Meeting of the Harbringer

Harbringer of Death.

The wind was blowing very strong. Grey clouds loomed overhead. The blond and brown wolf looked up to the skies with his eyes wide open, trying to estimate if it was going to rain or not. From the looks of the ominous winds and darkening clouds, it seemed definite. He would have to take refuge in a clan for the night or however long it lasted. Lights flickered in the distance, across a vast plane. Taking in a deep breath, breathing in the smell of approaching rain, he began to walk forward, his staff thumping the ground in rhythm as he progressed. Oreth arrived at the outskirts of the clan's village, and no one was outside. They knew that rain was coming. Letting out a howl, a few heads emerged from a couple of the many tents. The leader, adorned with black beads and jewelry approached Oreth. Oreth put his hand to his chest and bowed, laying his ears back. The leader did the same to him before he spoke in a raspy gruff voice.
"Hello traveler. What has brought you here?" His voice was old with age, and his eyes grayed with blindness. Oreth spoke softly, but loud enough for the elder to hear him.
"My name is Oreth. I have come to search for a place of shelter from the storm. I ask humbly if I may stay here for the night. I am also a healer who can look over any sick or injured you have. I can be of service to you if you do allow me to stay." The elder was quiet for quite some time. His face was expressionless and his eyes did not move.
"My name is Teyok, and you may stay. But we do not need you to look over anyone. We already have someone who helps us with that. The hut where everyone sleeps is over there." The elder said, pointing over to a large tent. Oreth put his fist to his chest again and bowed respectfully.
"I understand. If you need anything, just call upon me, and I shall be there. Thank you again, Teyok." The elder nodded and turned to go back to his own quarters. Oreth took one last look up to the stormy swirling night skies before he turned to go to the tent. No one had ever rejected his help flat out like that. He wondered if this one healer was so good enough to be the only healer in the whole tribe. Shaking off his curiosity, he stepped into the fluttering opening of the large tent. The familiar musty warm wolven bodies smell entered Oreth's nose. He found himself looking at something that caught his eyes. He was met with a pair of glowing yellow eyes. Oreth stiffened, wondering who this wolf was and why he was still up, and furthermore, staring at him. The eyes were wide and unblinking, and somehow very different then most wolven he had seen. They were narrow and cunning looking, yet sophisticated and knowing. Oreth caught himself staring for quite some time, and opened his mouth to speak to the stranger, but a sleek voice spoke and cut him off.

"Visitor, I presume?" The voice was like black velvet across a harp. His voice was beautiful. Oreth chanted a small spell, illuminating the tip of his staff with a very dim light. There in front of him stood a tall slender black wolven, adorned with beautiful golden jewelry on his neck and hair. Oreth nodded slightly.
"My name is Oreth. I seek refuge from the storm." He spoke in a wary tone. The wolven smiled a bit and tilted his head, his braided hair clinking to the side as he did so.
"My name is Anubis. I am the tribe's guardian." He said, noticeably looking at Oreth's scar over his eye.
"So you are the tribe's healer?" Oreth said, now curious of the character before him. Anubis reached out and gently ran a finger over Oreth's eye, making him flinch a bit.
"You could say that." Anubis said as he stared at his long slender finger like the story of the scar was written on it. Oreth was a bit off put by his actions.
"Well it is nice to meet you, Anubis." Oreth said, observing him. Anubis looked up to Oreth after staring at his finger for a long while.
"I assume you are looking for sleeping quarters. Right now we are rather full, but there is an area next to me." He said beckoning for him to follow. Oreth did so respectfully, but still with doubts upon his shoulders. There was a dimly lit area at the far right corner. As they approached it, Oreth saw a red and gold blanket on top of some very comfortable looking bed of leaves and moss. Anubis glanced back before speaking again.
"Oh, I guess there isn't a spot…" Anubis spoke coyly, pointing to a sleeping wolven next to his quarters.
"I am sure I can find a spot elsewhere." Oreth said as he started to chant a spell to brighten his light. Anubis put a hand on his shoulder and threw him off.
"You really shouldn't. Trust me." Oreth looked to Anubis, a confused look in his eyes.
"Then where should I sleep?" Oreth said, a roll of thunder accompanying his question. Anubis gestured towards his bed.
"There is plenty of room." His voice was even softer then before. Anubis walked over to the bed, laying down, his golden loin cloth slid down upon his thigh gracefully. Oreth paused for a moment, but he knew if he tried anything funny, he could easily get away. The wolven before him was either showing kind intentions, or ones of darker interests. Gently walking over to the bed, Oreth was a little discomforted by the other's stare, but laid himself down regardless, after putting his staff on the ground. Anubis examined Oreth's back, his eyes glistening in the candle by his bedside. It was strong and broad, and his arms were toned with gorgeous muscles. His thick golden hair fell around his shoulders and wrapped around his body. He was very handsome.

Finding no rest coming over him soon, Oreth examined the contents around him. There was many bottles and potions filled with unknown liquids and substances that he had never seen before, and in one corner, there was some incense that was burning. Sniffing at it warily, he wanted to make sure he wasn't about to be drugged up. It smelt of roses and myrrh. He relaxed a little upon knowing that it was just common incense. Many Egyptian symbols were scrawled onto papyrus paper all over place. Oreth assumed that it was all of the healing spells that the healer used.

