Status: slow updates. but i promise I'm workin. i love you guys.

My Baby, My Darling.

We're Moving.

“…and that’s all for today, people. Make sure to clear your work area and leave your completed projects on the front counter. I will see you all next week.” My professor, if you could call her that, spoke loudly from the back of the room, clasping her hands together as she nodded at all the students that passed her.

She was a tiny woman, nearly ten years my senior. Her short cropped hair was pinned back and she constantly sported casual jeans and a plainly colored shirt, usually black. At first glance, you’d believe her as a young soccer mom. However, an encounter with her eyes as well as her vibrant personality told a different story.

“Chelsea,” she called out to me as I packed my sketch pad into my leather messenger bag. My eyes looked up from the opposite end of the classroom to meet hers as other students passed between us, making their way towards the exit of the room. “Nice work today. I cannot wait to see your project, it just might make it onto the refrigerator from what I’m hearing.”

I smiled lightly, glancing to the front of the classroom where a huge 1960’s inoperable retro fridge stood next to her desk. The surface was littered with numerous doodles and artwork from past students. It was quite unorganized, but in the most beautiful fashion possible. It was one of the many odd pieces of furniture within the room alongside the large adobe clay sculpture of Regis Philbin.

“Thanks, Hollis. I don’t know if it’s refrigerator worthy, but I’m hoping so.”

She gave me a reassuring nod and spun around to her work station, where she was now brewing a pot of tea. The woman had undeniable character, I’ll tell you that. Her mind would be a fascinating place.

I made my way out the art building of Rubenfield Community College, starting my trek towards the parking lot.

The drive to my mother’s café didn’t take as long as it normally did due to the fact that it was barely reaching 11 AM on a Tuesday. I walked into Delia’s Café and immediately spotted my mother behind the hostess stand, speaking to a waitress about the change in table settings during the lunch rush. The waitress nodded attentively and started her trek towards the back kitchen.

“Hi, Mom.” I smiled, pulling her into a hug.

“Honey! I wasn’t expecting you for a few hours. How was class?” she smiled, sorting receipts behind the register.

I grinned lightly, tossing my bag onto the counter and propping myself onto the counter to sit down. “It was fine. I’m actually about to go meet Dexter for lunch in a little, that’s why I’m visiting you now because I won’t have that much time later on.”

She nodded, half-heartedly listening to me. “That’s perfect. I actually have the afternoon off today. Your dad and I were going to go out and have lunch together. Bring Dexter along. We could all eat together. You two didn’t have reservations anywhere, right?”

I shook my head slowly, “No. We were just gonna go grab some burgers and eat it at the hospital during his lunch break.”

“Nonsense.” She waved me off. “Your father and I will take you two out to a proper meal. We need to talk to you about something anyway.”

Just then, the bells of the front door chimed, signaling that there were new customers.

“Mom, I don’t know if-“

My father’s voice suddenly boomed from behind me as he enveloped me into a bear hug. “Honey! I didn’t know you’d be here. How was class?”

I grinned widely, letting myself be pulled into his large frame. He was dressed in his usual suit, very well polished as always. His dark hair, slowly starting to grey, was slicked back in his usual professional manner. Although my father held a tired expression for most of every time I saw him, his personality never shifted. My father was not easily angered, but when he was angry, he never spoke. But, you knew. And that was all that mattered. “Class was fine, Dad.” I smiled, still being pulled close to his hefty frame.

“Richard, Chelsea and Dexter are going to join us for lunch today. We might as well discuss what we were going to tell her tonight anyway, don’t you think?” My mother turned her gaze up, still distracted by the many receipts in her hands.

“Beautiful idea!” My father smiled widely from beside me, adjusting the buttons of his suit and fiddling with his tie as he turned to face me. “Honey, you remember where Roberto’s is right? I’m feeling Mexican.”


“It will be fine, darling.” Dexter assured me as he pulled into the parking lot of the fairly classy Mexican Restaurant.

I shook my head slowly, licking over my lips as he put the car into park. “Again, I am so sorry.”

I don’t know how many times I had already apologized in advance for dragging him to have lunch with my parents on the car ride from the hospital to the restaurant, but I’d made my apology pretty clear. Not to imply that my parents didn’t like Dexter. On the contrary, my parents have liked Dexter far more than the other guys that I’ve dated. They’ve encountered each other a few times when Dexter would pick me up, or as they were leaving the house and Dexter would be coming in. However, they have never spent more than an hour with each other, which is why the upcoming situation worried me greatly.

Dexter’s hand rested on my lower back as he guided me into the restaurant and to our table, his frame never leaving my side. As we approached the table, my parents were laughing about some story my mother was telling my dad about a strange customer at the bakery.

My parents had a beautiful marriage, something I’ve always dreamed of having. Not only were they husband and wife, but they were also best friends. I cherished the moments where I would witness them joking around with each other or bonding over some weird hobby they had in common, like bowling. However, just like every other marriage, they had their fights, quite a few of them actually. But that’s what made their marriage special. Despite their many predicaments and bumps in the road, they still possessed an undying love for each other. I’ve always told myself, one day, that I would have that, what they had.

“Dexter, it’s great to see you again.” My mother smiled, still shaking from laughter at the story she was telling my dad.

Dexter grinned, “Mrs. Weiston, you look wonderful today.”

“And what about me, young man? Do I look wonderful as well?” My dad raised an eyebrow jokingly, trying to maintain a serious face but failing miserably.

I scoffed as Dexter’s eyes flittered to my father, an amused expression on his face. “Yes, sir. You’re looking extremely dapper as well.”

My dad then erupted into another fit of laughter, “I’m glad! An appearance like this isn’t easy to pull off, you know?”

“I can only imagine, Dad. You probably spend hours just trying to get your hair slicked back right.” I rolled my eyes jokingly, playing along with their banter.

Lunch went along pretty smoothly from their. Dexter didn’t hesitate in pulling out all of his charm, impressing my dad with his knowledge of stocks and politics and charming my mother with numerous jokes that got the whole table erupting in laughter, causing everyone around us to stare. They absolutely loved him, and I honestly questioned why I ever thought that they wouldn’t. He was so good at this, impressing people. Even I found myself drawn to him as he told stories that I’d already heard a million times before. His presence had that effect on everyone, and I found myself wondering what he was doing with an ordinary person like me.

After the laughter died down, and our plates were taken away, my parents cracked down to business, still maintaining their witty demeanor.

“Honey. Your father has been offered a job in New York at the CEO Headquarters.” My mother explained slowly, making sure that I understood every word.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, “Dad! That’s great. But, how does that work? New York is hours away from Connecticut. The commute is practically impossible.”

My father licked over his lips, leaning forward in a solemn tone. “I know, which brings up our next point.” He leaned back and placed an arm around my mother’s waist, pulling her close to him. “We’re moving to New York.”