look on my face because Vic laughed
“What were you guys doing?”
“He was chasing me around the house and fell on his back and demanded I kissed his boo boos.” Vic smiled
“Sounds like mike.”
“Yeah it got a little more intimate than we thought I guess. But oh well.”
“It didn’t burn!” Mike exclaimed.
“That’s good, honey! I’ll be right there to help!”
“How have you been? It feels like it’s been months, but it’s only been a week.”
“I’ve been okay.”
“That’s a lie,”
“I missed you guys. And things haven’t been easy.”
“I know they haven’t.”
“No you don’t.” I said fighting back tears. He took my hands and held them.
“Kara, tell me what’s wrong? I’ll make it better.”
“It’s not possible. You just take care of yourself, love. You need to heal.” I said tracing his new scar on his wrist.
“Seriously though. If you need help, let me know. Just talk to me. I’m all ears, I won’t judge you, and I won’t go crazy if it’s something bad.”
“No problem. Just come find me. I’ll probably be in my room.”
“Okay.” Vic kissed my cheek and when upstairs.
“Okay, so what now?”
“The apples are soft now, so we mash them a bit and put them in the dough.”
“That’s it?”
“Well, put some egg wash and sugar on it. But yeah, pretty much.”
“But you can’t have any till after dinner.” He said putting his finger on my nose and tapping it a couple times. I pouted
“Don’t give me that look.”
“I will if I want!”
“Wanna go relax after we’re done here?”
“I’d like that.” I said kissing him. He smiled and we finished the empanadas. We had an assembly line going on, he’d fill them, and id crimp the edges.
“Okay! All done. Time to bake them!”
“I’ll watch them if you want, I have to make the pie anyways.”
“Okay, thanks vic.”
“No problem, bro. you doing okay?”
“Yup, how bout you?”
“I’m good. No urges.”
“Me either.” Mike said. I smiled. I was glad that they are in a better state of mind now. Last thing I needed to worry about is them hurting themselves.
“So what do you want to watch?”
“Uhm, I don’t know. I don’t mind. Whatever you want.”
“Charlie brown thanksgiving?”
“Sounds good.” I said nudging my way into his arm and putting my hand and my head on his torso.
“I love you Kara.” He said randomly while playing with my hair. I looked up at him and smiled.
“I love you too.” I said softly. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my shoulder.
“So, did you make nice with Sam?”
“Uhm, about that…”
“What do you mean?”
“We didn’t. It just escalated.”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“Is it okay if I just move in here? I mean, until we get our own place? If you want to get a place for us, anyways. I mean if you don’t want to then that’s fine. I don’t know why I mentioned it.”
“Shhhh. Of course you can move in. My room is plenty big enough.”
“I was talking to your mom, and she said we can turn the guest room into a nursery if we wanted to.”
“That sounds like a brilliant plan.”
“I thought so too. She said that it would probably be best since I’ll probably need help with the baby and such.”
“Right. Especially if you go back to school.”
“I’m not sure if I will or not.”
“You have to, sweetheart.”
“I know I do. We’ll see after the baby gets here.”
“So about that moving thing.”
“What about it?”
“Sounds like we have a lot of work.”
“Jaime and I were sorting through clothes today and packing things, but I have a lot more stuff. I’m going to go through things and pack some things away at my parents. I don’t need everything.”
“Sounds like we’ll need one less bunk.”
“Depends if Jaime wants to bring her or not.”
“They are still together?”
“Yeah. Surprisingly.”
“Do I have time to take a nap?” I said cuddling into him.
“Probably. I’ll wake you up if I need to.”
“Sleep well, princess.”
“I will, prince.” I fell asleep quickly, but when Mike nudged me awake, it felt like I was only asleep for a few minutes.
“Dinner is going to be ready in an hour. Everyone is going to start getting here soon. I figured I’d wake you up so you can get straightened up, panda.”
“Panda?” I said turning over.
“Yeah, you look like a panda. Your mascara is all under your eyes.”
