Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

Just back off before I snap - Kara’s point of view.

To be honest, I was kind of excited to spend the day with the boys. Mike is a sweetheart, Jaime is hilarious, Vic is also funny, but Jaime always has me about to roll on the floor laughing or keeling over laughing. But I wasn’t excited for a water park. It makes me queasy thinking about it. I hate my body, and I’m covered in scars.

So we paid, got changed and rented lockers to put our phones and towels in started to go on the rides. It was a pretty big park, with a lot of those group inner tube rides
“Okay, this is a 2 person ride. Who’s going with who?”
“I PICK KARA!” Jaime said grabbing on to me
“Dibs on Vic!” Sam said winking
“That means I get to be with my lover, tony” mike said hip bumping him, I couldn’t help but start laughing so hard. Sam and Vic jumped in an inner tube and waited for the green light to pass and get thumbs up from the attendant, then me and Jaime went
“No, you sit in the front, it will go faster”
“Are you sure?”
“Ready guys?” the attendant asked
“You bet your ass we are!”
“Enjoy the ride” he said pushing us, Jaime was making weird noises and hollering and whooping all the way down, and I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically.
“THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!” Jaime yelled shaking his hair like a dog
“Jaime you are hilarious” he flashed a smile
“Don’t have to tell me twice!” I felt a poke in my side
‘let’s go to the lazy river and chat a bit?” mike asked
“Sure. We’re going to the lazy river, okay?”
“Yeah no problem, we’ll be around”
“Okay” we walked over to the lazy river hand in hand swinging our arms back forth in silence, until someone started calling mike’s name.
“MIKE!” I looked back, and there was a girl about 16 running towards us with a camera.
“Hey, sup” he said laughing
“Hi, wow. I finally met you. Can I get a picture with you? Oh. Who’s this?” she looked at me funny.
“This is my friend Karisma. We’re spending the day together.” He said flashing a smile
“Friend? Looks more like a girlfriend. And let me tell you if you are actually dating her, you could do so much better.” She spat
“Oooookay, so what about that picture?” he said taking a picture with her camera in a myspace-esque way
“Thank you mike! Bye chrysanthemum.” She said hugging him
“Hey calm down, it’s okay.” We started walking again towards the lazy river. I didn’t say anything for the whole walk. Which was only a little ways. I sat in an inner tube and pushed myself off the sidewall. Mike was paddling like a weirdo trying to catch up to me, when we got near he grabbed my hand
“So, my darling” I couldn’t help to smile a little even though I was a little mad at that girl
“Sorry about the fan. None of what she said was true.”
“What do you mean? She’s right, you can do much better. But we aren’t in a relationship together.”
“She’s wrong. I can’t do any better. And we aren’t in a relationship in this moment” I looked at him with a questioning look
“Be patient grasshoppa. I’ll make you feel beautiful once again”
“Words from a true romantic”
“You know it babe” he said putting his hands behind his neck and crossing his legs, he leaned back the slightest bit and went head first into the water and I started to laugh
“You know, head first into the river by envy on the coast would be a great song right now for you. “
“Girl got jokes. I get ya. Excuse me for trying to be cute”
“You don’t have to try”
“I know, I get my good looks from papa Fuentes. It runs in the family.”
“Oooo, conceited.”
“Nope, I just am confident in myself.”
“So when am I going to meet this handsome father of yours?”
“When I knock you up.” He said licking his lips and making a kiss face at me
“Oh? That’s cool, I think my father will kill you”
“I can take him. You see these guns? GUN SHOW!”
“Yeah if you mean the guns that look like a pre-pubescent boy’s muscles”
“Ouch, you just deflated my ego.” He scoffed like he was hurt
“It’s okay, because that sexy lip piercing makes up for it”
“Oh yeah? Is that so”
“Well maybe that will make a guest appearance when we share a room together tonight”
“Wait what”
“I asked the boys to get us a separate room so we can hang out and get to know each other and all that mushy stuff”
“You mean watch harry potter?”
