Status: An idea.



"And that over there, is Big Ben."

"He is big." The snort of laughter started in the pit of her stomach, the sound resulting in the mixture of her breathing through her nose and trying to laugh at the same time.

"You are too funny." She shook her head lightly before sipping from the iced coffee in her hands.

A week had passed since my arrival in the large city and I had finally grown accustomed to the many sounds created each day. Meghan had proved to be patient, generous, and kind as I struggled to adapt to the new lifestyle I was being forced into.

The biggest obstacle was interaction. So far she had been the only person I had conversed with and I knew in order to 'blend in' I had to expand my vocal socialization. Watching what she called the 'telly' had given me a small bit of insight on the quips and dialects different people shared.

"Now when we get to Nando's, I'm going to make you order. It'll be your first test." I shoved my hands in the pockets of the light jacket I was wearing and let out an exaggerated sigh.


"See! You're already picking up on it!" She shoved my arm playfully and I felt my lips turning upward.

I had felt many emotions in the cage. Anger, sadness, emptiness, contentment, but none of them really prepared me for the warmth I felt when I did something up to Meghan's standards. The way her blue eyes would light up in excitement, her heart pounding against her chest, and the way her freckled face crinkled when she smiled.

Was it normal? Wanting to share her elated behavior and let laughter roll off my tongue?

It was all so new and complicated.

"I'm going to grab a table, I want the Peri Peri Chicken and fries." She pushed several paper bills in my hand, leaving me stranded in the line, and I suddenly felt very vulnerable.

"Can I help you?" The woman was clearly frustrated, tapping her fingers on the counter, her foot on the floor, and the way her eyes squinted as I analyzed the board above her head gave her away.

"Yes, I'll take two orders of the Peri Peri with fries." She jabbed a few buttons on the register and let out a normally inaudible breath through her nose.

"What to drink?"

"Just water." Again her chubby fingers jabbed the register and I restrained myself from frowning.

"That'll be 12 pounds." I uncrumpled the paper bills and swiftly handed them to the girl without touching her, retreating my hands to the safety of the pockets in the jacket. "Your order number is 53, it'll be called when your food is ready." I snatched the white receipt from her now sweaty fingers and turned in the direction Meghan had walked off in.

Her laughter was easy to distinguish from the other chatter surrounding me, my feet carrying me toward the back of the restaurant, and finally into view of the brunette. The source of her laughter was coming from the pair of boys sitting across from her at the table, their bickering about what chicken tasted better making the girl nearly shake in amusement. I approached slowly, taking in the steady heart beats and breathing, deciding Meghan would have signaled if there were any threat.

"Guys, this is my cousin Elle. She just moved in with me last week. Elle, meet our across the hall neighbors." I sat down in the chair next to Meghan and offered the best tight lipped smile I could muster.

Niall Horan and Harry Styles.

Two of the five targets.

"'ello love. I'm Niall." His blonde hair was poking out from the bottom of the baseball cap covering his head and his fingers were covered in whatever sauce marinated the chicken he was devouring.

"I'm Harry." His cheeky grin exposed the dimples thousands of girls swooned over, his vibrant green eyes meeting my pale blue ones in an intense gaze, and his signature curly locks were contained under the restraints of a grey beanie.

"Pleasure," I replied softly.

Act like a teenager, blend in. Protect the people.

"Number 53!" I glanced down at the receipt in my hand and was in the process of pushing back the chair when Meghan pulled the piece of paper out of my grasp.

"I'll get it," she stated with a wide smile. Once she left the table all I could hear were teeth grinding against each other while the boys chewed.

"So, Elle, is it?" Harry took a drink from the lidded cup in front of him, his pink lips molding against the straw, before speaking again. "What brings you to England?"

I'm here to save your life. "Just needed a change of scenary."

"Oh yeah? Where are ye' from?" My gaze left the brunette and landed on the blonde.

An underground facility. "Georgia."

"Hear that, Niall? We got a Georgia peach on our hands," Harry said nudging his friend in the arm.

Niall rolled his blue eyes at his friend before casually letting his gaze fall on Meghan who had just returned with our food. Harry was oblivious to it completely but I heard Niall's lungs stop when his breath caught in his throat. I heard his heart as it began to pound loudly in his chest.

He was aroused by my brunette companion.

The smell of the Peri Peri chicken became so overwhelming that I nearly blanched, my gaze dropping to the pieces of chicken and fries that littered the green plate. Following Meghan's lead I picked up a small leg with my right hand, eyed the lightly browned skin, and slowly sank my teeth into it.

Eating solid food was new for my system.

I had grown used to merely drinking whatever was in the glass they offered every morning that held the proper nutrients. Fending for myself and learning this new way of consumption took two full days to adjust to.

"Wha' you have planned for the day?" The sound of his voice had Meghan's heart picking up speed. I furrowed my brow slightly at her reaction before shooting my gaze to the blonde.

"I was actually just showing Elle around the city since she's new to the area."

"You're relatively new too, aren't ya? Only moved in about a month ago," Niall rambled along. Meghan raised a perfectly shaped brow in his direction, a smile tugging on her lips.

"I guess so." She was hiding her giddiness by chewing on her lip. I could faintly pick up the smell of sweat from her body as she shifted in her chair.

"Excuse his bluntness," Harry cut in with a eye roll in Niall's direction, "I'm sure he meant that we would be more than willing to help show you around." He patted his friend on the shoulder before glancing at the both of us, his eyes lingering on me a bit longer than Meghan.

She started to say something, her lips parting and her voice drifting across the table, but I missed it entirely. My eyes had shifted to the window over Niall's shoulder where a tall man was slowly passing by. His black hair was slicked on the top of his head, his nose crooked from one too many fights as a child, and looked like any normal human being to the strangers that brushed his shoulder as he walked.

Every inch of my body tensed as the muscles in his neck began to quiver under his skin, his eyes casually casting a glance into the window and planting a firm glare on the back of Harrys' head. The man was unnaturally calm, all of his vitals cruising at a leisurely pace, and it took all of my self control not to obliterate him right there on the sidewalk.

"Elle?" Meghan's hand gently touched my arm breaking my trance. Whipping my head at her there was a loud crack and I dropped the chicken bones that had shattered in my palm from squeezing so tight.

"You alright, love?" Harry asked. My eyes darted back to the window and searched the many bodies crossing the street, the back of the man's head bobbing up and down as he walked in the opposite direction, before I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" I looked at the brunette girl on my right and kept my expression blank.

"I just told the boys it would be fine if they showed us around for a bit. Is that alright?" Her question had an underlying meaning, her tone waivering slightly, but my senses had dropped back to normal.

"Yes, that would be great."

The sooner we got out of there, the better.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's rather short.
All the dialogue makes it that way.
I hope it doesn't suck too much.

The next chapter will have some action in it! =]

As always, thanks for reading.