Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

Ill wait here, dream of you all alone as i ache. - Kara's POV

I was standing outside smoking a cigarette waiting for mike to come pick me up. Sam drove herself over to Jaime’s and they were going to ride over to mike’s together. I didn’t even get to finish my cigarette by the time mike got there.
“You can smoke in my car; I smoke in here so it’s no big deal.”
“Okay cool, cause I really need it” I said laughing a little.
“Don’t be nervous. My parents are very welcoming.”
“I believe you.” I said laying my head back and blowing out smoke. The rest of the ride was silent.
“Here we are.” He said cutting the engine and sitting back in his seat
“What happens if they don’t like me?”
“They’ll like you, Kara. I promise. And if for some reason they don’t, it won’t change how much I love you.” I smiled at him and got out of the car and walked to the back yard where everyone was sitting around talking. I spotted Jaime and Vic sitting in lawn chairs by the grill. They waved for me to come over
“There’s my brothers princess” Vic grinned
“I’m not a princess” I said smiling
“I beg to differ. Anyways, I didn’t get to talk to you much. How are you doing?”
“I’m okay, I guess.” I shrugged. Vic motioned for me to sit on his lap since there wasn’t an extra chair nearby
“What happened you left? After that night?” he said softly touching my wrist.
“I went to the hospital the next morning and got stitches. I wasn’t admitted but I had to stay there for 2 days to be evaluated.” I looked over at Jaime who was looking around trying to mind his own business.
“Yeah, I’m in therapy now, three times a week. “
“Well I’m glad you are okay, Kara.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Kara!” mike called
“Yes, dear?”
“Like a married couple already” Jaime said I got up and smacked him in the chest
“Come here, my parents are waiting to meet you”
“Okay, I’ll talk to you guys later.” I said getting up
“Good luck they’ll love you!”
“I hope so” I said laughing. I walked over to mike and he took my hand.
“Mom, dad, this is Karisma.” He said grinning like an idiot
“Nice to meet you Karisma.” Mrs. Fuentes said shaking my hand.”
“Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Fuentes. I’ve been look forward to this for a while now. I mean, we’ve only been together a short time, but I’ve been excited about this. I’m not sure why but-“
“Calm down sweet heart, it’s okay just breathe” mike said laughing
“You can call me Vivian, I feel old when people call me Mrs. Fuentes. Anyways, tell us a little about yourself. Are you from around here?”
“Yes, I actually live 20 minutes away. 30 if the traffic is backed up”
“Oh, well that’s nice. So we can invite you to dinner on holidays” she said grinning, I couldn’t help but to smile too.
“That would be lovely! I never really had much of a family, and I live with my best friend so sometimes it gets lonely.”
“I understand. I miss my boys when they are on tour and they miss holidays. I’ve always wanted a daughter.” I smiled widely, not knowing how to respond
“Don’t you think it’s a little too fast, mom?” mike said uncomfortable
“Well, probably not. No offense to you Karisma, but I’m sure you guys have already had sex, so it’s not too soon to welcome her into the family”
“no no no, we haven’t mom.” Mike said turning bright red
“I’m actually a virgin… I’m not sure if I want to wait till marriage, but I definitely want to make sure it’s a serious relationship and that it’s with someone that loves me and cares about me as much as I love him.” I said wrapping my arms around his waist.
“If you don’t marry her, I’m arranging her to marry vic. End of discussion.”
“Sounds good with me! Both of them get there looks from you, Mr. Fuentes”
“What a little charmer, I love you already Karisma!” Mrs. Fuentes said hugging me. I felt so welcomed, something I never felt in my house at all. I also felt whole. Like this was the missing part of me.
“Why do you two go chat with your friends? We’ll talk to Jaime’s parents. “We nodded and went over to where the boys were sitting.
“I told you they’d love you.” Mike said kissing my cheek. I blushed and shrugged
“Aweeee, she’s so shy all the sudden. When the fuck did this happen?” Sam said taking a swig of beer.
“I tend to be shy sometimes. Don’t judge me”
“Says the person that was doing body shots after 10 minutes of meeting them.”
“Hey, it was longer than that. And I was semi-drunk.” I said glaring at them. I laughed and kissed mike.
“So you get it in bro?” Vic asked mike. Mike spit out his drink. I turned bright red
“If we did or didn’t, its none of your business.”
“That would be a noooo.” Jaime said laughing
“Hush, I want to wait.”
“Awwwweeee” everyone said in unison. I blushed and mike placed his hand on my upper thigh. I looked at him and he kissed me. We talked for a little bit more until my phone rang.
“Mommy?” I said answering the phone
“Hi sweetheart.”
“What’s the matter mom, something’s wrong.”
“I need you to come to the hospital.”
“Why? What’s wrong? Who’s there? Is everything okay?” my heart was going a million miles a minute and I was trying so hard not to cry.
“Your dad is here. He had a heart attack. The doctors said when he was in the ambulance he was screaming for you. Please come, I know he hasn’t been in your life too much. But I know you to have a strong bond”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can mommy. Tell daddy I love him.” I said hanging up I collapsed into mikes chest and sobbed.
“Karisma, what’s wrong?” mike said
“Take me to the hospital; my dad had a heart attack.” I said in between sobs. Mike picked me up and carried me to the car and sped off to the hospital.
“Mommy!” I said running to her.
“I love you, Kara.”
“I love you too mommy. Where’s daddy?” I said wiping my nose.
“He’s in there. No one can see him. He’s in ICU. But they might let you since he hasn’t stopped asking for you.” I went up to the nurse and asked them.
“Yes, you may go in there. I’ll let you in.”
“Can my boyfriend go In with me? He’s never met him.”
“I shouldn’t let him… but sure. Go ahead in.” we went in and I pulled a chair over to my dad.
“Daddy, I love you.”
“I love you too, Karisma. I’ll be okay though, I promise. Who is this?”
“I’m Michael, Kara’s boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Now you listen to me Michael, if I don’t make it-“
“Daddy, don’t say that.”
“Let me finish Kara.” he said taking hold of mikes hand “If I don’t make it Michael, take care of her. God forbid I go sometime soon. But I want you to treat her like a princess, never let her go. And if you two get married, and have children, make sure to show them pictures and tell them stories okay Kara? And Michael, if you ever have a daughter, even if you have a son, never leave them. No matter what their age. A daughter needs her father. And I regret every minute I missed of Kara’s. So promise me that you will take care of her and your children.” Mike started tearing up
“Every minute of my life, sir. You don’t have to worry.” My dad chuckled.
“Good, son. Good. That’s what I’d like to hear.” He said drifting off.
“Daddy? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just a little tired sweetheart. You should probably go. Let your old man rest.”
“Okay daddy. I love you.” I said holding his hand
“I love you too baby girl. Give me a hug before you leave.” I obeyed and gave him a hug and a kiss
“I’ll see you in the morning. Okay?” I said holding his hand one more time.
“Okay Kara. I’ll see you then. Can you do me a favor?”
“Yeah, anything.”
“Go to my house and in the living room closet shelf there are some photo albums. Bring a couple when you come over tomorrow?”
“Sure thing daddy.” I smiled.
“Okay, see you later kiddo. Oh! Michael.”
“Yes sir?” my dad took his hand like he did earlier.
“I don’t usually like tattooed boys, but I approve. You’re a pretty good guy.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that, sir.”
“Okay, that’s all. Run along, kids. Go have fun. Don’t worry about your pops. I’ll still be here in the morning. I promise.”
“See you in the morning daddy.”
“Okay darling.” We walked out of the room and talked to my mom for a bit before we left. My mom was going to stay the night with dad. Mike and I got into the car and sat there for a minute. I started sobbing hysterically and rested my head on the dash.
“Kara, he’s going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
“I know, I just can’t stand the thought of losing him. I need him.”
“It will be alright Kara. Do you want to go over to his house before we go home?”
“Yeah, might as well now then later.” I guided him into the direction of my dad’s house and we went in.
“Nice house. He lives alone?”
“For the most part. My mom and dad are divorced. Neither of them remarried, but my dad has had a couple girlfriends. No one really sticks around. My sister stays with my dad every once in a while.”
“Hmm. So where’s this closet?”
“Right here. Though, I can’t reach the shelf. Can you help me?”
“Sure thing, baby girl.” He reached up and grabbed 3 photo albums from the shelf and closed the closet.
“Is that it?”
“I wanna grab his pocket watch. I’m sure he misses that.” I said disappearing from mikes view. I came back with his pocket watch.

