Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

All these things i hate revolve around me - Mike's point of view

*- mike's point of view

Last night was interesting, that's for sure. I was hung over, I remember what happened. Kara going down on me, doing body shots. I was sitting on the bed smoking my morning cigarette thinking about last night. I felt a shift in the bed and looked over at sleeping beauty trying to get comfortable. Her arm flopped out and I saw the scars on her wrist. I suddenly remembered seeing her arm when we were fooling around and I felt what little I had coming up my throat. I ran to the bathroom which was luckily right in front of me, and held onto the toilet seat with shaking arms trying not to touch my cigarette to my skin or anything else that might catch on fire.
After the second round, I felt a cold hand rubbing my back. I collapsed on the floor and put out the cigarette on a wet spot on the sink.
"What’s the matter babe?" she cooed as she sat next to me after getting a cold wash cloth and wiping my hand and face.
"I feel like shit."
"Too much alcohol? Or did you eat something funky?"
"I can handle my alcohol. I was just smoking and I was thinking about last night and something triggered hell in my stomach."
"What were you thinking about? Did I do something wrong..."
"No! No no no! Not at all, I loved last night, it was great. When you were shifting in your sleep this morning I saw your arm and it just reminded me of last night when I first saw them."
"Oh... yeah. I usually keep them covered but it’s just too hot. I’m sorry."
"Don’t be, beautiful. This might be very sudden but -"
"Mike?" Vic said outside the bathroom without looking.
"It’s okay, we're decent. It’s not like we're naked or anything" he said with a nervous laugh.
"Okay, well we have the day off today. We’re staying here and getting a hotel for the night and taking off tomorrow morning. So we're going to drive to the hotel now. The guys are loading up the bus and we're going to have a meeting in the back room to plan out what we're going to be doing. Okay?"
"Yeah. Do we have any stomach medicine shit?"
"Why, you don't feel good?"
"Not really... I just got done throwing up." I said rubbing my neck.
“Oh. Yikes, uhm… yeah I think I have some in the emergency box. I’ll be right back” Vic said disappearing. Kara was sitting there dozing off.
“…sweetheart?” I said with a shaky breath
“Oh. Sorry Mikey. What were you saying?”
“I started to say is that I know this is sudden, but I think I’m falling for you. I’m not a sappy guy, but you definitely made my heart soft towards you.”
“I’d kiss you right now… but you can have a rain check until you brush your teeth.” She said scrunching her nose
“deal.” I laughed and shook her hand
“Here bro.” he said handing me the bottle
“Thanks” I opened the bottle and raised it to my lips
“MICHAEL!” she yelled. I paused and looked at her
“Yes?” I questioned
“Gimme that!” she said. She read the back of the bottle and stood up. She came back with a tablespoon and measured out the medicine
“But it’s so much better just chugging it. Now I’m going to have to stick it in my mouth like you did last night and I’ll have to taste it and be-“I was interrupted with a spoon being shoved in my mouth.
“My god that tastes NASTY.”
“You still got one more, smart mouth.” She said smirking, I groaned as I waited for her to measure out a second spoon and feed it to me. I felt so helpless.
“All done, babe.” She said turning on the water and rinsing off the spoon.
“Thank you” I said getting up and brushing my teeth. When I was done I snuck up behind her as she was looking for something on my bunk
“I hope I tasted a lot better last night than that medicine tasted” I whispered in her ear and kissed her neck. Obviously I said it too loud because my brother stopped in his tracks as he walked by us
“WHOA, talk softer next time I didn’t need to know what you did last night, my god!” Vic said shaking his head vigorously
“Sorry, bro. I thought I was whispering but obviously someone is either nosey or has a keen sense of hearing.”
“Maybe I bit of both.” He said walking off to the back room. Kara turned around and kissed me
“Yay” I said happily after she kissed me.
“Minty fresh” she said and smiled huge after. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder
“MIKE! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” she yelled as she laughed. I smacked her ass in response
“You know I think I can reach your ass from here too!” and that she could she smacked my ass just as hard as I did to hers
“Oh baby, I like it when you’re kinky” I moaned walking into the room where everyone was sitting
“Your disgusting mike, I don’t need to know how you wanna fuck my best friend.” Sam said sitting cross-legged next to Jaime
“Hey butthead” she laughed as Kara hugged her still hanging over mike’s shoulder
“Thanks for returning my texts”
“Were you not in the bus all night?”
“No, we went to a restaurant and got something to eat”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” She sounded disappointed
“It’s okay. I forgive youuu” she dragged out smiling
“Of course you do, you two are like sisters” I said setting Kara down on the couch
“Okay, so what do you guys wanna do today?” Vic said changing topics
“Where is the closest amusement park?” tony asked
“I’m not sure, but I think there’s one like 20 minutes away.” None of us we’re from around here. Kara and Sam rode a greyhound 2 hours here, and we were two hours away from home too. The girls only lived probably a half hour away from us. We live in San Diego, they live in Oceanside together.
“Someone Google it” Sam whined
“Yeah it’s like 20 minutes away. It’s Splash Kingdom.” tony said
“Like, a waterpark?” Vic asked.
“Yup!” tony said excitedly. It was at least 100 the past couple days, so it would give us a relaxing day. I felt Kara tense up next to me.
“I don’t have a swim suit. And neither does Kara”
“I might have an extra one. But I don’t think I have two.”
“There’s a Wal-Mart like 2 minutes away. We can just go get you guys a swim suit”
“Is that okay, Kara?” I said rubbing her thigh. She sucked in a breath and smiled
“Of course it is! Why would I object?” she questioned. She was so good at hiding things, but I saw the fear in her eyes.
“To Wal-Mart it is!” Vic said leaving the room.
“Are you sure you’re okay with going to a water park?” Sam asked looking at me.
“I already know.” I said softly.
“Oh. I didn’t know that. Well if you aren’t okay then let us know, the boys can do whatever and we can go off and do something else.” Sam suggested. Kara just shook her hand and put her face into her hands
“How fucking stupid am I. I ruined my body by mutilating it and not taking care of it. I’m huge and scarred and now I can’t even go to a water park without attracting disgusting looks from everyone!” she started to sob.
“Karisma Anne! Don’t you dare say that?”
“Karisma, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. I have never fallen so hard for a girl so fast, and maybe I’m just not thinking right but I really do like you a lot. Your body is beautiful. Scars and all. I just want to kiss every one of your scars. I would if it would make anything better. But it probably won’t. I’ll give you a pair of shorts to wear in the water so people won’t stare.” She just started to cry harder.
“Sweetheart…” I said hugging her tightly.
“I don’t deserve someone like you, mike! You’re too sweet, and I’m a disaster. All these things I hate revolve around me, it’s like they haunt me whenever something goes right for once”
“We’re here, are you- oh my god what’s wrong Kara?!” Vic said coming over to her
“It’s nothing. I’m fine. Let’s go swimsuit shopping shmee.”
“Okay karebear.”

All of the guys didn’t really want to go, so I went in with Kara and Sam to pick out swim suits.
“Is this one cute, Kara?” Sam said holding one up
“Eh, I don’t personally like it, but it’s up to you Sam. How about this one?”
“I like it. I think a monokini would look a little weird with basketball shorts over it…
“Won’t everything?” she said sighing
“It’s okay; don’t get worked up over it.” I started kissing her neck
“Come in the dressing room area so you can give me your opinion?” she asked flushing red
“Of course!” Sam said not paying much attention
“I was asking mike, since I assumed you’d be trying some on anyways.” Kara let out light laugh. How I loved her laughs so much. She went in and put one on, opened the door a bit and peaked her head around the door
“c-can you come in here?” she stuttered, looking down at the tiled floor.
‘”sure” I said softly walking towards the door. I shut the door and looked at her swim suit
“d-do you like it?”
“You look great in it” I said sincerely and smiled trying to look at her face and not her scars
“Really?” I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around the small of her back
“Of course you do. You look great in everything” I said kissing her on the top of her head.
“Would it look okay with shorts over it?”
“I’m sure it would, who cares about what everyone else thinks? You should be happy with yourself. No one else matters”
“You’re right, but I don’t want someone starting shit and saying ‘mike Fuentes is dating freak’” I smiled when she said dating
“We’re dating now?”
“Oh, no I didn’t mean it that way it just people assume you know you being famous and everything and stuff” I stopped her by kissing her
“Karaaaaa are you two almost done in there?” Sam whined
“Yeah I’ll be out in a minute. Mikey, you need to leave...” she said, her cheeks flushing with the already familiar pink tint
“Why? Oh… never mind. Yeah I’ll leave” I said kissing her one more time. We purchased their stuff and headed back out to the bus.
“About time! Jeez. We won’t have any time in the park now because you took all day” Jaime whined
“Dude, it’s like 9am. They probably aren’t even open yet”
“I’m just so excited! I LOVE WATER PARKS” Jaime was like a little kid when he was excited. It was the most entertaining thing ever.
“Baby, come lay down with me.” Kara said tugging on the hem of my shirt
“Okay” I obeyed and followed her to my bunk, it wasn’t the most spacious thing, but both of us are on the skinny side, so we fit just fine. She slid her hands up my shirt giving me goose bumps
“I love being with you” she said giving me a small kiss
“I do too, so much” I kissed her back and also ran my hands up her shirt. She twitched a little bit as I did so
“Is this alright? Or do you want me to stop?”
“No, its okay, I just got goose bumps. Good thing, not bad.” She said smiling. I crept my hands up a little more just so my hands were resting right at the base of her bra.
“Why am I so comfortable with you? I would never let a guy put his hands up my shirt before. You’re some special guy there, Michael Fuentes” I couldn’t help but laugh and kiss her
“I’m a great guy; I don’t know why people think I’m such a bad person. So I have tattoos? I’m a little kid that loves harry potter deep down inside. Can we just spoon for the next couple minutes?” I couldn’t even believe what I was saying. Me, mike Fuentes, wanting to spoon with a girl. So not like me. I’m notorious for hitting it and quitting it. Not spooning.
“I’d like that.” She said smiling and flipping over so her back was pressed against my front. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and put my chin in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent.
“You got a drumstick in your pocket, or is someone excited to spoon with me?” she said wrapping her arm backwards around my thigh. My face turned bright red.
“I’m sorry, I’ll get up if you want me to” I said embarrassed.
“No, it’s fine mike, I’m just teasing you” she laughed and we continued laying there in silence, and I slipped into a mid-sleep daze right until Jaime decided to scream in my ear
“WE ARE HERE!!!! IM SO EXCITED! Shit I didn’t get out my suit! FUCK!” he screamed. He had to stop right in front of our bunk and startle me.
“SHUT UP JAIME! WE GET IT!” Vic yelled from the front of the bus. Well, this will be a fun day
♠ ♠ ♠
i tried to make the chapters longer (: ill keep updating daily for my lovely readers! thank you for reading! :D