Status: Completed

Define "Normal" For Me Again. I Seem to Have Forgotten

It's the little things that give you away

I spotted Zacky and Jimmy in the bar. I quickly looked around for Cass, completely ignoring the guy talking in front of me. I found her making out with some guy in the far corner.

“Hey, man, thanks for the drink! I’ll you later, kay?” I spun around.

He grabbed my arm. “wait! Can I at least have a number?”

I spun around to face him and glared. I quickly walked up to him and gripped his small package, making him wince. “Let me the fuck go or you’ll get more than sore balls in the morning.” I hissed in his ear.

He just nodded and I released him. His hand went immediately to his dick. “Damn, girl, bi-polar much?”

I smirked. “Nope, much worse.” I said before clocking him out. I ran over to Cass. “C’mon, we have to go.” I said, wrenching her out of the guy’s grip. I briskly dragged her over to the exit before looking back once more. I locked eyes with Jimmy (he was the tallest one in there) and gave him an obvious wink before exiting the building. I took various streets, always changing my direction.

Wherever there was one of the guys, Matt was sure to be there, too and I really didn’t feel like getting the shocks again.

“Tiff! He was really hot! I could have gotten some tonight!” Cass complained as I dragged her through the streets. “Tiff, are you even listening to me?”

I pushed her into a dimly lit alley way and took a crumbled piece of paper out of my pocket.

“Tiff? What is that?”

“Will you just fucking shut up for two minutes?! I can’t think!” I yelled at her before looking at the sheet of paper. I looked up to see what street we were on before turning back to the paper. I smirked. Good, it’s not too far away. I turned to Cass. “Do you have any cash on you?”

“What? no. Tiff, what’s on that piece of paper?”

I shoved it in her face. “This is our Golden Ticket.”

She took it and began to read it. “It’s just an address.” She said bitterly before handing it back to me.

“No, it’s free room and board for the night. Come on, we’ll have to walk. It’s not that far.” I grabbed her wrist again and started heading in the right direction. Cass kept asking me stupid questions on the way there. I almost killed her a few times, but restrained myself since I needed her later on.

When we were about two blocks away, I sensed that someone was following us. I cast a quick glance over my shoulder and smirked. Classic Brian. I ducked into a side street and pushed Cass into an alcove.

“Stay here and shut the hell up.” I ordered her.

She gave me a confused look. “Why?”

“If you know what’s good for you then you won’t make a sound. We got a little…inconvenience on our hands. Run to the cops and I’ll kill you myself, got it?”

She nodded.

“Good girl.” I kissed her cheek and ran further down the side-street, making sure that he saw where I was going. I lead him far away from her, giggling and smirking the entire time.

What? This game was fun! When I finally lost him, I tracked back to where I left Cass. She wasn’t there. I shrugged. “Her loss.” I said simply, looking in the pile of clothes that were there. I found a wallet and pocketed the cash before I stood up.

I looked around before exiting the side-street and going to my destination. I knocked on the door, only to not have an answer. Shrugging, I picked the lock. Just as I expected, there were several other locks on the inside of the door.

“You little bitch.” I mumbled under my breath I got out my garden shears (that are technically from the nut-house, but they weren’t using them). I skillfully cut the chains and slipped inside. I went over to the little kitchenette and raided the fridge. There was nothing in there, save for a few bottles of water. Huffing, I left the fridge door open and rifled through the cabinets and pantry to only, again, come up empty-handed.

“What are you doing here?” I turned back to her and smirked.

“Do you have anything to eat in this house? I’m starving! You woulda thought that Daddy would fix it up for ya.” I said, turning back to looking in every crevice of the tiny room.

“Get out. I’ll call the cops.” She warned.

I stood up straight and turned to face her, my hands on my hips. “No need to worry, Little Susie-Q, I’m just crashing her tonight.”

She stiffened. “Fine. Don’t make a sound, I need my beauty sleep. Here’s $50.” She said, reaching into her pocket. “I don’t want to see you anymore.”

I took the bill from her and smelt it. “Ahhh, the sweet stench of daddy’s money. You’ve upgraded- at least he’s paying now. I’m so proud of you. You gottcha self a deal. Now, where am I sleeping?”

She pointed to the small couch. “There.”

“Aweh, c’mon, Susie. I’m the guest. I should be getting the five-star treatment!”

“You will stay on the couch. In the morning, I like to sleep late. Do not bother me. I want you to just get up and leave. Lock the door when you go out.” She said slowly. She quickly turned on her heel and walked down the hallway. I leaned over the couch and watched her go.

“Glad to know all I have to do to get something done is fuck the right people!” I yelled to her closed door. “Seriously, after all I’ve done for you, all I wanted was just a little more hospitality!”

When I didn’t get an answer, I shrugged my shoulders and turned on the TV. If she knows what’s good for her, she’ll be more hospitable.
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You can pretty much guess what's going to happen in the next chapter...but this is all just "character development" so to speak

To those who've commented and the Psych paper that I SHOULD be writing instead. lol. comments make the world go round