Highschool love

First day of school

Bella woke up to 'I was made for loving you' by Kiss blaring. She groaned as she got up, hitting snooze on her clock. She walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower. She looked in the mirror and sighed. She had looked like crap, her hair was a mess and there was a little bit of drool on her chin. She hooped into the shower and washed herself. Getting out of the shower, Bella grabbed her towel and began to dry herself off. She then walked over her straightener and plugged into, before going into her room to get dressed.
She grabbed a pair or underwear and her bra and put those on. She then walked over to her closet and pulled out a pair of rip black skinnie jeans, a tight fitting Kiss top, and her black converse. After she was dress, Bella when back to the bathroom to brush and straighten her hair. She applied her make-up and un-plugged her straightener before walking back into her bedroom. Bella noticed her phone had lite up while she was in the bathroom. She walked over and saw she had three text. One from Oliver, one from James, and one from mom.
She shoved her phone in her pocket, not wanting to answer her text just yet. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw a note on the table, and no parents. She walked over to the table and pick the note up. It said:
"Morning Bells, me and your mother have already left for work. we put your lunch money on the table next to the door. Make sure you eat today and have a nice day sweetie. Love, Dad and mom."
Bella sighed before she crumpled the note and throw it in the trash.She grabbed her lunch money and shoved it in her other pocket, it's not like I'm gonna use, she thought. She then remembered she had to respond to her messages. Pulling out her phone she opened Oliver's first.
-Hey my little emo princess, how are you today? Hope we have some classes together.- She smile before replying.
-Same as always , Oli. And I do too, I missed you this summer.- She hit send, and then opened James text.
-Hey Bella-tricks. :D Missed you all summer and I'll be over to pick you up at 6:45.-
-Missed you too James, and I can't wait :).-
She sat down at the couch, when her phone went off again. It was from Oliver.
-Yeah, come find me when you get to the school. I want to spend some time with you.- She smiled, god how she loved Oliver. She texted him back.
-Ok :), see you when I get there.- She looked up at the time and saw it was 6:44. Shit, she thought as she grabbed her bag and her keys. She open and shut the door locking it before she turned around. She saw James on a motorcycle.
"Woah, Nice ride, Jam. When did you get it?" She asked smirking. She got on the bike, and out on the helmet James was holding out to her.
"My dad. You like?" He asked while putting his helmet on.
"Yeah, I do!" Bella said loudly over the sound of the engine. The two drove off heading to school.
Oliver was waiting behind the school, it was where him and Bella always met before school, after school, in between classes, and during classes that they skipped.He heard someone coming, and he turned around and saw John, the captain of the football team. John smirked as he looked at Oliver.
"Well, what do we have here?" He laughed. Oliver went to turn around and walk away but two more members of the football team were standing there. Oliver's eyes widen in fear. Shit, he thought, looking around. He sighed inwardly as he realized he had no where to go. To hide. He gulped, slowly he turned around to look at John. He had a feeling this wasn't gonna end well for him.