Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

Ready When You Are

Mike’s POV
I woke up fairly early. I’m not sure why, but I did. I went outside, had my morning cigarette, and came back inside. I figured since Kara was going to move in with me, that I’d put some of my out of season clothes in storage to make room for some of her stuff. While I was organizing, I heard a rustling. I looked back at Kara lying on the bed on her side with her wrist resting on her side and her hand draped on her stomach. She looked so peaceful. I smiled and went back to organizing.
“What are you doing up so early?” she said groggily.
“I’m not sure. I’m just organizing my dresser.”
“You always organize your dresser at 6am?”
“All the time, babe.”
“What time did I say I’d go over to the apartment?”
“You said afternoon.”
“Meh. Come back to bed with meeeee.” She said reaching for me
“I’m not tired.” I said laughing
“Pwease?” she pouted
“I guess so. I was just cleaning out my dresser for your stuff when we bring things over.”
“That’s sweet.”
“Go to sleep baby, its early.” I kissed her neck and covered us up.
“Mike?” Vic said peeping his head into my door
“Yeah, bro?”
“Oh. She sleeping?” he whispered
“No I am not sleeping, doofus.” She said giggling
“Well that was pleasant. Can I steal Mike for a second?”
“Can it wait?”
“It could.”
“Yeah you can borrow him.” I groaned and got out of bed.
“What’s up?”
“We should make the guest room into a nursery for Kara.”
“REALLY?!?! That’s such an original idea.”
“I was just thinking we can do it for her birthday.”
“The baby will probably be here before her birthday.”
“We’re doing a nursery anyways. As much as I’d love the baby in our room, my room is too small to be a baby’s room and our room.”
“I guess I’m getting excited too soon.”
“We can start it soon. God forbid it doesn’t happen, but there’s always a chance of not carrying to full term. So she might have her early.”
“Right. I don’t know. Sorry for bothering you two, I just dreamt of it.”
“It’s cool bro. you okay otherwise?”
“Yup, great!”
“Good. I’m going to go back to bed with Kara.”
“Yeah I’m going back to bed too.”
“What was that about?” Kara asked as I got back into bed.
“Nothing, it could have waited. It wasn’t important.”
“Hmm, okay. Go to sleep.” She said yawning. I must have been more tired than I thought I was, because when I woke up, Kara was gone. I went into the bathroom to see if she was in there, and it was empty. I knocked on Vic’s door. He answered and I saw Kara sitting on his bed.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, Kara just wanted to talk, that’s all.”
“Oh. Okay. Well don’t let me intrude, I was just wondering where she was.”
“I won’t take much longer. Go get ready so we can pack.”
“alright.” I went back to my room and got changed. I was slipping on my jeans when Kara came back into my room
“So what were you talking to Vic about?”
“Just life. About Tony and Sam and how I’m gonna move in since she’s giving me shit.”
“mhmm.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me
“I love you.”
“I love you too. You seem to be in a good mood”
“I am. Surprisingly after last night.”
“Is it tomorrow yet?”
“No, not yet. I know I wanna see the baby too.”
“No. I mean, yeah I want to see the baby, but I just want to know for sure when it will be safe for us to... well, you know.” I said kissing her again
“Oh, well in that case, should I call her and see if we can get an appointment in for today?”
“Well, you’re biting your lip. And you know how that drives me crazy, so the answer to that would be yes” she went over to the nightstand to retrieve her phone and called her doctor
“Hey Kelly, this is Kara.” She said sitting on the bed playing with her hair. I fiddled with things on top of my dresser, straightening things and rearranging them.
“Okay, that will be great. See you in a bit.”
“So?” I asked
“Got an appointment in 45 minutes. She had someone change their appointment so she had an opening for us.”
“Well I guess we better get ready and get going.” We got there early, but I didn’t mind waiting. The nurse called us in and within a few minutes, Kara’s doctor was in with the ultrasound machine.
“Ready to see your baby again?” I smiled. I was so excited to see her again
“That’s the baby’s head, and its hands and feet.” She said pointing at the screen. I always teared up during ultrasounds. It’s truly amazing what two people can create.
“So, I know you said that we could have sex, but I just wanted to make sure it’s okay.”
“Yeah, it’s okay. Just as long as you’re gentle. I mean, no like thrusting so hard you hit her cervix or anything.” I felt my face turn red and Kara laughed
“But if we’re gentle, we should have no problems?”
“Correct. And if you’re worried or think something’s wrong, you have my cell number and I’ll come right over and check everything.”
“great.” Kara said squeezing my hand and smiling.
“Would you like pictures of the ultrasound?”
“Yes please!” I said eagerly. I couldn’t help it, I was excited.
“I love you” Kara said sitting up and straightening her clothes
“I love you more”
“Here you go, guys. I’ll see you in 3 weeks!”
“See you then! Have a great day!”
“You too!” We left the doctor’s office and sat in the car for a couple minutes. We started laughing
“What are you laughing about?” she asked still laughing
“What are YOU laughing about?!”
“I’m not even sure!” I reached over the console to kiss her.
“Mike” she said pulling away. She was breathing heavily.
“Sorry, did I get carried away?”
“Not at all.” She smirked. We drove home, forgetting all about packing because other things were on our mind.
“Piggy back rides for all!” I said bending down for her to jump on
“But Mike, I’m-“
“If you say you are too heavy, I am going to throw you over my shoulder.”
“Do it, you won’t!” with one swift movement, she was over my shoulder
“Michaaaaeeeeel!” she whined. I responded with smacking her butt. She squealed
“Keep it down, okay? I don’t want to hear your head board hitting the wall.” Vic yelled from his room
“No guarantees!” I yelled back. Kara giggled.

Kara’s POV
The appointment went great, and when we got home, Mike threw me over his shoulder and took me upstairs. He laid my on the bed, got on top of me and started to kiss my neck
“Mike” I moaned
“What was that?” he smirked
“Pants off.”
“Pants off, dance off? Sounds great!”
“More like pants off fuck me.”
“Mmmm, feisty. I like it.” I flipped Mike over so I was on top and he was lying underneath instead. He looked at me with raised eyebrows.
“What? Didn’t see it coming?” I moved my pelvis against his growing erection and he groaned in pleasure.
“What classifies as ‘gentle’ because if you keep this up, you’ll have bruises.”
“Well that wouldn’t be good. I mean, if you just don’t want too…” I said getting off him. He pulled me back.
“Noooo, I do. I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry; I don’t know why I said that.”
“Oh, I know you wouldn’t hurt me. “ I straddled him again as I was before and he kissed me. I licked his lower lip, my tongue begging for entrance.
“I…don’t think… I can wait much longer” I panted as he fingered me
“Well, why didn’t you just say so?” he smirked and took off his boxers. He rubbed himself against my entrance, teasing me.
“Don’t tease me, please” I begged. He laughed and slowly entered me. With both moaned together.
“Is it even possible for you to be tighter than our first time together?” he asked lacing his fingers into mine and pushing my arms back so they were flat against the bed.
“Mike” I moaned, while my hips involuntarily jerked. He quickened his pace and squeezed my hands.
“I’m so close, Kara.” He rested his forehead on mine and we looked each other in the eyes as we climaxed together. After we finished, he rolled over next to me and we both took a few minutes to regain our composure.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. No pain.”
“I kind of want a second round though…” I giggled
“Yeah. You don’t have to, you climaxed pretty hard. I can get myself-“
“Absolutely not.”
“Excuse me?”
“There is no way that you are getting yourself off. I’ll do it.”
“Are you sure? You’re probably tired...” he got in between my legs and wrapped his arms around my thighs.
“Oh god” I moaned as he went down on me
“You taste so sweet”
“Are you sure is not you?” I laughed, but I laughed even harder with his facial expression.
“Well then, if I taste so sweet, then why don’t you blow me more?”
“It seems like you’re never home.” I said pouting
“Likely story.”
“Here, I’ll give you head right now. Switch places.”
“No, I haven’t gotten you off yet. And I’m not really horny.”
“Well then.” I scoffed. He laughed and continued what he started. A few minutes later I had my second orgasm of the night, and I curled up in a ball.
“Are you okay, Kara?”
“I’m sleepy.”
“It’s only four.”
“You try having two orgasms in a row and tell me you don’t feel sleepy.”
“You have a point.” We laid there in silence for a couple minutes.
“I’m thinking about taking out my piercings.” Mike looked at me funny
“I like your piercings.”
“I know… but I’m going to be a mother. I don’t want people thinking I’m a bad mother or not responsible just by looking at me.”
