Status: Completed

Define "Normal" For Me Again. I Seem to Have Forgotten

Last Call For Alcohol

“So, Tiff, is it?” the short one said. He told me his name before- all of them did- but I was too lazy to learn names. I think I’ll just call him Midget Man.

I nodded, chugging my can of coke greedily.

“Do you have a last name?”

“No, I don’t see the point in them.”


I folded my legs underneath me. “Yea, they’re pointless because once someone knows your last name and they know your family, you’re doomed!”

“How so?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. I have to get him to teach me how to do that.

“Do you have an older sibling?”


“Ok, then. Hypothetically speaking, if you did have an older sibling- say a brother- then you are doomed to be constantly compared to said sibling.”

“Yea, I know all about that. Mikey does, too.” Ray interrupted me as he took a seat on the other end of the couch.

The lanky boy that was following took the seat right next to me. He gave me a smile. “Hi, I’m Mikey.”

I looked at his outstretched hand oddly for a minute before launching back into my spiel. “And in Reality speaking, if your parents had a lifelong family friend, then you would be constantly expected to be like your parents or grandparents… however far back you want to go. No, I’d rather be my own person and not be dictated by my family and their actions.” I ended, settling myself further into the seat cushion.

All three of the guys looked at me.

“You know, that actually makes sense.” The burly blonde said. He was leaning against the wall behind me. “Tiff, you’re alright in my book.”

If only you knew, Hot Shot.

“So, where are we headed again?”

“Mississippi, Minesota, then New York, and back home to Jersey.”

“Sweet. You can drop me off in New York. Until then, I’ll help with the equipment. You do not want me dealing with your fans. I hate people in mass- their stupid and irritating in my opinion.”

“That’s fine.” The other black-haired guy said. I think he was their unofficial leader, but wasn’t quite sure. I watched him as he crossed to the fridge and grabbed a can of diet coke. “We wouldn’t want you killing any of our fans. That would be bad PR.” He laughed at his little joke.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I would kill him if I didn’t need him. He will pay as soon as we get to New York.

“So, do you have any family?”

I snapped out of my head. “Well, my parents are dead and I haven’t seen or spoken to my brother in over a year. You do the math.”

Mikey leaned away from me and whispered something in Ray’s ear.

“Secrets are meant for sharing,” I said calmly, getting up. “Well, I’m gonna piss then take a nap. Wake me up when we get to the next stop. I need some smokes.” I added, making my way to the back of the bus. I stopped and listened at one of the back bunks.

“Hey, guys, that girl is not right in the brain.” I heard one of them whisper- most likely the midget.

“Frank, stop quoting our songs. That’s creepy.”

“No, what’s creepy is you just letting her on! She could be a serial killer and murder us in our sleep!”

“Chill out, Short Shit, if she was a serial killer, then wouldn’t we be dead by now? No, I think she’s just a runaway and we should let her get off at New York. She’s not hurting anyone, and we could always use a hand with the equipment.”


“Do any of you find something unnerving about her?”

“Mikey, everyone has their issues.”

“No, I meant more that. It’s like something’s missing with her.”

“Nah, I don’t think so…but she does remind me of someone.”

“Like who, Bob?”

“I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out.”

Chuckling lightly, I walked into the bathroom and did my business. When I came out, I noticed that all of their eyes were on me.

“Well, I know I’m hot and all, but what’s your deal?”

“Nothing.” The leader replied.

“Right… so, where am I crashing?”

“Top bunk to your left. If there’s anything up there, just shove it on the ground and we’ll pick it up.” He smiled.

I nodded my head and climbed. This was going to be a long week… if no one died beforehand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait! But I finished Fall Out Girl and got inspiration for this story! Too bad it will end soon ='(
