Status: An idea.



Harry was completely trashed.

His curls were matted with sweat against his forehead, his breath was stock full of alcoholic aromas, and his clothes were clinging to his body like plastic wrap.

A petite blonde girl was grinding her back side into his front, her small hands gripping his slender ones on her hips, her head tilted back against his shoulder as the music continued to blast from the walls.

Flashing lights from above made it hard for the rest of the guys to spot the tall boy, his figure blending in with those scattered on the dance floor, and Liam checked his watch one more time in annoyance.

"This is bloody ridiculous. He's acting like a child."

"What would you expect? It's not everyday someone learns they've got a target on the back of their head and have to live like nothing is going on."

"Yeah, well, he's taking it a bit too far. He's been treating everyone like shit for the last week and it's getting on my last nerve," Liam snapped as he slammed the empty glass down on the table.

"He's just taking it differently than we are, Liam. Can you blame him for being uptight about the whole situation?" Louis raised his brows at his friend before finishing off the rest of the beer that had been floating in the chilled mug.

"No, but I can blame him for acting like a complete asshat." The two boys looked back into the sweaty crowd and watched their band mate and close friend lose himself in the music.

"Have you heard from Meghan at all? About Elle?" Liam shook his head at Louis' question and rubbed a hand over his tired face. All he wanted to do was go back to the flat and sleep, prepare himself for the interviews and show they would be playing within the next few days.

"Niall hasn't mentioned anything. I don't know how to feel about her, exactly," Liam admitted with a side glance to his friend.

"I know what you mean. She just, weirds me out right now. But at the same time, she saved our lives without question. It's just one fucked up mess," Louis explained as he rolled his neck.

"What do you think she's doing?" Louis shrugged his shoulders and twirled the clear glass in his fingers.

"Meghan said that she would keep her distance for a while but I'm sure she's still watching us." Liam nodded in agreement before scanning the faces in the crowd once more, cursing under his breath when the curly haired boy was nowhere insight.

"He's gone."

"Fuck." Louis pulled out his phone and immediately dialed Harry only to have his voicemail pick up. "Voicemail."

"This is just great."

"We can always call Elle," Louis snickered earning a glare from his brown eyed companion.

"She's not a joke, Lou. She's a person."

"I know, I'm sorry." Louis ran a hand through his tangled brown hair. "Let's split up and look for him. Meet you out front in ten minutes."

Harry was pushed up against the wall in the bathroom with the blonde's lips pressed hungrily to his throat. His eyes were shut lightly as he tilted his head back and relished the feeling of her hot fingers under his shirt. But it wasn't the blonde he was picturing in that moment. She was much too short, her legs not long enough, not lean enough, her hair not the right color, and her eyes were a dark blue. That didn't stop him, of course, from letting her drop her small fingers past the waist-line of his pants and into his briefs, his breath hitching slightly when she grazed his throbbing cock.

He made the mistake of glancing down at her when her lips left his neck, spotting the blonde mass of hair on the top of her head and frowning. Trying to stay focused on what was happening he continued to stare as his belt buckle became loose and his pants were pulled down his thighs leaving him nearly exposed in a locked bathroom with a girl who would remain nameless to his mind. She shot him a wicked grin before pulling down the CK briefs restricting him and wrapping her fingers around his length.

His green eyes were now squeezed shut while her mouth worked its magic against him, his right hand dropping to tangle in her hair for support. He grunted a few times as the seconds passed and listened to the light 'smack' her lips made when she released the tip from her lips. But not once did her face cross his mind during the interaction. Instead he saw a lean brunette with stunning, pale blue eyes, and a skin complexion that would drive any model wild in jealousy. Several times he had to bite his tongue to keep from spilling the wrong name, choosing to remain silent versus distracting the girl who had him so close to the brink of his climax.

The warmth ignited in his belly and spread throughout his torso as he unloaded his seed into her awaiting mouth, her tongue swirling the tip to make sure she collected all of it, before pulling away completely. Quickly he retrieved his briefs and pants from his legs and tightened the belt around his waist before running a sweaty hand through his damp curls.

"Here's my number baby, if you need me," the blonde said with a wink, shoving a small white card in his pants pocket with her digits scribbled on the back of it. He watched her leave, the tight black dress she had been wearing stretched impossibly tight over her rounded hips, and he couldn't help but compare those hips to one's he has seen walk in front of him before.

"Pull it together, Styles," Harry muttered to himself. He turned on the faucet and splashed cold water over his face, taking deep breaths as he did so, and grabbed some paper towel's from the dispenser. Just as he was cleaning off the water the bathroom door swung open and Liam walked in, his face going from panicked, to relieved, to angry all within two seconds time.

"We've been looking everywhere for you."

"Congratulations, you've found me," Harry snidely replied tossing out the ruined paper towels.

"Seriously, Harry. You can't keep getting reckless like you have. We're in danger." Liam's voice was low but full of warning, his hand now resting on the younger boy's shoulder protectively.

"Come off it Liam, we're not in danger. We have our own personal super hero watching our every move to ensure our safety," Harry babbled off before letting out a cheeky laugh.

"Let's go. Lou is waiting out front in the car," Liam gave in, throwing his arm around the curly haired boy's shoulders and walking with him out of the bathroom. Harry pulled the card that had been shoved in his pocket out and tossed it lazily onto the bar counter by some used glasses and napkins. The cool night air stung his hot cheeks when they emerged, his body humming from the effects of the alcohol and his sexual release not minutes earlier. Liam pulled open the door and climbed in first leaving Harry outside for a moment by himself.

His green orbs lifted up to the buildings across the street and to the rooftops searching for the figure that haunted his dreams for more than one reason. Betraying him, his heart hammered in his chest when he caught sight of the figure in the darkness and he fought the urge to smile.

"Hurry up, asshat," Louis called from inside the car. Harry shot his friend a glare and quickly looked back up at the buildings only to have his stomach drop at the absence that had been there seconds before. Pushing himself into the vehicle he slammed the door shut and rested his head against the seat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little insight to the boys' thoughts.

A wee bit short, but it's all building to something greater in the next chapter.

Promise. =]

Thanks to everyone for reading!
And a special thanks to Noelle.
She's a pretty cool cat who keeps me entertained on twitter. =]]

Til next time!