Status: An idea.



"So why didn't your cousin come again?" Gemma directed her question to the other brunette girl to her right, blue eyes trained on the stage as the boys jumped over a red leather couch.

"She's not feeling well. And doesn't like big crowds," Meghan shouted over the noise.

It wasn't a complete lie, she argued with herself, gazing at Harry's sibling with a soft grin. Nobody really knew if I was feeling well or not considering I had yet to wake up from my unconscious state, secured in Harry's bed by his blankets.

The boys were playing in a small theater in the outskirts of the city, a benefit show, and were currently on their second to last song of the night. Paul stood guard by the only entrance into the back of the building scanning the streets for anything out of the ordinary.

"I'm surprised Hazza is letting her sleep in his bed. I mean, don't get me wrong, my brother has a big heart. He just doesn't seem too fond of the bird," Gemma pushed on.

Meghan bit back a snort of laughter. "It's a long story."

The show came to a close and Meghan listened in astonishment as the noise level in the building rose. A wide smile found her lips at the sight of Niall running off the stage and straight to her, planting a sloppy, sweaty kiss on her lips.

"How'd we do?"

"Wonderful, as always," Gemma stated with a grin throwing her arm around her younger brother and best mate. "Now, take me to the goodies."

"See, Lou? She only came for the perks," Harry feigned hurt, sticking out his lower lip, and fake sobbed.

"I deal with your antics enough at home," Gemme retorted before punching them both lightly in the stomachs and chasing off after Liam and Zayn.

"Oh the splendid world of siblings," Louis breathed ruffling his hair with his fingers.

"I wouldn't call it splendid," Harry joked.


"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!"

"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!"

"I wanna hey!"
"I wanna hey!"

"I want you both to stop butchering a classic!" Gemma shoved Harry playfully who burst into a fit of laughter next to Louis, the song now playing by itself on the radio.

"If I didn't know any better, Gem, I would say you don't like their singing," Liam said. She looked to the brunette and nodded.

"Got that right."

"Wow, Gem, you really know how to break a man's heart," Louis deadpanned.

"You were ruining a good song." She shrugged off their fake tears and leaned back into her seat.

The 7 of them were packed tightly in the SUV, three in the very back seat, three in the middle seat, and Meghan up front next to Paul. Several of the streets around the theater had been blocked off or plugged with traffic so he had been forced to take a detour, rounding the outskirts of the city on a deserted highway.

"We're being followed," Paul muttered, his grip on the wheel tightening as he merged onto the road and picked up his speed. Meghan's blue eyes looked into the reflection of the side mirror and saw the two pair of headlights following them closely.

"For how long?"

"Since the theater."

"Do you think the detour was planted?" Meghan silently prayed that her paranoia was simply that, paranoia.

"Possibly." They shot each other a glance and shared a silent agreement.

"Paul, my man, how much farther? My bladder is gonna explode," Zayn asked from behind, his voice encased with his displeasure.

"Thirty-seven minutes." The vehicle instantly went silent at his words, Gemma the only oblivious one to the situation, her eyes scrutinizing her younger brother next to her.

"What's going on?"

Her question was left unanswered, her body lurching forward as Paul slammed both of his feet down on the brakes, all eyes now staring out the windshield into the dark night. The headlamps on the vehicle were positioned on a sleek, black SUV that was parked horizontally on the highway, blocking their south-bound path.

"What is that bloody wanker doing?" Gemma snapped, being ignored once more.

Glancing in the rearview mirror Paul watched the two pair of headlights approach and come to a stop about 100 feet behind them before their lights shut off. Meghan watched as the two guys who were leaning against the parked vehicle in front of them started walking, their arms bulging against the shirts covering their top halves.

"Paul, do something," Louis growled through his teeth.

"Hold on," Paul suddenly shouted and pushed his foot down on the gas until the pedal met the floorboards.

The tires squealed against the pavement, jerking the SUV to the left, before gaining enough friction to jump forward. The two men dove out of the way as Paul threw the wheel to the left and scraped the side of their vehicle along the barricade. Once they were by the parked car he maxed out the RPM's and zipped down the road, his eyes flashing into the mirror to spot the same headlights gaining quickly.

"Somebody better tell me what the fuck is going on!" Gemma cried.

"Just shut up and wait, Gemma. We've gotta make it out of this alive first," Harry argued. His expression was tight, tense, and worried as he shot a look over the seat and out the back window.

"Make it out alive?" He heard the crack in her voice and his eyes went to her, seeing the tears that were beginning to pool.

"We'll be fine, Ge-" Harry's voice was blurred out under the sound of something exploding and the SUV banked to the right.

"Fuck!" Paul tried to control the wheel, fighting for balance as the car twisted, and felt the panic rising in his chest.

"Brace yourselves!" Meghan yelled just as another explosion rocked them, the SUV slamming into the barricade on the driver's side and teetering on two wheels as it surged forward, gravity pulling the metal toward the pavement.

Arms were stretched out, eyes were squeezed shut, and screams were released as the SUV tilted and fell, rocking along the curved frame on the driver's side before fulling rolling onto the roof. Slamming doors and heavy footsteps echoed into the night as they tried to regain their senses, the world spinning too fast for their minds to focus.

"Hello there," a man said with a wide grin, his dark eyes fixated on a disoriented Gemma. Her right arm was pushing against the roof to help hold her into her seat, her forehead bleeding lightly from a piece of glass that had cut her. "Let's have a little fun."

"No! Don't fucking touch her!" Harry protested as the man reached through the broken window. Gemma began to scream as his hands pulled on her arms and seatbelt trying to pry her out of the vehicle.

"I love a good struggle!" The man laughed, ripping the seatbelt completely and yanking the girl from her spot.

"Harry!" She screeched kicking and thrashing in the air as the guy hauled her up. He pressed a hand over her mouth and pulled on her hair, the tears falling freely as new pain shot through her head, and he growled at her.

"Shut the fuck up." He dropped his hand.

"Please, let me go," she whimpered, holding onto the hand that was tangled in her hair.

"I said, shut the fuck up!" He brought the hand back up and slapped her, hard, sending her body down to the pavement.

"Let her go you fucking wanker! I swear to God you're going to regret touching her!"

The man slowly turned back to the vehicle, the other goons stepping forward to make sure Gemma didn't move, and he knelt down next to the window once more.

"And what exactly are you going to do to make me regret such a thing?" He mocked.

"It's not him you need to worry about."
♠ ♠ ♠
ooooo man.
who said that last line?
any takers?

i know who said it. and i'm literally jumping with glee with how the next chapter is going to go.
lots of action.
and what not.
you don't know what's coming.

i really love this story. and i hope you guys do too. =]