“People are going to think that about me, but that doesn’t make me wanna take out my piercings or regret my tattoos or whatever.”
“I want to be able to breast feed…” he could tell I was a little uncomfortable.
“You still can. Just remember when you first got your nipples done. I mean, how long did It hurt for?”
“Exactly. What happens if you take them out and close them up, just to decide to get them re-pierced? It’s gonna take more money and more pain. You can still breastfeed, just take out the jewelry.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I mean, I’m only male. I’m sure you can effectively breastfeed while having your nipples pierced. You might want to ask a professional though.”
“Well of course. But I have double zero tunnels and my industrial and a bunch of other piercings”
“I love you the way you are, and I will be behind you 100% with whatever you decide. Don’t change yourself to make others happy. Being yourself will help our child grow up the way they want to. If we put on a mask and hide things from them, they will think we wouldn’t want the best for them.”
“Sometimes I wonder what I would be like if I never met you. I don’t like thinking about it, because you’re amazing. More than I could ever ask for. But what if I never went to warped? I would have never met you; we wouldn’t be lying in bed together. I wouldn’t be pregnant.” I said drifting off.
“Are you upset that you’re pregnant?”
“I love our baby.”
“That didn’t answer my question.” He said softly.
“I’m 20. I don’t even think I’m done growing. Usually they say you are by 18. But I was always different. Not to mention it ruined things between my mother and I. We’re okay now but for a while there, she wouldn’t even talk to me.”
“You could have just said something… you didn’t need to have a baby…” I shook my head.
“I don’t believe in abortion.”
“Adoption?” he said shakily. I grabbed his hand tightly
“Don’t you cry, Michael. We’ve been through tough times, and they will probably keep coming. But our baby will be happy and healthy. We made this happen. We’re gonna have to learn as we go. I mean, fuck. I don’t even know much about children. I know how to change a diaper. That is about it. But we’ll make it through. And when you’re on tour, Kellin can help give you some tips. Since you two will be going through the same thing. We will not give up on our child. Adoption is not an option.”
“I will be the best father I can be. And I’ll be the best husband I can be when we get married. I promise you that.”
“And I’ll be the best mother and wife I can be. But until then, can we do an exceptional job at napping?”
“I have a degree in napping.” He said getting comfortable. I kissed him and snuggled into him.
“We shouldn’t sleep.” I said a couple minutes after laying there.
“I beg to differ.”
“It’s almost dinner time. What’s the point?” I said sitting up. He protested by putting his head in my lap. I sighed and started playing with his hair.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Please don’t braid my hair.”
“Awe, but you’d look so cute.”
“Please take it out.”
“fine.” I took out the braid and lifted his head off my lap to lay back down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck. I felt air on my neck and he put his head behind my back and laughed
“What’s so funny?”
“I’m not sure.”
“weirdo.” I said, pulling the covers over my arms. I felt a hand slip underneath my panties and reached for his wrist when I heard the door handle giggle.
“Hey- oops, were you two sleeping?”
“Nope, we’re just lying down for a few minutes. What’s up?” I tried to act as normal as possible while talking to Jaime. I tried to get Mike to remove his hand, but he was moving his hand down farther.
“You said you were coming over to pack, I was just wondering if everything was okay.”
“Oh, yeah! Everything is great, I had a doctor’s appointment today so we’re just kind of having a lazy day.” I rolled over so I was on my back, propping my head up on my arm.
“You look like you’re up to something…”
“Me?” I asked
“No. Mike.”
“Nope, just the same angel I’ve always been!” he said smiling wide. I glared down at him and rolled my eyes.
“Typical Mike. I’ll let you two take a nap or whatever. I was just coming over to check up on you two since you aren’t answering your phones.”
“Where IS my phone?” Mike asked finally removing his hand to look in the nightstand and on the floor.
“Ouch!” I yelped in response to my shorts snapping against my abdomen.
“You okay?”
“Yup, fantastic!”
“You guys are extremely weird today.”
“What can I say; we were made for each other.”
“Text me when you find your phone or charge it or whatever.” He said leaving. Mike pounced on me as soon as the doors closed.
“Mike!” I yelled
“I can’t help it; it must be your pheromones. Do they get stronger when you’re pregnant? Because I don’t think I’ve been this attracted to you in a long time” he said huskily
“Well, thanks. But I’m not sure. I’m going to ask mom when dinner will be ready.” I pushed him away from kissing my neck and he pouted.
