All The Small Things

Watching, Waiting, Commiserating

(Chapter Six)

Matt’s POV:

“I’m pregnant,”

Two little words, 10 letters, and he nearly passed out. All he could do was stare at the screen, watching Tessa flip out on the other side. Ok, well she wasn’t saying anything, but he could tell by the look she was giving that she was thinking of every possibility that could happen now that she told him. She was probably so scared and nervous all alone in the house, freaking out about what her workaholic fiancé was going to do once she told him.

“W-what? Are you sure?” He finally managed to ask. Watching her as she slowly nodded her head. “How long have you known? Have you told anyone?”

“Since yesterday, I took a at home pregnancy test and it came back positive. And no, you’re the first person I told. ”

Matt just sat there, “are you positive?”

“Yes,” she replied, rolling her eyes. He knew she was getting annoyed with how many times he asked that. “I took three of them. All positive.”


She rolled her eyes again, “do I really need to explain the process to you? I think you know just as well as I do how these things work.”

“Sorry, I’m just in shock right now. I can’t believe it. We used protection and everything.” He managed to say; shocked he was saying more than five words at a time. His mind was spinning. Tessa was pregnant. They were going to have a baby. He was going to be a father.

Holy shit. He was going to be a father.

“Matt, condoms aren’t 100% accurate. These things do happen. Do you not want the baby?”

That sentence had his heart stop cold. Do you not want the baby? How could she even ask that? Sure it was unplanned and unexpected but he never supported abortion. Wait, did she? Did she not want the baby? Sure they were young, but they had good jobs. They would defiantly be able to support a baby. But was that what she wanted?

“Of course I want the baby? Why don’t you?”

The look she gave him was answer enough, but she still decided to say it out loud. “Of course I do. I don’t support abortion; I was just making sure you did too.” She paused and bit her lip. “Are you mad?”

Ah. So that’s why she was freaked out. Sure if he was a woman and he found out he had another life growing inside of him, he would be freaked out too. He could only imagine what had been running through her mind since she had found out yesterday. She was probably scared out of her mind. Worried about how she would do raising a child and what he thought about it. Tessa might even be worried he might leave her because of it. But no way in hell would he even think of leaving her. Especially now. Like she had said before, he loved her too much to ever let her go.

“Matt, please, say something.”

Her voice brought him out of his thoughts and looked to his fiancée. Shit, she looked close to tears. Wait, did she think he was going to leave now that he knew? Was that why she was so worried? Now everything made sense. He knew she loved kids and wanted someone day. And now they were having one. But she must think he was going to flip out on her and leave.

He looked at her with a huge smile, “This is amazing babe. We always said we wanted to have kids. Now we’re having one!”

“What!?” Someone said behind him. Matt frowned and turned to see Vinny standing there with a shocked look on his face. Oh shit. Vinny just heard him. They hadn’t even talked about who and when they were going to tell and he just said it loud and clear while his fiancée’s older brother was there. Shit.

“You’re pregnant Tessa?” Vinny asked, looking at the screen with a serious look.

Tessa bit her lip and nodded, “yeah.”

“How far along are you?”

“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I just found out yesterday and was going to tell you, Kate, and mom after I told Matt. I’ll make an appointment soon.”

Vinny just stood there, glaring at the screen for a few moments before turning and walking away without saying anything else. Well that was unexpected. Tessa and Vinny were super close and he just up and left? Was he upset about this? Matt had always thought Vinny loved kids. He always flipped out and went to play with them whenever his little cousins were over when they went to family things. So why was he acting like this now?

But whatever, they can deal with Vinny later. Right now they needed to talk about the baby and about the future. He was going to be on the road for two more months and didn’t know if Tessa was going to be alright with that or not. Sure she was supportive of his job, but now that they were having a baby, he wasn’t going to be there all the time and she needed his support.

If she asked him to, he knew right away he would pack up and leave in a heartbeat. He would do anything for Tessa and if she needed him home to be with her through the pregnancy then he would do it. He would do anything for Tessa and his baby.

“You ok Tessa?” He asked, seeing the look on her face. “Do you need me to come home? I can leave Colussy in charge and get the next flight back if you need.”

She shook her head. “No, don’t leave just because of me. I’ll be fine. I have Kate and my mom. They probably won’t react like Vinny just did. I’m probably not that far along anyway. Three months at the very most. It’ll be about two months until you get back. It’s fine. Just stay out there for me.”

“Ok babe, but I don’t want you to hesitate to tell me to come home. You’re more important than this job. I’d give it all up for you. Please know that!” He glanced to the room around him seeing if anyone else was there. After Vinny had left after he found out, he had stormed through the bus and slammed the door closed after he walked outside. There was no sign of him or anyone else in the bus.

Looking at the screen, he saw the sad look on Tessa’s face, probably knowing who he was looking for. “Don’t worry about Vinny, he’ll come around. You know he loves you and would do anything for you. He just needs a little time to come to terms with this. Please don’t stress about this. It’s not good for you or the baby, ok? I love you, and I love our baby. I’m so excited.”

By then she was crying with a huge smile on her face, “I can’t believe we’re having a baby. It’s like a dream come true! I’m so excited!”

“Me too babe, do you mind if I tell my parents?” He asked, knowing that she was going to say yes, but he still wanted to ask.

“Of course, I didn’t tell mine since I wanted you to be the first person to know. But you can tell anyone you want now. Even the boys. I’m probably going to tell my mom and Kate today anyway.”

He nodded, “ok. I’ll tell them as soon I get off with you. Are you feeling ok? Do you have morning sickness?”

She rolled her eyes, “yes. All damn day. That’s why I was sick the other day when you called me. Finally after three days of being sick I had a feeling that I might be pregnant and took the test. And what do you know.”

He smiled as they continued to talk for a little while longer before he got interrupted by his dumb radio. It had been going off less and less as the tour continued but he was still occasionally needed still as always and sighed as he told Tessa he had to go. When they finally said goodbye and he regretfully pressed end, he stood from where he was sitting at the kitchen table and stretched with a huge smile on his face. That was probably some of the best news he had ever gotten besides getting engaged and dating Tessa. This was defiantly going to change everything, but he was really excited. He had always dreamed of having kids, and even though they weren’t married yet, it didn’t take away from the excitement.

He answered his radio, finding that it was Colussy needing him and he made his way off the bus and back into the venue. Going down the halls, he still couldn’t get rid of the smile on his face. But it actually disappeared slightly when he saw Vinny walking down the hallway with a pissed off expression on his face which increased even more when the merch guy saw who was walking down the hallway.

Neither of them said anything as they passed each other and Matt took a breath to calm himself down. He was really worried about this. Vinny was his future brother-in-law and soon to be Uncle of his child and he was pissed at Tessa and him. He sort of understood why but he hoped that he would snap out of it soon, Tessa needed him now especially and it was going to be hell the next nine months if Vinny stayed pissed at them.
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Yes I know I said I wouldn't be posting until the weekend, but I couldn't help it. I'm too excited to get this story going and see all your reactions.

So I listened to Don't Panic today and I loved it so maybe that's another reason I'm posting today, to celebrate. My favorite song so far has to be So Long Soldier... Just saying... What about you guys? Any favorites so far? Lol I feel like such a fan girl....

Anyway, so I really hope you guys are liking this. I only got one comment back from the last chapter so thanks to upxallxnight for that! I'd love to see what you guys are thinking about this so far! Next chapter is going to be slightly dark and depressing and in someone else's pov. But you probably can guess whose it'll be. Lol Next update will be this weekend. =D