Good Girls Never Get Caught


Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a little girl. She was beautiful, with brown curls and dark eyes that twinkled when she was excited. She was quite the little princess.

She resided in a little village by the name of Los Angeles, in a country called California. There was a great deal of crime in the village of Los Angeles. It was not at all an ideal place for a princess to be raised.

But the beautiful little princess was blessed with loving parents who gave her all they had. They sheltered her and tried to keep her from the evils of the world.

But even the most innocent little princess must grow up one day. She ventured away from her little castle one day, out into the real world. She realized that California was not her kingdom and that everything was not perfect.

She came unto a realization that life was indeed quite fucked. That little girl... was me.

My name is Alexa Bryant and I am afraid.

What of? Of fading, of dying, of losing myself.

The essence of who I am is all that I have and I am deathly afraid of letting that go.

But my biggest fear is being judged. So I have built up a wall, written on my forehead, "See if I give a fuck." People look at me and see the apathy in my expression and realize that I'm not one to mess with.

But it's really just fear. And why am I sharing this? Because my story is a cautionary tale.

I want every little girl to grow up saying my name, followed by, "I don't want to ever be like her."

This is not a bedtime story, nor a fairytale. My story is graphic, not for young children or the young at heart. People who try to deny the existence of swear words, drugs, alcohol, sex and the like are advised to stop reading. You can't handle it.

But for those of you who can, this is my story.

My name is Alexa Bryant and I am the infamous school slut.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello beautiful people! Welcome to Errbear's author's notes!:D
These will sometimes be long, hopefully not longer than the chapters. So here's how it goes: this is my first R-rated story. I developed the overall plot with one of my best friends (he's the best!) I'm writing this as a challenge to myself to see how far I can stretch my writing. I've been working on it for a little while and it was kicking my ass so I needed to post it before I lost my nerve.

So yeah. If you read that long summary, I already like you. If you read this entire author's note, I swear you're amazing! If you comment and subscribe, I will love you forever!

What do you think of the layout? I'm not great at layouts. Leve me tips and suggestions?

Don't ever be afraid to leave your opinion!

Song of the Day: Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
