Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

hi guys! (authors note)

hope everyone had a merry christmas or a lovely holiday, whether it be Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or any other holiday (: and happy new year, also! im sorry i havent updated, but here's a short update for my subscribers.

i start college in january (FINALLY!) its been a difficult, long road to get here, and im still sorting out shit to get books and payments together.

with the holidays, i just was consumed with wrapping gifts, and in New York, we recently got 2 winter storms which dumped near a feet of snow. shoveling is no bueno.

my computer is being stupid, its working now but it didn't start for almost a week, and my space bar didnt work.

long story short, im very sorry about the hiatus/abandonment of this story. its not over, don't you worry. im not sure where i want the story to go at this point, so i might make a short story and give my brain that creative flow it needs and take a break from this. please stick around, guys. it might be a couple more weeks, but im not abandoning this story.