True Danger.

Can I Be More?

I'm walking back and forth in my room clutching my hair, tears running down my face.
Oh god, she's right. She's right she's right.
People hate me.
Everyone hates me.
And they should. What am I? Nothing.
My arms tense up and it feels like fire is spreading up my forearm.
I stare at it.
What have I done?
I've branded myself.
But it's with the truth. So it doesn't matter.
What's wrong with me? Why can't people like me?
Am I that strange? I don't want to be like they are, but I wish I had some friends.
I slide down against the wall, knees to my face.
And now they'll know. They'll know what I am.
I rest my forearms on my forehead and sob, rocking slightly back and forth.
Can't I be more than this?
Why do I have to stay trapped in my mind?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the great comments, guys.
I know it's only three but they're what keeps me doing this story. You guys are what's keeping me writing.
It's hard to write.
Not that I don't have material, but that it's hard for me to admit that this is real.
And that it happens.
:P And the fact that most of the people that have read this don't even read past the first chapter.
It's like 'Ouch.Rejection.'
So thanks guys. :)
Because I can't have my friends read this.
I don't want them knowing I think like Eli.
God. The horror.