Status: thank you for reading! please give constructive critism and comments (:

Glassed Over Diamond Blue Eyes (resumed)

don't wake me up because my thrill is gone - Kara's POV

The next morning, mike nudged me awake. I could smell food but I didn’t have the will to get up. He disappeared into the bathroom and came back. He scooped me up and took me into the bathroom, helping me shed my clothes and helping me into the running bath. I sat there crying while he washed me.

“It going to be alright sweetheart.” He said, I cried harder
“I don’t want to lose my dad! He’s supposed to walk me down the aisle when I get married, he’ll never be able to see his grandchildren.”
“Baby, he’s still here, he hasn’t left. He’s going to make it. You got to be strong for him, okay?” I sighed and dropped my head into my knees as he washed my back. After I got out of the bath and dressed, we went to the hospital. We pulled up to the cardiac ward and I stepped out hugging the photo albums to my chest.
“c’mon” mike smiled at me and took my hand. We talked to the nurse when we got there and she escorted us into his room.
“Michelle!” my dad yelled ecstatic. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
“Dad…. It’s me. Kara. Michelle isn’t here. She’s in Chicago. She won’t be here for another day…”
“Oh. I’m sorry. Did you bring the photo albums?”
“Yeah. I only brought two. I thought that should be enough for today” my dad smiled at me and I sat down and opened the photo album. Mike brought a chair over too and we sat there for a couple hours talking about family and memories the photos triggered.
“Kara, are you hungry?”
“I’m sure she is, why don’t you go eat? I’m tired anyways, I would like to sleep.”
“Okay daddy, I’ll see you later. Or tomorrow.”
“Okay, see you later.” Like yesterday, I gave him a hug and left with mike.
“Baby” mike said putting his hand on mine in the car and smiling at me
“Yes?” I smiled back
“I would like to take you out to dinner tonight, if that’s okay with you.”
“Sure, where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise. Wear a dress?”
“Sure” I said smiling and kissing him
“Something modest, nothing too tempting.”
“Don’t worry; I know exactly what I’m going to wear.” I liked dressing up; I didn’t feel up to it. But maybe it will cheer me up. We pulled up to the 2 family house, said good bye and I went into the apartment.
“SAM!” I screamed
“What?!?!?” she stumbled out of the room
“I need to borrow your red dress and black pumps.”
“Don’t you have your own dress and heels?”
“Mikey is taking me to dinner. Pweassseeee? I love how that dress lays on me. It shows off my curves”
“How bout you wear that v neck mesh top and a black pencil skirt? I think that would look nice.” (Top in authors note)
“Hmm, yeah I think I’d wear that. I’m gonna go change, tell me how it looks when I come out?”
“You know it!” Sam said, letting her sass show. I went and changed and came back out, posing sexy in the door way.
“How do I look baby girl?”
“Sexy, but wear a bra with more oomph. Hmm…” Sam said digging through my bra drawer.
“This one. Lacy with some lifting power. You know, just in case your shirt comes off at some point in the night. Oh and make sure you wear a thong, panty lines are NOT cute.” She flung the bra while I wasn’t paying attention and it landed on my head.
“Karisma Annabelle is NOT impressed.” I said crossing my arms and putting on this annoyed face. She laughed.
“So when is mike picking you up?”
“He said 6. Why?”
“I was thinking of inviting Jaime over. Maybe making him dinner if he hasn’t ate.”
“Okay, just remember to use a condom.” I said doing my make up at the vanity
“Same to you. Why are you guys going out to a fancy dinner anyways?”
“I’m not sure he just wanted to take me out. Does there have to be a reason?” I laughed nervously
“You guys haven’t had sex yet, have you?”
“Maybe he wants some?”
“Maybe, but he’s been so accepting of me wanting to wait.”
“Doesn’t mean he won’t try.”
“Doesn’t mean I won’t say no.”
“Wait what?” I stopped what I was doing, came out into the bedroom and sat on the bed.
“I want to share my body with him.” I said playing with my hands.
“Kara, don’t say that. Not yet. Don’t have sex until you know you’re ready. Don’t do it out of lust.”
“I am ready. I want him so –“
“Whoa, what is going on?” Jaime said looking through the door way. I realized I was sitting there with a lace bra and shorts on. I quickly wrapped myself in a blanket.
“I’ve seen it before, Kara. Remember? You were pretty much topless at the party when I first met you.”
“Yeah. So why are you two screaming lust and love on the top of your lungs?
“NO REASON.” I yelled before Sam could say anything.
“I’m trying to prove Kara that she only wants to have sex with mike because she’s lusty, not in love.”
“Oh, uhm. Well then. You- does-“Jaime said stumbling over what he wanted to say.
“I love him, Sam! This is not lust!”
“Are you SURE? You’ve been together a couple months. That’s not a long time. You guys have hooked up. Are you sure you just don’t want to have sex with him because he has-“
“WHOA THERE GIRLY. No talk of my best friend’s dick will be mentioned while I’m here.” Jaime said waving his hands in the air. I turned bright red.
“No. I want my first experience to be with him. I trust him and love him. I don’t care if we have been together a day or 10 years.”
“Have you and him talked about it?” Jaime said sitting next to me and putting his hand on my knee.
“We did a bit… but not really. I just told him I was a virgin and wanted to wait. He said he respects that.”
“Before you guys have sex, you should get tested.” Sam said. My heart sank when she suggested that. He shouldn’t have to. I shouldn’t have to.
“I agree. I think it would be the best for both of you. Not just before you have sex, but before you fool around.” I looked and my hands and a tear fell.
“oh.” Jaime said realizing why I was silent. I started to cry a little more.
“Kara, we don’t know if he has anything, we just want you two to be safe and clean. I mean, what happens if you two never get tested and you accidently end up pregnant and pass on a STD or a STI and the baby gets sick? It might end both the baby’s and your lives.”
“I just never thought the person I want to lose my virginity to would have to get tested before hand.”
“He’s been with a lot of girls. The girl he was last with cheated on him multiple times.”
“I’ll talk to him later. I have to go get ready for our date.” I said softly. I went back to the vanity and didn’t bother to say a word until I left.
“Mike’s here, I’ll probably stay the night at his.” I yelled picking up my purse and heading for the door
“Have fun, baby girl!”
“I’ll try to”
“You look beautiful tonight, Kara.”
“Thanks sweetheart” I said holding his hand across the table while looking at the menu. It was an elegant, yet semi casual restaurant. Not too over done, but just right. There was a cream colored table cloth on the table, along with a vanilla scented candle and a rose.
“Would you like to taste our wine of the day?”
“Sure, would you like some, Kara?”
“I’ll try a little bit.”
“This is our special merlot, made in our winery here on site. Enjoy” the waiter said as he poured the wine.
“Wow, this is delicious” mike said taking a sip of his drink.
“I agree. Hey, mike?”
“Yes sweetheart?”
“Can we talk later? Like, when we get home and get settled?”
“Why don’t we talk now?”
“I don’t think this an appropriate environment.” I was cut off by another waiter, asking us on our menu selections
“Yeah, sure. We’ll talk about what you want to then.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“You know I’m always here to talk. Anything and everything.” He leaned over and kissed me. We talked some more and ate, then made our way home.
We got home and the first thing mike did was go into the bathroom and changed. I took off my heels and my shirt, leaving me in my skirt and bra, looking through his drawer for something to sleep in. I felt his arms snake around me and I tilted my head back.
“You look so sexy in just a skirt and a bra. You’re like a sexy little secretary. Mmmm.” He said kissing my neck
“Let me finish getting dressed, okay?” I said laughing settling on a shirt to sleep in.
“How can you just stand in front of me wearing nothing but a thong and a bra? Not to mention its lace. Is this like Chinese water torcher or something?”
“It’s about to get worse.” I said smirking and reaching behind my back. I turned around so he couldn’t see.
“Karaaaaa” he whined
“Hmm?” I said turning around holding the bra to my chest, letting the straps hang off my arms.
“please.” He moaned, bucking his hips to adjust his growing problem. I let the bra drop slowly off of my body and stood there for a moment, looking into his eyes. I felt a small spark in my stomach and turned around and proceeded to put the shirt on. I joined him on the bed, and held his hand.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh. Uhm, well you know I love you.”
“Yes, I love you too.”
“I want to take our relationship further.”
“Like, you want to make love?” I melted when he said that. He didn’t say sex. He said made love, and that made all the difference in my heart.
“Yes. I think I’m ready. But can I ask one favor?”
“I’ll be gentle and slow. I promise.”
“I’d hope so,” I giggled nervously. I looked down at his hand that was entwined with mine. “I was hoping that we could go to the clinic sometime. So you can get tested. I’ll get tested with you, too.”
“There’s no reason for you to, though. I’m a little upset that you want me to though.”
“Better safe than sorry. Right?”
“Yeah. We can go tomorrow if you aren’t busy.” He said kissing me and stroking my cheek.
“Sounds good. My dad is doing fine; he should be back in a day or two. So I think I’m just gonna go over there for a half hour or something at night instead.”
“Okay. That sounds good. Now go to sleep. We had a pretty big day. I’m sure you’re tired.” I nodded, made myself comfortable and drifted asleep.

