Status: An idea.




It's the only comfort I've ever known.

In the shadows I'm left in peace, no prodding, no poking, no masks, just complete and utter blissful silence.

They were watching.

Behind a glass wall monitoring my movements, developments, all that scientific mumbo jumbo they rambled on about.

I just sat in the center of the room looking at nothing.

A light broke the darkness from above, engulfing my figure in a white glow. I didn't move. Not even a bat of my eyelashes.

"It's time." The voice was sharp and precise, echoing in the large, confined space and slowly fading into the walls.

I heard their footsteps, three males and one female, shuffling down the hall toward the door. There was a low hum and soon the darkness was extinguished.

"Come." They were in body suits, most likely flame resistant, but they still kept their distance.

Slowly I rose from the cement floor causing my long brown hair to cascade down my figure and rest a few inches past my hips. Their eyes watched my body as I moved, my nude skin a ghostly pale color in the lighting, anticipating any sign of attack. I remained calm while I listened to their pounding hearts as we made our way through the hall.

A door opened some few minutes later and I stepped through the threshold entering a room I vaguely recognized. I sat myself down on what appeared to be a hospital bed, glancing over at the female doctor who held a needle in her hand.

"This might sting," she warned. Sitting still I waited for the sensation I was so used to, my eyes coming to rest on a piece of lint rolling along the tiled floor, when my ears picked up an unusual sound. "Well then."

Turning my attention back to the doctor I saw her pulling the now broken needle away from my arm, the broken part having fallen to the floor seconds earlier.

"She's ready."

I'm not one to be taken by surprise very often, but when I came face to face with a man I had only heard about, I couldn't hold the passive expression on my face. He stepped into the room with his platinum blonde hair slicked back against his tanned head, his green eyes glistening in the white light, and he wore a smile that exposed two rows of perfecly straight white teeth.

"My dear, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." He reached for my hand and took it, earning a gasp from the female to my left, my eyes focused on the way it felt when his hand touched mine.

No one had ever touched me without gloves before.

"Sir, we don't have a lot of time," someone urged from behind the blonde man. His smile faultered for a moment before he withdrew his hand and gestured to the doorway.

"Please come with me. We have much to discuss in a small time frame."

His heart was pounding, that much was clear as we walked down the lengthy hallway. Up ahead I could hear muffled voices, most likely coming from an enclosed room, and furrowed my brow for a moment.

Something big was happening.

"Through here," he instructed as he punched in a number on the keypad. '5-7-5-3-2-8' The tones from the numbers danced along in my brain until I passed through the third door of the day.

This room held a large wooden table surrounded by 10 seats, three of which held people, with a large screen hanging from the ceiling along the back wall.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the doctor said kindly once we entered through the glass doors. Three heads turned in his direction and soon I felt their gazes lingering on my figure. "I would like to introduce you to project 37."

I stood still next to the man, calm and collected, picking up slight changes in the air as the seconds passed. They were scared, the man on the right sweating profusely through his shirt, and I tried my best not to seem elated at the fact.

"She looks flawless," the woman finally stated. "What is her actual age?"

"19, I believe," the doctor answered.

"Remarkable." The three guests looked to one another, sharing a silent conversation, before the woman cleared her throat. "Henrick, does she understand what is being asked of her?"

"No. She has not been informed of anything before today."

"Is she ready?" The man on the left had a white mustache that crinkled when his upper lip moved while speaking, a few of the hairs brushing against the top of his nose.

"As far as we can tell, yes."

"As far as you can tell?" The doctor licked his lips and pulled on the collar of his white jacket.

"We haven't been able to run a full diagnostics test on her yet this week but if the calculations are correct," he began but was stopped when the woman held up a finger.

"There is no time for guessing, Henrick. If we don't execute this plan perfectly, all hope will be lost."

He took a deep breath and quickly glanced at my figure, my face emotionless as I stared at the wall. Locking gazes with the woman he gave a swift nod.

"She was made for this, ma'am. She's ready."

"Then it's time to release her." Her gaze shifted from the doctor and landed on me, her heart beat picking up slightly when I let my eyes fall onto her. Pushing forward a black portfolio she spoke, "These are the main targets the Savages are looking to take first. They feel if they hit society high enough that the public will crumble at their feet. You must protect them, 37. Our lives depend on it."

Inside the portfolio were black and white pictures of what I assumed to be highly ranked people, some with large, red 'exes' across their faces. The third picture was a group of boys with wide smiles looking somewhere off in the distance.

"As you can see, some of them have already been taken. This group," the man on the right finally spoke up pointing to the picture of the 5 boys, "is said to be their next targets. They are currently stationed in London, England. You will be delivered there within the next 12 hours. Do you understand what we are asking of you?"

A small nod was all they received.

"Excellent. Henrick, get her groomed. We need her prepared in two hours." He bowed to the three people and quickly turned to me, motioning toward the doors that we had walked through not too long ago.

"You are our only hope, 37."

The Savages were on a mission to take over the human population and enslave the world.

I was made to stop them.
♠ ♠ ♠
New idea. New story.

A small piece of background information.

Please give it a chance and tell me what you think.

This goes out for skinnylove; because she's awesome and encouraged me to do it.
For you, love!

Until next time,