Fairy Dust

Lin got kicked out of high school because she couldn't make the grade...
She does drugs...
She smokes...
She prostitutes...
Really she's just your all around "bad girl".

But so is the girl she keeps seeing on her 'trips'.

A drug has been going around New York City called "Fairy Dust". It's a mysterious powder that is said to make the user see crazy things. People have committed suicide from the use as well as have been video recorded fornicating with fire hydrants. It is a drug that can make anything happen. When Lin stumbles upon to the drug, she sees a girl. The girl has luminescent wings on her back and the cheekiest smile she has ever seen. Her name is Krys. And she just happens to be as bad as Lin is...
  1. Promo
    This is a video that I made for my story!
  2. Chapter One
  3. Chapter Two