Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

summer lovin'

After the concert we went back to the bus, which surprisingly wasn't hard to do. They probably should guard that better. Fan girls be all up in that place.

Anyways, we were a couple feet from the bus and Vic was standing out there without a shirt on drying his hair

"Hey Kara, who's your friend?" Vic said stopping what he was doing to give sam a dazzling smile

"I'm Sam!" She said cheerily, putting her hand out for him to shake it
"Do I look like a handshake kind of guy? come here and give me a hug!" You should have seen Sam smiling. She was cheesing harder than a little kid over cake
"Wanna come in? The boys are having some drinks, we have other things besides alcohol if you guys don't drink" He said nervously rubbing his neck
"Sure that sounds great! Got any Smirnoff?" I ask walking into the bus
"Kara you shouldn't-" Sam started, I nudged her so she'd stop.
"Hush, I'll be fine." I sneered. Vic introduced us all formally when we got on the bus.
"Guys, This is Karisma and her friend Sam, Sam and Kara this is Tony, Jaime and my brother Mike" I couldn't help but lay my eyes on mike. Of course, it was mutual since he was looking me up and down. I gave him a wink and poured myself a drink. The party was soon in full swing and Sam and I were starting to get a bit tipsy, and so were the boys
"I call body shots on Kara!" I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. Instead of doing the typical thing and just raising my shirt, I decided to take it off entirely. It was getting hot in the bus anyways. As I walked over to the couch I heard someone wolf whistle at me.
"Well, what are you waiting for, Mike? Gimme a lime and lets get at it" I said laying on the couch. Mike sucked the salt off of my stomach and Jaime handed him his shot and took the lime out of my mouth, brushing his lips against mine.
"Your turn baby girl" Mike said smirking as he got up throwing away the lime
"Sure, but I get to suck off the salt off your neck. Happy trails and body shots don't mix for me"
"Do your worst" He said winking at me. So I did, I left a decent hickey on his neck while sucking off the salt, took my shot and took the lime out of his mouth, just like he did for me.

"Kara, I think that's enough liquor for you...." Sam said trying to take away my drink from me.
"Sam, I'm fine. I promise. I'm having a good time, it's not like I'm relapsing." I tried to say it quietly but Mike over heard me. I turned around and he furrowed his eyebrows in a worried way.
"Relapse?" I could tell he was hurt, and that I should explain, so I took him to one of the bedrooms in the back.
"I was in rehab for alcohol abuse, that's all."
"You could have just told me, you didn't have to do body shots or even drink for that matter."
"I'm fine mike, I can handle my liquor. Plus I was having fun doing body shots with you, your pretty damn attractive." I said blushing
"Same goes for your self darling." He said looking into my eyes. We were both drunk, but we knew what we were doing. He tilted my chin up and kissed me softly.
"What was that for?" I said innocently
"I've been waiting to do that since i met you." He laughed slightly
"You didn't have to stop." I said returning a kiss back. We stood there for a while kissing and he laid me gently on the bed.
"Mike" I said breaking off the kiss to catch my breath
"Yeah, blue eyes?"
"Your... clean right?" I ask embarrassed.
"I don't think we should have sex if that's why your asking..."
"No! that wasn't why. I just kinda wanted to.. nevermind."
"You're so shy. Why? There's nothing to be afraid or embarrassed about." He said stroking my cheek
"I'm not sure. I'm just less experienced than you are."
"You can never be too sure of that." He said smiling slightly.
"Well I know your definitely not a virgin like me...." I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks again.
"You're a virgin? You seemed so confident earlier when we were doing shots." I laughed nervously
"Just cause I seemed confident doesn't mean I was."
"What did you want to do?" He asked preventing me from rambling. I took a shaky breath in and unbuttoned his jeans.
"Kara you don't have to if you-" I stopped him mid sentence with a kiss
"Did you ask me to do this?"
"Well, no." He stated.
"Then what makes you think I don't want to?"
"I was just saying that if you didn't want to you don't have to that's all." He looked down at my hands that we tugging at his jeans. He got up and pulled them down for me so I didn't have to struggle.
"Kara" He whispered
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold myself back"
"I'm not sure either. Switch positions" As I pulled down his boxers he was brushing back my hair with his hand.
"You're so beautiful, Kara." I smiled softly as I started to go down on him. After a few minutes there was a knock on the door.
"Mike? Kara? Are you two in there?"
"Uh, yeah why?" Mike said. I pulled his boxers up from his ankles to his waist but he protested by grabbing my wrist and putting my hand on his erection.
"Sam was just worried about Kara. Is she alright?"
"Yeah, we're fine. She's fine. She was tired so I told her we could come in here and lay down and watch a little tv."
"Oh, okay. Is she awake?" i decided to speak up
"yeah I'm awake"
"Okay. Well uhm, if you guys need anything just let me know... there's uhm, condoms in the night stand if you need them...." Vic said uncomfortably.
"We aren't gonna have sex, bro. We're just gonna lay here. I'll be out once she falls asleep." Mike said laughing
"Oh, okay. Well I didn't know what you guys were doing. but now you know if you ever need them"
"Thanks, bro."
"No problem. Love ya."
"Love you too"
"D'awww" I coo'ed at mike pinching his cheek
"Hush" he said kissing me and pulling down his boxers again
"Where were we..." I said smiling into the kiss.
"Mmmm, Kara" mike moaned
"Shh, you're gonna make it aware that we're doing something in here" I giggled
"What happened to your arm?" He said concerned after he noticed while watching me
"Nothing don't worry about it" I said trying to turn my arm at a different angle so he couldn't see. He grabbed my wrist and rotated my arm so he could see. He didn't say anything, he just ran his fingers across my scars
"Such beautiful skin all mutilated. Why?" He asked looking at me with tear filled eyes
"I've had a really rough life..." I said turning my head. He started kissing my arm and I couldn't help but to cry
"Tell me whats wrong. Can I fix it? I'll do anything to make you happy and for you to stop. Anything" He said starting to cry to.
"Can we just cuddle? I'm tired. We can talk in the morning." I said curling up in a ball on the bed.
"You can take off your jeans if you want... I know its uncomfortable sleeping with jeans on."
"They are all over my legs too..." I sighed. A pair of basketball shorts appeared in front of me.
"Will those work? I mean they might be a little big but..." I didn't hesitate to get up and shed my jeans, replacing them with the shorts. I crawled back in bed with him wearing just his shorts and a bra, and with him in just his boxers. He snaked his arms around my waist brought us closer to eachother.
"Good night, love." He said to me kissing my neck.
"Good night, mikey.
♠ ♠ ♠
all edited now! hope you enjoyed it! another chapter or two will be up later today (: