Status: This Is My First Time Writing. So Please Tell Me If You Like it Or Not!

A Bit Of A Mix

Chapter 6.

I gripped the arm rests tightly as we took off. Even though I had been on a plane quite a few times, they still scared me. I personally would've rather drove but driving underwater isn't exactly possible. B knew I was afraid of flying so she tried talking to make me feel better.

"Look at it this way, if the plane actually makes it and we don't crash land in the ocean you might get to see Niall!" B said smiling at me.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I said turning to look at her.
"Not really. Just stating a fact." She said turning to look at the seat in front of her.
I mumbled go to hell, and continued to grip the arm rest tightly. After about five minutes a speaker announced that we were now allowed to move about the cabin. All three of us went and sat in the couch that was along the right side of the plane. Rae sat and started to talk as usual.

"Well we're going to be on this plane for 7 hours. What do ya wanna do first?"
"I don't know about you but I'm kinda tired. I was up way earlier than usual. So I think I'm going to sleep." I told her stretching my hands high above my head and yawning.
"Sounds like a pretty good idea." B said doing the same. Moments later a small woman with kind brown eyes came up to us and said,

"Good morning ladies. Would you be interested in breakfast?"
All three of us exchanged glances and said in unison "Yes."
She smiled and chuckled quietly, leading us to a table.

"Your food will be ready in moments."
We nodded and waited.
I turned towards Rae.

"Do you always fly like this?"
She replied smiling, "Of course!"
"You are so lucky!" I told her feeling a tiny bit envious. Like the woman said about 2 minutes later a chef came out balancing a tray with our plates on one hand, and a tray with our drinks in another. I managed to get out a wow. We all quickly said our thank you's to the chef, and begun to look at our food.

"Wow." I mumbled.
"I know." B replied. After that no-one spoke only ate.

15 minutes later...

We we're all groaning from being full. B leaned back in her cushioned chair and said.

"Yes, yes it was." I told her groaning loudly.
"Well, what would you like to do?" B said smiling deviously.
"Don't know. Evidently you have something in mind." I told her raising an eyebrow.
"Truth or Dare, Bri?"

And that was the beginning of a horrible mistake....
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Comments mean faster updates! *hint hint* ~KB & HB