“I’m sorry. I love you.” I said kissing him
“I love you moreeeee” he dragged out as I left the room.
“Mom?” I said in the doorway of the office.
“Yes dear?”
“What time will dinner be ready?”
“Oh, probably around 6:30, 7.”
“Okay. I’m going to pack some.”
“Alright dear. Don’t lift anything heavy.”
“I won’t, Mike will help me.”
“Okay. See you in a little bit.”
“Get up.” I said coming into the room, grabbing keys and my wallet.
“You heard me.”
“Uhm, okay. Where are we going?”
“To Sam’s. Dinner isn’t gonna be ready for another 2 hours.”
“Unless you don’t wanna help me pack then I’ll do it myself.”
“Shhhh, don’t be so crabby. I’m just tired, that’s all.” He said swinging his legs off to the side of the bed.
“It’s alright.” He slipped on his toms and put on a hat and we were off to Sam’s.
“There’s so much to pack. I hate packing.” I said at a red light.
“I hate packing too.” I yawned and the light turned green. I slowly accelerated when I looked out my window and saw an escalade coming. I slammed on my brakes praying it won’t hit us.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Mike said putting his hands on his head.
“Are you okay?” he said putting his hand on mine. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side.
“You drive.”
“okay.” he said. He didn’t even hesitate to get into the driver’s seat. There were people honking at us and he just honked back.
“Stupid idiots. We could have gotten t-boned.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Why?”
“Just asking.”

Mike’s POV
After the accident scare, we got to the apartment and started packing.
“Are you driving home? Or am I driving home?”
“I was gonna ask Jaime if I could have a beer.”
“He doesn’t drink beer.”
“Doesn’t mean there isn’t any.”
“True. I’ll drive.”
“Thanks babe.”
“No problem.” I knocked on Sam’s bedroom door and she answered.
“Uh, hi. Do you have any beer?”
“Go raid the fridge, I don’t mind.”
“Cool, thanks.”
“Yup.” So I went to the fridge and looked to see what they had.
“Mikes hard… four loko… eh. What do we have here? A can of Pabst? It’s like Jaime had it in there just for me.” I smiled in content and popped the can open.
“Found one?” Kara said as I walked back into her room.
“Yerp. Its Pabst!” she laughed.
“I see that.”
“How come you’ve never worn these when I’m around?” I said holding up a blue lace thong. She turned red and snatched them out of my hand
“Stop going through my panty drawer. Before you pack anything, make sure I want to keep it. I want to limit my shit consumption.”
“Aye aye, captain.” I saluted her and when back to packing with her.
“I don’t feel like I’m fucking getting anywhere.” I frowned and hugged her.
“It’s okay. We’ll get everything packed.”
“I feel like it’s taking forever.”
“I know, Kara. It will not take forever. We just have to get up here early and we probably can have the rest packed in two days’ time.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure.” She said picking up her guitar and sitting on the bed. She started playing an unfamiliar tune.
“I’m so stressed.” She said laying the guitar on her lap and sighing.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’ve been questioning my religion lately.”
“What?” I said startled. It was surprising and sudden. We never mentioned religious things to each other. It was just nothing that came up.
“I’m an outspoken atheist. But I feel like something is pushing me to go to… church.” I laughed
“What’s so funny?” she said frowning
“We never talked about religion. I never knew you were atheist.”
“Well I am. I always have been. But I just feel like I should go to church? I don’t even know…”
“My parents go to church. I don’t know if I believe in god either.”
“Do you want to go on Sunday?” I said fiddling with my hands.
“When I was little my grandma used to take me to this one church. It was only a couple times. But can we go to that one?”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
“I feel weird.”
“I will be stepping into a church for the first time since I was 8.”
“Wow. That’s 12 years.”
“Yeah. That’s a long time.”
“Just because you’re going to church does not mean you have to be religious if you don’t feel like its right. Don’t let them drag you in if you don’t want to, okay?”
“I know.”
“Do you just want to come back later? Or tomorrow?” I said yawning
“Yeah, we don’t want to be late for dinner.”
“True, mom will not be happy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry so much about the delay guys. Sandy was a bitch, and so is writers block. ): hope you enjoyed though! comment and subscribe ♥