“You read my mind so well” we floated around for a little bit when we decided we should go meet up with the others. We were looking around when I could have sworn someone was following me, but I didn’t bother looking
“Hola Bonita” Jaime whispered in my ear in a mono-tone Spanish accent
“Jesus Christ Jaime. You scared me” I said laughing
“Sorry, did you have a lovely time floating?”
“Yeah, but I wanna go on some fun rides now.”
“Too bad we went on all of them” I gave Vic a sad face.
“I suppose we can go on all of them again” Jaime said grinning like an idiot
So we went on a bunch of rides again, and talked and had fun. We went to our lockers to get our stuff and change and noticed I had 5 voicemails
“Shit” I swore out loud.
“What’s the matter Kara?”
“I never called my mom last night. Granted I don’t live with her but I always tell her where I’m going if I leave for a trip and when I’m coming back and I never even talked to her.”
“Well then call her”
“I will on the bus”
We changed and met the boys back on the bus. I was looking down at my phone texting someone when I lifted my head up and saw mike in nothing but his boxers. I could feel my face heat up like a habanero.
“Hey cutie” he said coming over to me and kissing my cheek and hugging me
“I saw you a whole 15 minutes ago.” I said laughing
“I know but I missed youuu”
“God, why are you so cute.”
“Save it for the hotel room, jeez” tony said nudging me in the side and smirking
“Hey, you’re just jealous cause steph isn’t here”
“Nooooope” he said disappearing into the back room
“We’re gonna go to the hotel and wash up, then go to dinner. That sound good?”
“Mhmm! I reek of chlorine…” I said licking the back of my hand, sniffing it and shivering at the grossness of pool water smell.
We checked into the hotel and washed up and got dressed. While mike was in the shower I sat on the bed and called my mom
“Mommy?” I said when she picked up
“Karisma! I’ve been worried about you! Are you back yet?”
“Uh, no. I’m actually still where the concert was. I’ll be back home with Sam tomorrow afternoon”
“Well, alright. You don’t live at home so do as you please. But why are you still there? Weather? Bad over there or something?”
“Mom, I’m only 2 hours away from home. The weather is fine. I actually met this boy.” I said giggling slightly
“A boy? You shouldn’t be hanging out with strangers Kara…”
“No! It’s okay. He’s in the band I came to see. They invited us to hang out and we spent the day at the water park. We’re going to dinner soon and staying at a hotel. I’m safe don’t you worry momma”
“So tell me about this boy. Will I like him?” she asked, and I felt warm hands crawling up my shirt and his mouth against the skin of my neck
“Yes, you’d love him. Maybe sometime ill invite him over for dinner or something so you can meet him. He lives a half hour away”
“What does he look like? What does he play?” I’m was so happy my mom was excited about hearing about him
“Well, I know you don’t really like tattoos much, but he has tattoos on his arms. And a lip piercing and black hair. He plays drums too. He looks like he’s tough be he’s actually a softy. He’s the sweetest guy I’ve met”
“Sounds like he makes you happy, dear”
“He does. I’m starting to really like him.” I said looking up to him and smiling
“Awe, well I hope to see him soon to meet him! Stop by this weekend if you aren’t busy, okay?”
“Okay mommy. I love you”
“I love you too, Kara. Have fun don’t do anything you’ll regret.” My face felt hot again
“I won’t mom, I’m a good girl”
“Just telling you, I never said you weren’t. Talk to you later”
“So you’re a good girl, eh?”
“Last time I checked I was”
“Hmmm, we’ll see about that.” He said kissing my neck. He stopped and went over to his bag to get something to wear.
“Wearing a towel like that should be illegal. Especially for you.” I said biting my lip
“Oh yeah? Would you rather me not wear a towel? I was just respecting you but I mean if you just want me to toss it” I looked down at my phone feeling awkward again. I really need to work on this blushing problem
“You blush a lot. There’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about”
“I know but-“
“But what?”
“Ask me later, go get dressed. We have to meet the boys and Sam in the lobby in 10 minutes.”