“Morning sunshine. Mike said looking down at me.”
“Were you watching me sleep?”
“I’d like to call it admiring. But get up and get ready. I already called the clinic. We don’t need an appointment or anything.”
“okay.” I showered and got dressed and we went over to the clinic. We went into the building and went to the receptionist.
“Hello, we both would like to get tested.”
“Fill these out.” She said handing each of us a clipboard.
“What’s Gardasil?”
“It’s a HPV shot, don’t worry. It’s a girl thing.”
“Oh.” Mike said checking no. we finished the papers and handed them back to the lady. They called us in one at a time and had us do urine and blood samples. Awkward, but necessary. We went home and watched harry potter for the rest of the day.
“Phineas and ferb mac and cheese?” I said looking at the top of the fridge looking for something to eat.
“Sounds good.” Mike was sitting on the couch in the living room, rolling a joint.
“So when do you think they are gonna call?”
“I’m not sure. Soon hopefully. They said probably tomorrow or Wednesday.”
“Ah, that’s not soon enough.”
“I didn’t say I want to have sex the minute we found out the results…”
“I know. Whenever you’re ready. Don’t listen to my dick; it just wants you so bad sometimes it starts talking.”
“Well, tell him to not talk when we’re having sex, okay? Cause that would be creepy.”
“I didn’t mean it literally.”
“I know, silly.” I laughed and hand him a bowl of mac and cheese.
“Pot, mac and cheese, and my favorite girl. Today is perfect.”
“Don’t forget harry potter.”
“And harry potter.”
♠ ♠ ♠

that was the shirt i was talking about.

hope you guys enjoy! (: comment, subscribe and recommend! thank you for reading! xoxo♥