“Fuck. I don’t want to get up. I wanna sleep.”
“The empanadas will be your reward.”
“Mmmm, empanadas.” I said sitting up.
“Is my princess waking up now?”
“Yeah. Can I wear this? Or should I dress a bit nicer?”
“A little nicer won’t hurt since Vic and I are wearing button up shirts.”
“Sleeves rolled up half way?”
“Just like you like it.” he said kissing my.
“Don’t shave.”
“I like you with a little bit of stubble.”
“Okay, I’ll keep it for you.”
“Yay” I zombie walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. When I was all done and dressed, mike wasn’t in the room anymore. So I slipped on some flats and went down stairs.
“This must be my new grandbaby!” a lady said coming up to me to hug me. She looked probably in her 80’s and short.
“You must be Michael’s abuela!”
“Si, si! You speak Spanish dear?”
“un poco. I took Spanish in high school for a couple years. Not exactly fluent, but when I’m not sleepy, I can carry a decent conversation.”
“Well you look very nice, dear.” I looked down at my attire and smoothed out a couple wrinkles
“De nada.”
“Dinner is ready! Michael, can you help me set things on the table?”
“Sure.” Michael disappeared into the kitchen. I, along with the rest of the family went into the dining room and sat down. There weren’t too many people, but more than I expected. There was Mike’s grandma, grandfather, and his uncle on his father’s side. Mike and I sat next to each other, while Mrs. and Mr. Fuentes sat across from us, and Vic and his uncle sat on the ends of the table. We said a prayer and started eating.
“So what is everyone thankful for, this year? Victor? Do you want to start?” Grandma Fuentes asked as wine was being passed down. Everyone poured some except for me.
“Sure. I am thankful for my lovely family, our band, and most importantly, my life. I’m in a great place right now, and I couldn’t be happier.” He said smiling
“What about you, Michael?”
“I am thankful for my family, band, and life also. I’m also thankful for the most amazing and supportive girlfriend I could ever ask for.” He said grabbing my hand.
“I’m glad you came to dinner! I’m so happy I got to meet you!” she said in response. She was so sweet; I didn’t really know what to say.
“I also have something else that I’d like to add to that.”
“Oh? And what is that?”
“I am thankful for my unborn child. Even though he or she is not here yet, I love our child with all of my heart, and I cannot wait to hold our little bundle of joy.”
“I’m going to be a great grandma?!” she said excitedly
“Yes, grandma! You’re going to have a great grandchild!”
“Oh, Nieto! I’m so happy! This is the best news I could have gotten all day! When are you due, dear?”
“I’m not sure of my exact due date, but I’m about 10 weeks along.”
“Please, please keep me updated, belleza! 6 months and 2 weeks to go!”
“I’m so excited that you’re happy, grandma!” Mike said ecstatically.
“Well, of course I’d be happy! Why wouldn’t I?”
“Good question.” He said laughing. We chatted for a bit longer and had some empanadas before everyone left.
“Who made those delicious empanadas? Was that you, son?” she asked heading towards the door.
“It was actually Kara and Mike. You taught Michael well.”
“I can tell. Hard work paid off!” she said hugging Mike and kissing him on the cheek
“I love you, grandma!”
“I love you too, Michael. It was nice meeting you Kara!”
“It was nice meeting you too, grandma!” I said hugging her
“She’s already calling me grandma! How cute is that…” she said putting on her jacket. It was cool out for a change, so a light jacket seemed to be necessary when the sun went down.
“Good night! Drive safe!” We said from the door as Mr. Fuentes walked her and her husband out.
“So are the boys coming over?” Mrs. Fuentes asked.
“Yeah, they said they’d be over in an hour.”
“Okay, well don’t get too rowdy. It’s already 8 and I’m going to bed early.”
“Okay, momma. We’ll be quiet. And they probably won’t be over for very long either. I’m pretty tired too.” He assured his mom while getting a few board games out.
“I’m tired.”
“Still? You slept for almost 2 hours earlier.”
