Status: In progress, updating frequently

Brain Dead

Chapter 5: Another Person And A Story

[Tess’ POV]

The last few days haven’t been easy. Dr. Louis has been sending me in for several tests each day, and it’s becoming harder and harder for me to send telepathy messages to Skylar. I wish he would understand; that this is real, and that I’m not crazy. ‘That’s what they all say’ I hear him constantly chant. He thinks I may have a tumour, that creates the ‘voices’ in my head. I’m going into surgery in 2 days and I’m scared. I’m worried it will effect my telepathy and that I won’t be able to send them anymore. If I can’t send telepathic messages to Skylar, then we may never be able to see each other again! I mean, she’s in prison and I’m in this asylum. I have to find a way to get out of surgery. God, I miss Skylar. I miss everything. Her smile, her laugh, her face. I haven’t seen her since what happened when we were little. I can’t remember what happened, or why we were separated...I only remember Skylar killing FBI agents before we were sent off to prison and the asylum. All I know is when we were separated, that's when we found out our twin telepathy powers. She started sending messages, odd messages, but I knew that it was her. I knew I wasn’t insane. I spent every minute of my time looking into twin telepathy. I realised since we were both very new, she hadn’t harnessed her powers yet. With all the messages she was sending involuntarily, I started to get horrible headaches. My foster parents noticed, and they had me sent in to see if anything was wrong. The tests came back that I was mentally unstable, and I was marked as ‘dangerous’. I was sent off to this asylum I’m in now. I longed to see her again. I must think of a plan so I can get out of my surgery. My entire future with Skylar depends on it! ~Tess

A single tear fell freely down my face as I thought of Skylar. I missed her so much. More than anything I could ever imagine. If I ever found out anything happened to her....I don’t know what I would do.
“Nurse!” I called out.
A petite old and sweet looking nurse scurried in. Yes Ms. Dominique? How may I assist you.” She asked with a small smile.
“I need to find out exactly when my brain surgery is please. It's vital that I know.” I said firmly.
“As yes. That’s at 3:00 on thursday, two days from now. You will be getting ready for the surgery around 2:00.” She looked down at her clipboard.
“Why..?” She said wearily.
“It’s nothing, I’m just curious.” I lied.
“Tess...theres something you should know..” the nurse said quietly.
My heart beat faster as I awaited what she had to say.
“I know about your telepathic powers. I’ve been observing you ever since you came to the asylum. When I heard your story, it was nothing new. You see, I possess the same skill you do.” The old nurse looked up at me with a worried expression.
“ have twin telepathy powers?” I said; totally shocked.
“Yes. With my twin sister. We had always kept it a secret, until one day she told my mother and father. She betrayed the promise we made, and we were both sent here. We were so scared. One day when she went into the same surgery you are going into, the telepathy powers stopped. She couldn’t send messages. We were never allowed to see each other, and telepathy was the only way we could keep contact. She felt so alone and scared, she started going insane. It got worse and worse everyday, until the pain and depression were too much, and she killed herself with a knife while eating. I managed to get through the pain of losing my only sister, and always kept the telepathy to myself and hiding the pain so that doctors assumed I was healing. I was finally released at the age of 24, and I’ve been working here ever since, hoping that one day I would find a patient that has the same skill my sister and I once possessed.”
I sat there in shock. There are other people who have the same skill as Skylar and I do? This is incredible, I thought we were the only ones. This is truly unbelievable.

“This is incredible...” I said quietly, still shocked.
“Tell me about your sister.” She said.
“Ah Skylar. She’s the best sister ever. She can help you with any problem, and is always there for you. She always does her best to help and make you happy. She’s a blessing to have as a sister. When we were very young something that I can’t remember happened to our parents and we were sent to an orphanage. We lived most of our childhood in the orphanage, waiting to be adopted. I was bullied because I was small, and Skylar always stood up for me. She would always tell me one day we would get adopted, but I was scared we never would. We always kept to each others side, each other was all we had. That didn’t help us with adoption. We refused to be broken up when a couple or somebody only wanted only one of us. It was usually Skylar who wanted to get adopted. We were only adopted four times, but three of them fell through. The 3rd couple who adopted us didn’t even keep us a week before abandoning us back at the orphanage. the 4th people who adopted us were a sweet married couple. We lived there until we were 14. At around 12 I started hearing a voice. But not just any voice, Skylar’s voice. I thought it was my imagination. I blamed it on puberty. But in fact, it was Skylar involuntarily sending messages before we realised our powers. It started to scare me, and our foster parents were noticing it. My foster mother told me I could trust her with anything. So I told her I had been hearing ‘voices’. Turns out I couldn’t trust her for shit. She told my foster father, and we were sent out for tests. The tests came back saying I had a mental problem, and Skylar was fine. My foster mother told me she was sending me to an asylum, and that she wasn’t having crazy mental children in her family. This was the hardest time in my life. It meant I would never see Skylar anymore. Life in the Asylum was hell. I was scared, alone, surrounded by scary doctors watching my every move. The voices were getting worse, and one day one voice changed it all. A voice sounding like Skylar whispered: ‘Tess! It’s me, Skylar! You aren’t insane, this is my voice connecting to your brainwaves! We’re telepathic!’ I was shocked, and I found myself saying in my head, I’ve missed you. Then she replied ‘I miss you too Tess’ that’s when I dove into learning everything I could about twin telepathy. I realised it was true, and we were often sending messages to each other. I admit it was weird, and a bit scary, but I believed it was real. One day I got news that scared me. The doctors said I was getting worse, because I started to believe the voice and talking to it. I thought maybe they were right, but that didn’t stop me from continuing to connect with Skylar. The doctors told me I was getting sent to a different asylum, and a roommate in the asylum doctors room told me he came from there and it’s so much worse than this place. He told me it was so bad that some people started killing themselves. I told Skylar immediately, begging for her help. I told her all the information about when and where it was happening, and she said she would save me to matter what. The day came, and when the car was stopped in front of the new asylum gates and the doctors from both asylums were talking, Skylar came. She looked calm, but like she was hiding something. When I was locked in the van with a straight jacket on from freaking out earlier that day, I cried tears of joy that I even got to see her face again. It had been 4 years. We were both 16 now. She was beautiful. A strong face, with the same pretty eyes. She looked at me through the window, and smiled bravely. The doctors tried to push her away, and told her to leave. She got mad, and kicked one doctor in the shin. The other proceeded to slap her across the face, and thats when I saw what she was hiding. A knife. She stabbed him in the gut, and he fell to the ground. Nearby watchers called the F.B.I and the police, and the F.B.I arrived first. They tried to take the knife, and she revealed a shot gun. She shot 6 F.B.I agents without fear. the police arrived and struggled to take her away. She was handcuffed and shoved into the vehicle, but not before yelling, ‘Tess! Please be safe! I love you, Keep sending telepathy messages.” I didn’t know how to feel. She was being sent off to prison, and I had no idea what would happen.
The boy in the doctors room was right, the now asylum was hell. The one we’re in now. The one you were in. I’ve been sent to the sponge room so many times and I have scars from the straight jacket clips digging into my flesh. I still haven’t heard from her. It’s scary. And if I can never send messages again because of this, I don’t know what I’ll do.” I took in a deep breath. This old sweet nurse is the only person on the entire planet whom I’ve told the story to. Tears were running down her face.

“Tess...I feel strongly moved by your story. And, I’m willing to help you. I know a way that I can get you out of surgery.”
“Really? You are going to help me?” I felt overjoyed.
“Yes. Now listen closely.” She leaned in and started whispering the plan, and a small grin started to from across my lips.