True Danger.


I hate math..
I'm worried about Eli. She's so thin and since her.... 'incident' she seems just... hollow.
She was talking to me today, some girl said she looked anorexic and half starved...
I told her she looked good other than that she should eat a little more, but if she was comfortable with herself then whatever.
She said she wasn't and I told her whatever, that she looked great and she went silent and left soon after.
Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so mad at her..
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm. Not the most popular story out there is it?
3 subscribers, 18 chapters... :/
Know what it is?
No one can handle the sheer emotion... xD
Nah. I didn't expect this to be popular.
I'm not writing it for it to be popular.
I'm writing for it to be real.