"Does something interest you?" A voice spoke right next to his ear. Oreth stiffened and looked out of the corner of his eye. Anubis lay awake, writing on a piece of papyrus with his slender hands. Oreth did not turn to him, but replied.
"I was just wondering what it was that you write on these papers." Oreth said, his curiosity showing through transparently. Anubis smiled and gently slipped his hand down to the side and brought up a capsule in the shape of a heart. He pulled off the top shaped like an ankh, making sure every now and then Oreth was not looking. He sprinkled the dust onto the top of the paper and leaned over to Oreth.
"Take a look for yourself, Oreth." Anubis said, his eyes narrowing and waiting for Oreth to roll over to him. Oreth indeed, did turn over, and as soon as he did, Anubis blew lightly. The dust went flying into Oreth's face and Oreth's eyes went wide. Within seconds, Oreth's eyes drooped to half open, and were glazed over. Anubis smiled, gently scooting closer to Oreth, outstretching a hand to touch his chest. Running his hand down the dazed wolven's broad chest, Anubis spoke to him quietly.
"Ah, now that is more like it… I knew you would warm up to me, my beautiful one eye." He said, gently pulling Oreth closer and resting his head on the his shoulder.
"I will make you mine. I have made up my mind." Anubis whispered, closing his golden eyes.
"No matter how long it takes." He said breathing in the scent of his newly found interest. Oreth groaned a little, his body twitching in defiance. Anubis smirked a little.
"What's nice about this is that you won't remember anything when it wears off." Anubis said as he stroked the other's hair.
"Don't worry though, I an not going to take advantage of you… much. That wouldn't be any fun." Anubis let his hand slide down to rest on top of Oreth's loin cloth. Moving his hand up and down firmly, he played with Oreth's length till it stood up firmly. Refraining his urge to continue, he admired the large length in his hand before he gently drifted off to sleep, his head on Oreth's shoulder, and arms wrapped around him.

Anubis of course was the first to wake, and he swiftly slipped out of Oreth's large limp arms. Slowly propping himself up the wolven yawned and looked around. The room was filled with severely wounded wolven. Anubis closed his eyes and waved a hand over the ones brought in last night. Rustling silky blankets could be heard as he did so, but he stood unflinching. He sensed the presence and scent of the golden wolven next to him and spoke softly.
"Good morning." Oreth's eyes were wide as he looked over the horrendous amount of carnage.
"Are you going to heal them?" Oreth said, flabbergasted. Anubis put his hand on the wolven's bloody forehead. The wolven was panting heavily and it's whimpering was weak and unsteady. Anubis did not respond. Moving his hand down to the wolven's eyes, he gently closed them. It's breathing sooner became shallower and calmer, and then ceased.
"Y-you just let him die!" Oreth said, reaching out to touch the wolven. Anubis held his hand firmly away. Anubis's eyes opened and went white for a second as if he was possessed. He then took his hand off of the deceased wolven's head and took up a cloth to gently wipe away the blood on his hand.
"He was going to die anyways. I put his soul to rest, Oreth." Oreth shook his head in disbelief.
"How would you know, you did nothing to help him!" Oreth was maddened by the wolven's antics.
"I only know if a wolven is going to die or not. Those are the tribe's healers." Anubis said waving a hand casually over to a couple of other wolven that stood over other injured ones.
"Then what does that make you?" Oreth said, looking away from the deceased wolven painfully. Anubis's eyes lit up as he lit a candle next to the wolven, and then blew it out, almost symbolically, the smell of sesame seed filling the air. Turning slowly, the smoke wrapped around his body.
"I am the harbinger of death." Anubis said, carefully watching for Oreth's reaction. There was no words exchanged for a minute or two. Oreth stared at the wolven in front of him, the smoke seemingly transforming his figure into a monster. Oreth looked down, trying to take in the statement.
"You're lying." Oreth spoke quietly. Anubis gently lifted Oreth's chin with two slender fingers.
"I only speak the truth. I would not lie." Anubis said, drawing closer to him, his scent intoxicating Oreth. Oreth stumbled backwards a bit. Trying to regain his composure, he took a few more steps back to get away from Anubis's mysterious draw. Anubis walked over to another wolven heaving in breaths and twitching from pain.
"N-no! I can heal these wolven!" Oreth said, a glimmer of fright shining across his golden eyes. He ran to Anubis and gently made moved him aside. Bringing out bandages and herbs, he gently started to apply the ointments to the wolven.
"Oreth…" Anubis said, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. Oreth shrugged Anubis's hand off, and continued working feverously.
"I CAN fix him and I will. There is hope for every wolven." Anubis blinked, his face filling with compassion for a split second or two. Putting his hands on Oreth's shoulders, he spoke in a gentle voice.
"Oreth… death comes to us all. I help them go to rest… an eternal sleep if you will." Oreth glowered at Anubis for a split second before continuing his work with his swift and experienced hands. Anubis sighed softly, drawing closer and closer to Oreth. Smelling the strange unknown scent surrounding Anubis, Oreth looked back at him. He almost immediately slumped, the scent wafting straight into his nose. Anubis was quick to catch the husky wolven in his arms. Oreth's eyes went wide. His body twitched in defiance, not understanding what was going on.
"I'm sorry I had to do this. But the wolven cannot be helped. But know they go peacefully…" Anubis said, nuzzling Oreth's face. Looking at the blurry black blob out of the corner of his blind eye, he blacked out.