“Okay babe” he said grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom. We headed out to dinner, which wasn’t too special and went bar hopping. Even if me and Sam were underage we still got away with it. No one really drank much. We mostly played pool and talked rather than get shit faced. We all headed back to the hotel and said goodnight to everyone. Mike and I held hands and started swinging them back and forth to the elevator.
“That was fun today, thank you.” I said standing against the wall of the elevator. Mike put his hand on my face and stroked my cheek. I gently put my hand around his wrist that was near my face. He then pulled me into one of the deepest kisses I have ever experienced. When we pulled away, neither of us said anything we just looked into each other’s eyes. We held hands again and walked out of the elevator to our room.
“What was that kiss for?” I asked sitting on the bed clicking the power for the TV to on
“I just wanted to kiss you all day. I can’t kiss you?”
“No, you can. But it’s not like we’re together or anything”
“Well you sure made it sound like it on the phone with your mom.” He said smiling as he sat on the bed with me. He put his arm around me and I curled into him. We stayed like that for a while until he broke the silence
“Well, what about it?” he asked. I was slightly confused
“What do you mean?”
“I’m asking you to be my girlfriend silly.”
“Of course I will be your girlfriend.” I said putting a hand on his chest and kissing him. We made out for a little bit until he laid me on my back
“Mike” I said a few minutes after trying to catch my breath
“All out of breath? You need a cardio work out girl” he joked
“Would it be too soon to go farther than kissing?”
“No, of course not. It’s up to you, but if you want to then sure I don’t mind.” I looked up at him for a minute and kissed him again. After a couple minutes I took one of his hands and guided it to my most private area. I am not a Christian so I didn’t believe all that purity mumbo jumbo, but I will admit that I’ve never experienced more than kissing and a guy feeling my chest, even though people that I know will tell you otherwise because I apparently have a reputation of a slut. But with mike it felt right. I didn’t know him long, and yeah we just started a relationship not even an hour ago, but I felt like I’ve known him for years. There was just something about him that made my heart melt. Not to mention make my hormones go crazy. Mike kissed my neck and rubbed the outside of my yoga pants for a bit. He then snaked his hand underneath them and my panties.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I don’t want you to regret it.” He whispered in my ear.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Hold on.” I said scooting up so I was somewhat sitting to take my shirt off and my pants then I laid back down.
“You’re gorgeous, Karisma.” Of course my only reaction was to blush and kiss him. I felt a finger slip into me and I let a small moan out. He slid my bra straps off my shoulders and I helped him by taking it off. As soon it was off mike latched on to one of my nipples and started to swirl his tongue gently and suck
“Michael” I moaned arching my back
“I love it when you say my full name. So sexy” he had his fingers on the band of my panties about to pull them off when I objected
“Who said you can just take my panties off without shedding any clothing yourself?” I said tugging at his jeans, he obeyed and stripped off his jeans and his wife beater tank that he was wearing
“Can we get under the covers? It’s a little cold in here”
“Sure” I said laughing while getting up and pulling back the blanket so we could get underneath. He got underneath too and tugged at my panties again
“Off” he said like a little kid, I did as he asked and started kissing him again while rubbing his erection from outside of his boxers. He started fingering me again, but this time with two fingers instead of one
“Is that too much?”
“No, it’s okay. Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I’ve never masturbated before” I said laughing. Soon he was completely naked too and we were getting closer to climaxing
“Do you want to go all the way?” he asked nervously
“I want to yes, but I don’t think I’m ready.” I said embarrassed. I felt like the only 19 year old virgin in California and I wanted to lose it already, but I wanted it to be special.
“I understand, sweetheart. “ he said getting off the bed
“Just because I don’t want to go all the way doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get off” I said smirking. His eyes lit up and he got back into bed with me. I learned that having someone help you get off is a lot better than just doing it yourself. We were both extremely tired after, so we snuggled up together and fell asleep.
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sorry about the wait guys! i've been busy with college stuff and working and all that not fun summer stuff ): ill be updating more frequently! leave feedback please! :D