Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

If I dive too deep, you’ll pull me out. – Mike’s point of view

We fell asleep together, but I wasn’t asleep to long until I jolted awake from a nightmare. I went to snuggle closer to Kara when I realized she wasn’t next to me. I sat up and looked around for her and noticed that I heard water running in the bathroom. I sat there for a second watching the TV that was still on, smiling to myself when I saw that harry potter was on, half way through the philosopher’s stone. We fell asleep watching our favorite movie. I got up and took a sip of already warm water, and knocked on the bathroom door
“Kara, are you okay?”
“Yeah, don’t come in. I’m fine” she said, I felt panic in her voice.
“Are you sure? I mean I understand if you don’t like your body, but I think you’re beautiful and it’s not like I haven’t seen it before…” I was feeling incredibly awkward at this point
“I know, it’s not that. Just don’t come in please. P-please don’t. ” she pleaded; I ignored her and went in anyways.
“Kara, what’s wrong why are you so panicky?” I said sitting on the floor
“I told you don’t come in”
“I don’t care what you said. I’m in here now. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing I’m fine. Just go back out in the room, I’ll be out soon”
“Why on earth are you acting so weird?! You should be able to tell me things, granted we’ve only known each other for two days but it shouldn’t matter”
“I-I know, I’m sorry. But I promise you everything is okay”
“Kara, if you don’t come out of the shower in the next minute I’m coming in there with you”
“Why are you doing this? Just leave me alone!” she sobbed
“Kara, just tell me what’s wrong!” I said viciously pushing the curtain aside, I saw Kara curling into a ball in the tub with water running over her. The water going down the drain was bright pink and I thought I was going to pass out right then and there. My first reaction was to turn off the water and get in the tub with her.
“Kara, why did you do this?”
“I’m sorry” she said crying harder. I took off my shirt and wrapped it over her wrist
“You’re going to be okay sweetheart, I promise.”
“I’ll be right back.” I kissed her on her fore head and went out to the main room to grab a robe. I went back into the bathroom, picked her up bridal style, sat her on the end of bed and put the robe over her. I called Vic to have him come over
“Why the fuck are you call-“
“Shut up you buffoon. Come over to my room ASAP, I’ll leave the door open.”
“O-okay. Jeez” Vic hung up and came over a minute later.
“So what’s wrong?”
“I need to take her to the hospital.”
“No you don’t, I’m fine!”
“Karisma, you are not okay, you lost a lot of blood from what I can see.”
“No one has told me what happened…”
“She cut herself too deep.”
“I’m fine Michael, I’ve cut before.”
“You cut that deep every single time? I don’t think so. You need stitches”
“Can I see?” Vic said speaking up between our arguments
“I guess so…” she said. She rolled up her oversized sleeve of her robe to let Vic look. It wasn’t bleeding much anymore, but it was bleeding a little bit still.
“I’m going to go get the first aid kit” Vic said walking away. I could tell he was feeling a little numb from this incident, as so was I.
“I’m sorry, Mikey. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t princess. It will be alright. What drove you to do that though?”
“I couldn’t sleep and my mind was racing. My mind just wouldn’t calm down.”
“This wasn’t my fault was it?”
“No, barely.”
“I was just feeling guilty about the stuff we did together that’s all”
“Guilty? Really?”
“I’m sorry! I don’t regret it I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, Kara. I understand. We aren’t mentally stable right now. Vic will be back any minute and he’ll make it all better and we’ll go to sleep. Sound good?”
“Can we spoon?” I smiled at her and kissed her.
“Yes, we can spoon” I said laughing, Vic then walked back into the door
“Will butterfly strips do?”
“Yeah they should be okay till we get her to the hospital in the morning”
“I’m not going to the hospital, it’s not needed.”
“We can decide in the morning. Maybe it will look better in the morning. Let’s just put these on for now.” Vic cleaned it out, and bandaged it all up and went back to his room. Kara and I laid back down and she fell asleep fast. I stayed up the rest of the night watching harry potter. We had a free continental breakfast the next morning, so I took a shower before Kara woke up. I noticed her blade from last night sitting on the tub, so I wrapped it in a paper towel and put in the trash can. I came out from my shower and she was just waking up.

“Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling?”
“My wrist hurts. And I feel like crap.”
“I’m sorry, love. We have breakfast down stairs. Get dressed and let’s go” we went down stairs and saw the rest of the guys and Sam sitting at a table eating breakfast. I fixed myself a waffle and coffee and sat down when tony spoke up.
“Wow bro, no sleep last night?”
“Not a bit. I slept maybe a whole hour.”
“Not good.” Jaime said
“I’ll be fine.”
“Good morning.” Kara said awkwardly sitting down.
“Good morning Kara.” Tony said grinning
“Guten morgen! Why is your wrist all bunchy?” Jaime greeted
“Bandana.” I said
“Yeah, I like bandanas what can I say” she said laughing and shrugging. I don’t think anyone bought what we said, but we could care less. Just as we were finishing up our tour manager came up to us.
“It’s almost time for us to head out guys, grab your stuff and meet out in the lobby at 10.” I saw a sad face on Kara and we headed up stairs. We were silent the whole time, holding hands in the elevator.
“You aren’t making me go to the hospital, are you?” she said with sad eyes
“No, I’m not. I’d like to see it and change the gauze though” Kara rolled up her sleeve and unwrapped the gauze. I cleaned it and bandaged it back like it was. She started gathering the few things she had in the room and putting them in her backpack.
“Do you guys have a bus or train to get back home?”
“Uhm, I’m not sure. I haven’t talked to Sam in a bit.”
“I’m going to miss you like crazy.”
“I know. I’m going to miss you too Mikey.” She said coming up to me and burying her head into my torso. I hate good byes so much; this one was more painful then most.
“Can we take a picture so I can print it out and put it on my wall in my bunk?” I asked her, she pulled away, but just enough to look up at me
“Mhmm. I’ll go ask Vic to come take a picture for us.” she kissed me and left the room, and shortly she was back
“Vic said in the lobby he’ll take a picture of us”
“Okay babe. Help me put things back into my bag?” I had done laundry that night and hadn’t put my clothes back into my bag
“I guess so” she said smirking. Once we were done packing it was already 9:30, so we went down stairs with our stuff and got coffee. We sat there in silence for a couple minutes and played with each others hands
“I wish I had something to give to you.”
“Like what? Why?” she questioned curiously
“I’m not sure. Like a ring or something so you could wear it and every time you look at it you can remember me.”
“Trust me you’ll be on my mind every second of everyday”
“You’ll be on my mind every second too. I’ve never fallen for a girl so hard, Kara. It’s like I’ve known you for years” she giggled and held my hand tighter. She looked at her phone and I saw a tear drop from her eye
“Don’t cry sweetheart. I’ll be home in a month.”
“That’s a long time.”
“It will be over before you know it.”
“Mike, I loaded your bag and stuff on the bus. Are you ready?” Vic said placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah, one last goodbye?”
“Go for it.” I stood up at the same time she did and hugged her tightly I could feel tears threaten to spill, but I held them in.
“I love you Kara. I really mean it, I love you. Even if it’s early in the relationship.”
“I love you too Mikey.” She said starting to cry
“Don’t cry sweetheart, we’ll face time and talk every night. I promise.”
“Picture time?” Vic interrupted
“Yes. Dry those tears, blue eyes. This picture is going to be on my wall for forever.” We got in a cute hugging position and Vic took our picture. We hugged and kissed one last time before Kara and Sam left to go to the bus station, and us heading back on the road. A month without her is going to be extremely difficult.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took too long for me to update ): but on the bright side, CWTS presale starts today! and the king for a day video is out! how did you guys like it?! i thought it was spectacular :D ill try to update more often, im really really sorry ):