“It was really that long?”
“Mhmm. Jaime’s crazy. You’re belly isn’t noticeable. He got me all excited before I saw you this morning.” Mike said looking at my belly
“Sorry to disappoint.” I said shrugging then laughing.
“That’s okay. I’ll patiently wait as baby grows.”
“You’re cute. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Once or twice.”
“Nap time.” I said laying on the couch. I closed my eyes for a minute and felt a weight on me. I opened my eyes to a blanket draped over me.
“Thank you!”
“No problem. Don’t want you cold.”
“If I’m in your way later, just tell me I’ll sit up or go upstairs.”
“I don’t think you’ll be in our way. We can just sit on the floor.”
“Yeah I know.” I said shrugging. I fell asleep for a bit, but not for long. When they were playing cards I propped myself up on an elbow and watched with droopy eyes. After a while, I woke up a little bit more and noticed Sam sitting next to Jaime. I was annoyed, and I must have subconsciously glared at her so she shot a snotty remark at me.
“If you have a problem with me, just say so. Don’t fucking glare at me.”
“Maybe if you weren’t such a whore, maybe I wouldn’t have a problem with you.” I said calmly.
“I’m not the whore. Maybe you should evaluate your mind before you start calling me names.”
“Are you denying that you ever slept with Tony? Because we all know you did. You can stop playing your stupid games.”
“I didn’t. He seduced me.”
“That’s a lie.” He mumbled.
“No it isn’t tony, and you know it. You borderline raped me.”
“But he didn’t rape you because it was consensual. You didn’t stop him; I wouldn’t doubt that you begged him for it.”
“Jaime, let’s go home. I don’t want to argue with her.”
“Well I’d like you to defend yourself, since apparently none of this happened.” He said crossing his arms.
“It happened, but I didn’t ask for it.”
“You straddled my lap while I was waiting for Mike or Jaime to come over. You said they were coming and they never did! The only person that actually came in was Kara.”
“I’m not listening to you two belittle me.”
“I KNOW THE TRUTH SAM. YOU MIGHT AS WELL TELL THE REST.” Tony said getting in her face.
“Tony, chill.” Jaime said pushing him away.
“She seduced me Jaime.”
“You could have stopped yourself. I didn’t say you had to fuck me.”
“When you’re under the influence of anything you-“
“Stop using that excuse, Tony.” I didn’t want to sound like I was siding with Sam, but I couldn’t stop it from coming out.
“What excuse? It was the truth. And it’s not like I’ve used it a million times before.” He shot back and me. His eyes darkened and I could tell the anger was boiling.
“Don’t want to sound like I’m siding with Sam, but even though I don’t have a witness but myself, you’ve used that twice in the past week. If not three times.”
“Like you said no witness to anything. Just word on word.”
Tony crossed his arms. Everyone was looking back and forth at the two of us.
“No proof.” He said.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!” Mike yelled out of frustration.
“Absolutely nothing.”
“Just like the other day.” I scoffed
“Right, because nothing happened.”
“YOU KISSED ME! YOU WANTED ME TO-“ I didn’t even have time to finish before I was pushed.
“You lay another fucking finger on her and I will strangle you.” Vic said getting in his face.
“Are you okay, Kara?” Mike said sitting next to me on the couch.
“Yeah. Good thing I wasn’t standing up.”
“What were you saying?” he whispered as his hand caressed my face. I swallowed hard and my eyes began to water
“He kissed me. He pushed me on the bed and kissed me when I was at his place. I’m sorry. I’m so stupid.”
“Don’t say that. You didn’t ask for it. You didn’t kiss him. He kissed you. It’s his fault.”
“I feel gross.”
“Tony, I’m not angry at you, I just think that it would be best if space was given.”
“Seriously, I’m not mad at you! If I was mad at you, I would be looking for a new guitarist right now.”
“Just because that happened does not mean that what I said happened with Sam wasn’t true.”
“I understand, Tony. Just sleep it off. Notice I said don’t go home and smoke a bowl. SLEEP.”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you guys in the morning.”
