Status: In progress, updating frequently

Brain Dead

Chapter 1: A rude awakening

Journal Entry #1, 07/16/12, 8:00h
I awoke this morning, or at least what I thought was morning, to being loosely chained up in this bed. See, this wouldn't be that strange for me, as I am in to that
stuff, but this was different. I was in a plain white room. I can't remember anything. Nothing. And if I try to remember something, I get this pain in my temple.
As if something, or someone, doesn't want me to remember. What could be so horrible that I wouldn't want to remember it? Oh wait, scratch that thought, there's plenty
of things. Anyways, I hear someone coming. This is Skylar, signing out.

The man gently opens the door, as if he thought he would awaken me, only to realize I had gotten out of the crappy chains attached to the bed. He gawks at me for a
second, then back at the bed. He shakes it off and returns to his primary goal of coming here. To deliver a box of some sort. I presume it must be breakfast.

"Morning Miss Dominque. I see that you have gotten out of bed. Good. It is time for you to eat anyways. The doctor will see you soon. I think you will like him." says
the man.

"Doctor?" I reply. "This doesn't look like a hospital. Hey Mister, where am I anyways? China?"

"Miss Dominique, don't be so facetious. You know where you are, and you know exactly why you are here. Now please eat up. We wouldn't want you to stave." the man says.

I stare at him, confused, and decided that if I tell him I connot remember anything, he will make an excuse for it, or say I'm being silly. I accept the food and insist
that he leaves while I eat. I have insecurities okay? So sue me. Anyways, as I opened the box of food, I got a nasty waft of the foulest odour. It was a mix between
sulfur and rotten cheese. I practically vomited when the smell hit me. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to look at the food, but I did anyways. I think it looked even
worse than it smelled. There was a mix of mashed potatoes, an empty chip bag, rotten egg salad, and a bit of an old shoe.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I exclaimed, quickly backing away from the food.

I stared at it, my mind baffled at why they would feed me this. Was I some sort of murderer or something!? Who feeds this to someone? As I was about to crawl back into
the bed, something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. An army of tiny, round, black spiders abrubtly climbled out of the mound of grabage.I screamed in horror,
and frantically ran for the door. Of course, it was locked from the outside.


Someone rushed in about 2 seconds after I screamed. This time, it was a very tiny Fillipino woman. She looked around the room, and proceed to say to me,

"What? There's nothing in here besides that bed, the table and chair, and your plate of food. Calm down, Doctor Fry is coming to see you now."

"No way! I saw them with my own two eyes! There had to be about fifty little spiders coming out of that so-called 'food'. Didn't you see them?"

" Maybe you are just hallucinating. I'll tell Doctor Fry about that. Here he comes now. Doctor Fry! In here! Miss Dominique just expierenced an hallucination. You should
check her out."

"Alright, thank you Mrs.Dans, I smell a promotion in the air." Doctor Fry replies. " Ah, now for you Miss Dominique, or should I call you Skylar?"

"I prefer Skylar."

"Skylar it is then. Now, I am about to give you this needle, it will get rid of your hallucinations."

"What? What if I don't want you to? Can you tell me why I am here?"

"Now,now Skylar, if you want to live, you will allow me to do as I will. And as to why you are here, don't you remember killing all of those FBI agents? For your 'sane'
sister? Silly girl. Now just hold still." He says.

So many questions ran through my mind. Did I really kill all of those people? Sister? Do I even have family? What in the world is he talk...and the then drugs kicked in,
causing me to pass out.