Status: An idea.


The Only Way

"So you don't have to sleep?"

"Not fully. My body only requires two hours of re-energizing time every three days." Meghan bit her lower lip in concentration as she processed all the information.

"And you just, shut yourself off to the world."

"There is only one thing that can wake me during that time."

"An earthquake?" She joked. I shook my head and turned away from her, gazing out the window to stare at the drops of rain falling from the sky. "What is it?"

"My name."

"Elle?" I shook my head once more.


I ran to the edge of the roof of the building and propelled my body upward, sailing through the cool air and landing on the neighboring roof across the street. The strength in my legs carried me quickly through the maze of buildings, my body concealed in the darkening sky as it flew above the many pedestrians below.

The hospital roof was crowded with large, metal fans to help circulate the air into the halls, my body weaving around them until I got to the West part of the building.

Meghan was struggling against the hold of the large man holding her, failing miserably as she tugged on his hand that enveloped her throat. A low growl left my lips and I took a few steps back from the ledge to give myself a bit of running room, throwing my body out into the air.

"Head's up," wasn't much of a warning for the five men that surrounded the boys, her words dismissed as though she had never spoken them.

"Say goodbye to your girlfriend," the tallest of the men snickered.

A deafening crack echoed through the air as the ground shook, a small cloud of dust rising from the pavement from the sudden disturbance, everyone staggering on their feet to keep their balance. Throwing my head back, my long hair fanned around my shoulders and snapped, my arms raised and fingers stretched.

Something deep inside me began to rumble, churning in my blood as I bared my teeth and jerked one arm to the right. The two men that had been standing behind the boys went flying into the brick wall of the hospital, their bodies falling limply to the ground. I swung my left arm around in a large circle and stepped forward when I shoved into the air, an invisible force crushing itself into the two men in front of me. Their screams fell short when they collided with the grill of the truck, indenting the vehicle with an irritating crunch.

Standing straight I turned my gaze on the man who still held Meghan by her throat, his eyes wide in horror, his heart beating inide his chest alarmingly fast. Stepping toward him I watched his arm muscles retract and pull against his skin as his fingers released the brunette girl, her petite figure falling to the ground.

The guy ripped a gun out from the back of his pants and pointed it directly in my face, his hand trembling as he started at me.

"I'll fucking blow your head off!" His spit sprinkled onto my flesh and I snarled, bringing my left arm up within the blink of an eye. Squeezing onto his wrist he let out a cry and the gun toppled to the ground before I thrust out my right arm and hit him square in the chest with the heel of my palm. His large body flew through the air and crashed through the fence that lined the one side of the street, rolling along the pavement of the parking lot.

The only sounds I could hear were the deep breaths from the six bodies to the right, my own breathing shallow as the adrenaline began to fade. Suddenly things began to spin, large white spots flickering in and out of sight, before my eyes rolled into the back of my head and my body went limp.

"Elle!" Was the last thing I heard before the darkness swept me under its heavy blanket.


"Is she an alien?"

"Shut up, Lou."

"What?! Did you not see what she did?"

"I'm not blind, of course I saw what she did."

"She's moving!"

My fingers began to twitch at my sides, my brain sending signals to the many body parts to wake up. Slowly my eyes opened and adjusted to the dim lighting in the room, drifting over the tan back of the couch I was on before finally settling on two pairs of watchful eyes.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do," Louis stated with a shaking finger in my direction.

"Where's Meghan?" I sat up and took notice of how the boys took a step back.

"In the guest room with Paul," Liam said calmly.

Standing from the couch I once again noticed how they took a step back when I stepped forward, walking around the furniture and down the hall that lead to the bedrooms. Meghan's voice was quiet but still audible through the door they were behind, my arm pushing against the wooden object to move it forward. Both heads turned to me, Meghan with a smile, Paul with pursed lips, and I stepped into the room.

"Elle, this is Paul. He's the boys' bodyguard and also my father's assistant in the organization." We both nodded to each other as Meghan introduced us. My eyes gazed at the purple bruises that littered her neck. "We were discussing what our next course of action should be."

"They need to know."

"Know what, exactly?" Paul questioned.


"No way," Meghan cut in, shaking her head. "That goes against every single instruction we were given about keeping you blended in."

"It's a little late for that now. I've already exposed myself to them and the Savages. The necessity to blend in no longer applies."

"And what do we do after we tell them? Expect them to go on about their lives like they're not being hunted?" Meghan's voice rose an octave.

"That is precisely what they'll have to do. The Savages expect them to run, to hide, to disappear off the radar. Your father and I both know that it just makes it easier on the Savages when their targets live in fear." He stood from the edge of the bed and walked to the doorway. "I'll round up the boys in the living room."

"Do you really want to do this, Elle?" Meghan asked once Paul had left the room. She placed her hand gently on my arm and gazed at me with her large blue eyes.

"It has to be done. They must know."

"And what if they don't accept it? What if they tell us to leave?" She was pleading not only with her voice but with her expression, her lip now being chewed on between her teeth.

"Then we leave." Her touch dropped and she let out a heavy breath, running her fingers through her tangled hair.

"I don't like this at all. They shouldn't be burdened with this."

"It's the only way to save them now."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is where I ask for some feedback.
Where the readers now decide how the story pans out.

Do the boys accept them? Do they only accept Meghan?
Do they banish Elle? You decide.

Oh I'm very interested to see what you tell me.
Granted, I myself know exactly where I want this story to go, but I want to see what you think. I will heavily base the results on what you pick.

So. What will the boys do?

This is for all the lovely people in my life that 'light up my world like nobody else.'
My little birds. =]

Til we meet again,