“Be safe.” I said. He looked back at me with a sad expression and went out the door.
“I didn’t like the look he gave me when he left.”
“He’ll be okay.”
“Welp, I think it’s time for us to go. Its 10 already.”
“I’ll be coming over tomorrow afternoon.”
“Alright.” Sam said putting on her coat.
“Thanks for coming over guys. Sorry it ended badly.”
“It’s fine. People break sometimes. It’s okay. It will be okay with time.”
“Yeah.” I said going upstairs.
“Good night. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Jaime said.
“Good night.” He closed the door and looked up the stairs
“I’ll be up in a minute. I’m gonna straighten up down here.”
“Take your time, I’m patient.” I said blowing him a kiss. I went into the bathroom, which is a joint bathroom between mike and Vic’s room, and changed from my clothes that I wore for dinner into a lingerie set that I bought a couple days ago and slipped on my pink silk robe. I heard him rustling in his room so I opened the door slowly and stood there for a minute
“Oh? For me?” he said coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist
“Yes, for you.” I smiled and he kissed my forehead
“Well, I’m sorry I’m not dressed as sexy as you.”
“It’s alright; I love you just the way you are.”
“I love you too.” He hugged me, burrowing his face into my neck. He then grabbed my butt and picked me up
“What are you doing?! Put me down!” I demanded while giggling. He gently put my on the bed.
“As you wish.” He said laughing
“I got cleared yesterday.” I said nervously tracing his tattoos on his upper arm
“Mhmm. The doctor said if we’re gentle, we could have sex. If you want.”
“Only if you feel comfortable with it.”
“I want to. I’m just scared.”
“Me too. I don’t want something to happen to our baby.”
“I have her on speed dial. She said if I ever feel like anything is wrong, call her and she’ll come over.”
“Okay. That makes me feel a little bit better.”
“Me too.” I said kissing him. We weren’t in a rush so we kissed for a while spending time to explore each other for the first time in a while.
“I love that bra on you. Coral looks good on you.” He said in between kisses.
“I figured you’d like it.” I giggled. After a few minutes Mike stopped.
“Shhhh.” He said. He looked like he was listening for something. He smirked.
“Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off. Fitting.” I laughed
“I love this song! Brendon Urie is sooo dreamy.”
“Oh my god I know right, his features are just so flawless.” I pulled mike’s shirt over his head and started kissing him again.
“You’re beautiful. I wish I could have done this every night for the past week. It was hell being in there.”
“All that matters is that we’re together now.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Why am I so nervous?” I asked as he slipped off my panties
“I’m nervous too. If you want to wait, it’s fine. We can do that.”
“What do you think is the best?”
“Well, even though she cleared you, that doesn’t mean it’s totally safe. Did they even say if the amniotic sac broke when you were at the hospital?”
“No. they never did. And they didn’t say if I lost my plug or not. I guess I’ll have to ask at our appointment in a day.”
“It’s okay. I’m tired anyways.” He said pulling my panties back on. I lifted my pelvis up to get them all the way on.
“Me too.”
“Sorry.” He said getting in a comfortable position. He was spooning me from behind with his arms wrapped around my waist.
“Sorry for what?” I asked putting my hands on his.
“For not being able to.”
“Oh. That’s alright. It’s better to not for now. Just so we know that the baby is alright.”
“I’d give up sex for the whole pregnancy if I had to just so our baby would be healthy.”
“You’re sweet.”
“It’s true though. I brought the baby and you up so many times with my therapist. She has a baby herself. She said that it was the most amazing thing a woman can experience.”
“Well, hopefully it will be amazing. I really don’t want to feel like killing someone while birthing a child.”
“Right. I don’t know. We’ll talk about it some more when we’re packing tomorrow.” Mike said nudging his face into my neck like he did earlier.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
“Good night, beautiful. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for reading guys! the next chapter will be up very soon :D im almost done with the next chapter. my internet was down for a bit so i had a chance to get ahead (: