True Danger.

Worthless Eli

Worthless.. She hisses at me. No one can love me. She is me. I do not have schizophrenia. She is my voice and my dad's words and all that the world has hinted to. I am what she says because I am what I say and nothing more.

I curl up tighter. I do this to accept reality. It's not wrong, it's true. The truth hurts doesn't it? This feels like a thousand hot nails being shoved into my stomach. It's true. So very true So real is the pain.

Maybe I can one day be worth something. Maybe not. Probably not. I feel determined to my voice Lea wrong but at the same time i know I can't. How could I ever be something? My past, my present, my future. The future is gone with the present torn to shreds. The past is my razorblade. The skin of my mind torn raw and red.

It's a game to her. To Lea. How long can I last being her pawn? I don't care enough to pull away from her grip. From my grip.