“Okay, all set?” mike asked. I nodded and looked around the house and locked up. We went back to mikes house, where everyone was out by the fire, but I wasn’t really in the mood.
“You can stay out here if you want. I’m just going to grab my Vera back sack out of the jeep, change and go to bed.”
“I’ll join you. I’m drained too.” We hugged and said good night to everyone and mike gave me a mini tour of the house.
“The bathroom is right across the hall. The guest room is on the left; Vic’s room is on the right. Jaime and Sam are staying in the guest room tonight. So if you need something, you know where they are.” He said unlocking his bedroom. His room wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, dark blue walls, with band posters up, a drum set on one side of the room, and bed on the other with some miscellaneous things and hardwood floors with an area rug.
“Your room is very tidy.”
“Yeah, you should see Vic’s. It’s a mess. I’m the clean brother” he said flashing a cheesy smile. I took my clothes out of my bag and sat on the bed to take off my shoes. I was so tired and emotionally drained I could barely undress myself.
“Did you want to take a bath or a shower?”
“I’m too tired.” I responded. Mike started taking off my clothes, starting with my shirt.
“Do you want your bra off?” I nodded as I tried to stay awake.
“up.” He said, then tugging off my jeans and replacing my now shed clothing with shorts and an oversized t-shirt
“Okay, go to sleep. I’m going to go get a glass of water okay?”
“Mhmm” I said curling up in a ball on the bed. Last thing I remember was a soft kiss on my temple and mike whispering me good night.
♠ ♠ ♠
the long awaited update. im so sorry guys ): it took a little longer than i wanted to get this written. but here is it! hope you enjoy! subscribe, comment and recommend! xoxo ♥